Young Scot Big Survey
Over 2,000 respondents took part in the BIG Survey which ran from September 2023 to January 2024 looking into what young people think about life in Scotland, their worries and the issues that mean the most to them.
Surveyed across all local authorities in Scotland the young people also reported that education (60%), climate change (42%) and lack of affordable housing (39%) were most important for young people in Scotland right now.
The research also gives insight into young people’s thoughts on wellbeing, social media, health and AI with almost half (48%) of respondents already using AI and only half (54%) reporting concerns about their personal information and privacy when using the technology.
A 16-year-old from Highland said:
“Climate change is scary, I’d love to have kids but is it cruel to introduce them to a world that might not last? And housing is so expensive that I might have to live with my parents my whole life.”
A 15-year-old from North Ayrshire said:
“I am worried about leaving school and not being able to get a job, a house, have a family. What's it all about at the end of the day? I feel no sense of control or influence on these major topics that will affect my life.”
A 12-year-old from Dumfries and Galloway added:
“Poverty may prevent myself and other young people in Scotland from moving on to further education like university, the cost of living and affordable housing may also affect young people's education and their ability to buy a house when we are older.”
CEO Kirsten Urquhart said:
“Hearing directly from young people about what is important to them is crucial in helping us, and everyone working with young people, understand their concerns and priorities.“These valuable insights into how young people view life in Scotland will help us offer the services most needed and support young people to thrive.”