Healthier Scotland Report


In August 2015, the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing launched a national conversation on the future of health and social care to help shape a transformational change on Scotland’s approach to population health, and to the delivery of health and social care services by 2030. To ensure young people could play a leadership role, Young Scot was commissioned by the Scottish Government’s Creating a Healthier Scotland Joint Improvement Team to involve young people in the national conversation in a meaningful and informed way to explore three broad questions:

  1. What support do we need in Scotland to make healthier choices?

  2. What areas of health and social care matter most to you?

  3. Thinking about the future of health and social care services, where should our future focus be?

In this final report, we are contributing to the wider Creating a Healthier Scotland conversation and identify how our group can evolve to continue young people’s leadership in creating a healthier Scotland.

You can read a text version, view a preview or download a PDF version of the full report below.