Activate Your Rights
Created in partnership with the Scottish Government and Children in Scotland, we have co-designed an exciting resource with children and young people across Scotland.
As part of the wider work to progress children’s rights, the Scottish Government developed an action plan, with a strand of this being to develop and deliver a programme to raise awareness and understanding of children’s rights across all sectors of society in Scotland. This resource pack is part of this programme to raise awareness of rights.
Within this pack you will find a range of activities that have been co-designed by children and young people to help you ensure that the children and young people you are working with are aware of and understand their rights. With a focus of group work and interactivity, the resources in this pack are fun and interesting, whilst also being informative about children and young people’s rights. The activities are flexible to suit children and young people’s needs, with a huge variety of activities ranging from early years to senior level. You can download the pack as a whole or if you want to focus on a specific set of rights, you will see that we have split them into three sections: Rights Awareness, Rights in Action and Rights Resilience.