Scottish Youth Climate Summit 2021

The event will bring together young people, aged 11-26-years old, from a variety of backgrounds and communities to discuss their priorities for climate action in Scotland. It’s taking place (online) on Saturday on 30th October 2021.

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Reid Aiton
#YSAttain: Supporting the wellbeing of young parents facing additional barriers

The 'Attainment Challenge: National Strategic Partnership #YSAttain' is a partnership between Young Scot, the Scottish Government, several local authorities, Transport Scotland, the Improvement Service and the National Entitlement Card Programme Office.

One of our partners is Dundee City Council, and we’ve been supporting them to offer free meals, bus travel and additional Young Scot Rewards linked to health and wellbeing to young people facing financial barriers.

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Lenka Murova
Nominate a young person for the Sunday Mail Young Scot Awards

Young people across Scotland are continuously showing resilience and creativity in times of hardship. There are so many examples of young people helping their families, friends and community; examples of inspiring efforts to improve the lives of others. So – now’s the time to nominate the most inspirational young people in your lives and local areas for the Sunday Mail Young Scot Awards 2022!

Tha daoine òga air feadh Alba an-còmhnaidh a’ sealltainn dhuinn cho seasmhach agus cruthachail sa tha iad ann an amannan duilich. Tha mòran eisimpleirean ann de dhaoine òga a chuidicheas an teaghlaichean, an caraidean agus an coimhearsnachdan; eisimpleirean de oidhirpean iongantach gus beatha dhaoine eile a dhèanamh nas fheàrr. Mar sin - tha an t-àm ann na daoine òga as iongantach nad bheatha agus na sgìrean ionadail a mholadh airson Duaisean Young Scot an Sunday Mail 2022!

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Lenka Murova