Rannsachadh ùr bho Young Scot air mar a tha daoine òga airson a’ Ghàidhlig a chleachdadh air-loidhne / New Young Scot research on how young people want to engage online with Gaelic
We’ve launched new national research on how young people want to engage online with Gaelic.
Since 2018, we have been partnering with Bòrd na Gàidhlig and creating engaging and informative content in Gaelic for young people. Our young.scot/gaelic pages host content in Gaelic alongside opportunities, events and Young Scot Rewards.
The new research is from a survey we have run between November 2020 and February 2021 that over 700 young people took part in. The young people who took part in the research had varying levels of fluency – from new learners of the language through to fluent speakers.
The survey was designed to increase our understanding of how young people want to access information and social media content in Gaelic. By sharing the results publicly, we want to help others in the sector to shape their Gaelic content and information.
Key findings:
Around two thirds of respondents (66.8%) stated that they think Gaelic culture and heritage is very valuable, and around two thirds of respondents (65.9%) stated that they think the Gaelic language is very valuable.
The most common reasons that young people who are learning Gaelic have an interest in the language - is to learn more about Gaelic music and literature.
Respondents who are fluent in Gaelic would like to receive more content in Gaelic that they can use in their daily lives - as opposed to content about learning the language. They also would like to get more information in Gaelic about current events, news, and politics.
Respondents said that the most useful websites for learning Gaelic are Duolingo, learngaelic.net and BBC Alba/iPlayer.
Respondents said they would like to learn Gaelic through short form videos using TikTok or Instagram Reels – and other popular choices were interactive content on Instagram stories and long form videos on Instagram or YouTube.
Respondents who are learning Gaelic said that they wanted learning resources, information and opportunities provided in school.
We will use this research to refine our social media output and ensure we’re creating engaging Gaelic content for all young people – tailored to whether they’re learning the language or are fluent speakers.
Tha sinn air rannsachadh nàiseanta ùr air mar a tha daoine òga airson a’ Ghàidhlig a chleachdadh air-loidhne a chuir air bhog.
Bho 2018, tha sinn air a bhith ag obair ann an com-pàirteachas còmhla ri Bòrd na Gàidhlig gus susbaint Gàidhlig a tha tarraingeach agus fiosrachail a chruthachadh airson daoine òga. Tha na duilleagan young.scot/gaelic againn a’ toirt aoigheachd do shusbaint agus fiosrachadh sa Ghàidhlig còmhla ri fiosrachadh mu dheidhinn cothroman, thachartasan agus Duaisean Young Scot.
Tha an rannsachadh ùr air tighinn bho suirbhidh a chaidh a ruith eadar an t-Samhain 2020 agus an Gearran 2021 anns an do ghabh còrr is 700 neach òg pàirt. Bha diofair ìrean de fhileantachd aig an òigridh a ghabh pàirt anns an t-suirbhidh – bho dhaoine aig nach robh Gàidhlig sam bith gu feadhainn a bha fileanta.
Chaidh an suirbhidh a dhealbhadh gus ar tuigse àrdachadh air mar a tha daoine òga airson a dhol an sàs le fiosrachadh agus susbaint meadhanan sòisealta sa Ghàidhlig. Le bhith a’ roinneadh nan toraidhean gu poblach, tha sinn airson buidhnean eile san roinn a chuideachadh gus an susbaint agus am fiosrachadh Gàidhlig aca a leasachadh.
Prìomh Thoraidhean
Thuirt mu dhà thrian den luchd-fhreagairt (66.8%) gu bheil cultar agus dualchas na Gàidhlig glè luachmhor, agus thuirt mu dhà thrian dhiubh cuideachd (65.9%) gu bheil cànan na Gàidhlig glè luachmhor.
‘S e ùidh ann an ceòl agus litreachas Gàidhlig an adhbhar as cumanta airson ùidh a bhith aig daoine ann a bhith ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig.
Bu mhath le luchd-freagairt a tha fileanta sa Ghàidhlig barrachd susbaint fhaighinn anns a’ Ghàidhlig a ghabhas cleachdadh nam beatha làitheil - seach susbaint mu bhith ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig. Bu mhath leotha cuideachd barrachd fiosrachaidh fhaighinn anns a’ Ghàidhlig mu chùisean an là, naidheachdan agus poilitigs.
Thuirt luchd-freagairt gur e Duolingo, learngaelic.net agus BBC Alba/iPlayer na goireasan as fheumaile airson a bhith ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig.
Thuirt luchd-freagairt gum bu mhath leotha Gàidhlig ionnsachadh tro bhideothan goirid air TikTok no Instagram Reels – bha susbaint eadar-ghnìomhach air sgeulachdan Instagram agus bhideothan fada air IGTV no YouTube cuideachd nan roghainnean mòr-chòrdte.
Thuirt luchd-freagairt a tha ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig gu robh iad ag iarraidh goireasan ionnsachaidh, fiosrachadh agus cothroman air an toirt seachad san sgoil.