Make Time To Resources


Our #MakeTimeTo work encourage young people to make time to look after their mental health and emotional wellbeing. The campaign has been created with input from you from young people from the Young Scot Health Panel and builds on an initial campaign called ‘Make Your Mental Health a Priority’. This campaign has a focus on giving tips from organisations and insights from young people that can be actioned daily that will support mental health and emotional wellbeing.

Here is a link to our campaign page on


These resources are all based on the information found in the #MakeTimeTo campaign. They have more of a focus on taking small actions in a young person’s day and on self care, in order to positively impact mental health and emotional wellbeing,

This activity has three tasks aimed at supporting young people’s mental health. They focus on helping young people think about what they do or could do consider and support their emotional wellbeing, such as what they might enjoy doing in their spare time. There is also a diary example and template to help young people to fit self-care into their day.

Homework Grid
Here you will find a homework grid that young people can use in school. It can be printed out and stuck in their jotters. Young People can then colour in each square once they have completed specific tasks.

Homework Grid Survey
Once young people have completed at least five activities using the homework grid, they can complete this survey.