Youth Loneliness Toolkit

Are you looking to create more positive spaces in your local area for young people? Looking to tackle youth loneliness in your community? Then the Youth Loneliness Toolkit might be for you!

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Lenka Murova
A bhith an sàs le Ghàidhlig Air Loidhne Toraidhean an t-Suirbhidh Màrt 2023/ Engaging with Gaelic Online - Survey Results March 2023

Tha sinn air a bhith ann an com-pàirteachas le Bòrd na Gàidhlig bho 2018 gus mheudachadh cleachdadh na Gàidhlig agus ionnsachadh am measg dhaoine òga, agus deagh ìomhaigh den chànan adhartachadh.

Tha an suirbhidh seo na phàirt den obair com-pàirteachais seo agus tha e a’ leantainn air na dà shuirbhidh a chaidh a dhèanamh roimhe sa gheamhradh 2020-21 agus 2021-22. Tha e ag amas air ar tuigse àrdachadh air mar a bhios daoine òga a’ dol an sàs le Ghàidhlig air-loidhne, agus na goireasan is meadhanan a chleachdas iad as motha nuair a bhios iad a’ coimhead airson susbaint agus fiosrachadh.

We have been partnering with Bòrd na Gàidhlig since 2018 to increase Scottish Gaelic (Gaelic) use and learning amongst young people in Scotland, and to promote a positive image of the Gaelic language.

This survey is a part of this partnership working and is a continuation of two previous surveys which ran in winter 2020-21 and 2021-22 It aims to increase our understanding of how young people engage with Gaelic online, and to identify the resources and mediums they use most when looking for content and information.

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Education Scotland Young People's Strategic Panel Report

Education Scotland (ES) and Young Scot (YS) established a partnership in April 2021 with the purpose of creating the Young People’s Strategic Panel, a co-design group composed of a variety of young volunteers aged between 13-17 from across Scotland. The Panel has been exploring the work of ES and the UNCRC through their own lived experiences, collaborating with ES staff, identifying their priorities from issues they had identified and testing out their solutions before producing their recommendations for ES to take forward.

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Lenka Murova
#HistoricScot Youth Forum: Final Report and Youth Action Plan

Over the past year, the youth forum has continued working collaboratively with HES to develop and build on the 2021 recommendations. The forum established key priorities before developing these into prototype designs that offer creative solutions and test out how change can be implemented at HES. The HistoricScot Youth Forum was established in 2020 and aimed at increasing youth engagement and connection to heritage as well as actively involving young people in decision-making throughout Historic Environment Scotland (HES).

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Lenka Murova
A bhith an sàs le Ghàidhlig Air-loidhne 2022 / Engaging with Gaelic Online 2022

Lìbhrig Young Scot, ann an com-pàirteachas le Bòrd na Gàidhlig, suirbhidh gus tuigse a mheudachadh air mar a bhios daoine òga a’ cleachdadh Gàidhlig air-loidhne, agus gus na goireasan agus na meadhanan a tha iad a’ cleachdadh as trice gus susbaint agus fiosrachaidh a lorg a chomharrachadh.

Young Scot, in partnership with Bòrd na Gàidhlig, delivered a survey to increase understanding of how young people engage with Gaelic online, and identify the resources and mediums they use most when looking for content and information.

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#YouthVIP Summit - February 2022

Young Scot and YouthLink Scotland delivered the first YouthVIP Summit, an event that was co-designed and co-delivered with young volunteers of the Youth Volunteering Legacy Group. The event brought together young people and organisations across Scotland to discuss the current trends and issues in youth volunteering.

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VolunteeringGuest User
Recommendations: HistoricScot Youth Forum

As part of a partnership, Young Scot and Historic Environment Scotland established the HistoricScot Youth Forum. The aims of the Forum were to explore how to involve young people in the heritage sector and how to make the sector more accessible for young people. This report describes their recommendations on how to make the heritage sector more reflective of young people’s needs.

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Scottish Forestry Workshops

As part of a continued partnership with Scottish Forestry, Young Scot engaged with young people to co-design a content campaign around Scotland’s Forestry Strategy. The aims of the campaign were to share information about the forestry sector and communicate opportunities for young people to be involved in the sector.

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Youth Loneliness Panel - Recommendations and Actions

The Youth Loneliness Panel has worked in collaboration with Young Scot, funded by the Co-op Foundation, as part of a two-year project focused on raising awareness of and tackling Youth Loneliness. The Panel developed a survey to gather insights and experiences from young people on what the main issues are around loneliness and what needs to be implemented to support any young people who are experiencing loneliness.

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Harmful Sexual Behaviours Online

The Scottish Government and Young Scot have been partnering since 2019 to learn more about young people’s knowledge of and opinions about sexual behaviours occurring online. This is part of ongoing work following publication of the report of the Expert Group on Preventing Sexual Offending Involving Children and Young People, and follows the original survey work published in February 2020.

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