LockdownLowdown - what young people in Scotland are thinking about COVID-19

Key findings and data analysis
May 2020
The Scottish Youth Parliament
YouthLink Scotland
Young Scot

LockdownLowdown – what young people in Scotland are thinking about COVID-19

The Scottish Youth Parliament, YouthLink Scotland and Young Scot partnered to deliver LockdownLowdown – a survey of young people from across Scotland on their concerns about COVID-19. The survey took places from 3rd – 17th April 2020.

The survey results give a clear picture of what young people are currently worried about – and the impact it’s having on their lives. We are sharing this information with stakeholders and encouraging them to use the insights to feed directly into policy design and service provision in response to the pandemic.

Following on from the initial survey, we are encouraging young people to keep submitting their concerns on a weekly survey on social media. This is helping to track the key issues. Young Scot is using this insight and tailor their digital information to ensure that young people have all the information they need. The information is also being used by youth workers to support their work, and by Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament to inform their advocacy activities.

"Young people need reassurance that their life opportunities are not at risk. Before the pandemic, we already knew that young people were battling a mental health epidemic, with rates of depression and anxiety skyrocketing. The findings from LockdownLowdown reveal that 40% are moderately to extremely concerned about their own mental wellbeing. With their democratic mandate, Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament will work with decision-makers for the benefit of young people’s futures in the context COVID-19."

Jack Dudgeon MSYP, Chair, Scottish Youth Parliament

“The findings of the survey echo much of what we hear from youth workers across Scotland. Many young people are anxious about what life is like now and what it will be like post lockdown, and the impact of social isolation on their mental health and wellbeing. Youth workers will continue to find innovative ways to support young people through this uncertain time in their lives. It is not just the actions as a society we take now that will be crucial, young people deserve a commitment to the continuity of the services that support them post COVID-19.”

Tim Frew, CEO, YouthLink Scotland

”It’s no surprise that young people can feel overwhelmed or scared by everything they’re hearing about COVID-19, and the results of LockdownLowdown give us vital insight into what they are experiencing right now. At Young Scot, we will not waver from our commitment to young people and will continue to work tirelessly to provide relevant and accessible daily digital information. This will ensure that young people have all the information they need to make informed decisions and choices during these unsettling times.”

Louise Macdonald OBE, CEO, Young Scot

Key Findings - Young people’s concerns regarding the impact of COVID-19

  1. Over two fifths (42%) stated that they were Extremely or Moderately concerned about school, college and university closures. Respondents expressed more concern regarding exams and coursework, with around half (49%) stating that they were Moderately or Extremely concerned.

  2. Of those who answered a question about their employment situation, over a third (36%) stated that they were Moderately or Extremely concerned.

  3. Of those who answered a question about their financial situation, almost a third (30%) said that they are Moderately or Extremely concerned.

  4. A quarter (25%) rated themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned about their own physical wellbeing. However, two fifths (41%) said there are Moderately or Extremely concerned about the wellbeing of others.

  5. This pattern was mirrored when respondents were asked about mental wellbeing. Almost two fifths (39%) stated that they felt Moderately or Extremely concerned about their own mental wellbeing. When asked about the mental wellbeing of others, 46% stated that they felt Moderately or Extremely concerned about the wellbeing of others.

  6. When asked about the impact on their social relationships with family or friends, two fifths (40%) rated themselves as Moderately or Somewhat concerned.

  7. When asked about their ability to access their rights as a young person, over half of the respondents (58%) stated that they had some concern over their rights.

  8. When asked about their ability to look out for or care for others, almost a third (30%) rated themselves as Moderately or Somewhat concerned.

  9. Almost two thirds of respondents (61%) stated that they were Moderately or Extremely concerned about the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on their future.

  10. Respondents were asked to provide examples of any other issues that they may be concerned about regarding coronavirus. There were 872 responses which were categorised into 25 main themes. The most common themes were further educational, economic and social impacts, as well as referencing the practicalities of being in lockdown or social distancing. These main themes comprised of many secondary themes which have been explored in this report.

    Key Findings - Access to information about coronavirus (COVID-19)

  11. Respondents were asked if they knew how to access information about certain topics during the coronavirus outbreak. The topics that respondents were most confident in accessing information about were Information, advice and updates around lockdown (90% selected Yes), and Activities to do while inside (82% selected Yes).

  12. Respondents were asked to provide examples of any other topics that they may like more information about. There were 550 responses which were categorised into 19 main themes. The most common themes were topics around education, updates around returning to normal or the future, and information and support for specific groups. These main themes comprised of many secondary themes which have been explored in this report.

  13. The topics that respondents were least confident in accessing information about were Support for mental health and wellbeing (40% selected No) and Financial support that may be available to you (61% selected No).

  14. Most respondents stated that they are able to access online services via a device at home (99%) and access to reliable broadband/data at home (96%).

    Key Findings - The role of decision makers in relation to coronavirus (COVID-19)

  15. Respondents were given a list of six types of decision maker and asked who they thought should be providing information around coronavirus. Most respondents (87%) stated that Politicians should be providing information around coronavirus. Over half of the respondents selected Teachers (55%) and around a third selected Youth workers (34%). The least commonly selected group was Young people (selected by 22%).

  16. Respondents were asked to provide examples of actions that they would like to see decision makers take to tackle issues surrounding coronavirus.

    There were 2,418 responses which were categorised into 40 main themes.

    This report demonstrates the 20 most popular themes, the most prominent ensuring that information is clear, honest and from a reliable source.

    Other themes included:

    • Improvements to current impact on education

    • Make current restrictions stricter

    • Clarification of existing measures

These main themes comprised of many secondary themes which have been explored in this report.

Key Findings - Rural/Urban Demographic Exploration

  1. Concerns around the impact of coronavirus were similar across the demographic groups, with all selecting the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on the future as their top concern. The second most concerning issue across the groups were exams or coursework, followed by concern over mental health (either their own or others).

  2. Respondents were asked if they knew how to access information about certain topics during the coronavirus outbreak. The topics that respondents were most confident in accessing were Information, advice and updates around lockdown and Activities to do while inside. Those who identified as living in urban areas were slightly less confident than others in accessing information around How to help others during this time. Those who identified as living in rural areas were slightly less confident than others in accessing information around Financial support that may be available to you.

  3. There were no significant differences between rural/urban demographic groups in access to an online device, reliable broadband or data at home.

  4. Respondents were given a list of six types of decision maker and asked who they thought should be providing information around coronavirus. Respondents across all groups stated that Politicians should be providing information around coronavirus. The least commonly selected group was Young people.

Key Findings - SIMD Demographic Exploration

  1. Concerns around the impact of coronavirus were similar across the demographic groups, with all selecting the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on the future as their top concern. The second most concerning issue differed across groups, with those in Quintile 1 selecting Mental health and wellbeing of others, Quintiles 2, 3 and 5 Exams or coursework, and Quintile 4 Social relationships.

  2. Respondents were asked if they knew how to access information about certain topics during the coronavirus outbreak. The topics that respondents were most confident in accessing information about were Information, advice and updates around lockdown and Activities to do while inside.

    Those in SIMD quintiles 2 and 3 were slightly less confident than others in accessing information around Support for mental health and wellbeing.

    Respondents from quintile 3 were slightly less confident in accessing information around Financial support that may be available to you.

  3. Respondents who lived in Quintiles 1, 2 and 5 were marginally less likely to have access to an online device, reliable broadband or data at home.

  4. Respondents were given a list of six types of decision maker and asked who they thought should be providing information around coronavirus. All age groups selected Politicians as their main preference for who should be providing information around COVID-19, followed by Teachers. Youth workers were the third most commonly selected choice for respondents living in quintiles 1, 2 and 3. Young people was the least preferred option across all SIMD groups.

Key Findings - Age Demographic Exploration

  1. Concerns around the impact of coronavirus were similar across the demographic groups, with all selecting the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on the future as their top concern. The second most concerning issue differed across groups, with those aged 11 to 15 selecting Social relationships, 16 to 18 year olds Exams or coursework, and Over 18s Mental health and wellbeing of others.

  2. Respondents were asked if they knew how to access information about certain topics during the coronavirus outbreak. The topics that respondents were most confident in accessing information about were Information, advice and updates around lockdown and Activities to do while inside. Those aged 16 and over were slightly less confident than others in accessing information around Support for mental health and wellbeing. Respondents aged 16 to 18 were less confident than others in accessing information around Activities to do while inside and How to help others during this time. Those aged 18 and under were less confident than others in accessing information around Financial support that may be available to you.

  3. Younger age groups were marginally less likely to have access to an online device, reliable broadband or data at home.

  4. Respondents were given a list of six types of decision maker and asked who they thought should be providing information around coronavirus. All age groups selected Politicians as their main preference for who should be providing information around COVID-19. Teachers were the next most common respondents across groups except for over 18-year-olds who selected Charities as their second favourite option. Youth workers were selected more often by the youngest age group that the older ones. Young people was the least preferred option across all age groups.

Key Findings - Gender Demographic Exploration

  1. Concerns around the impact of coronavirus were similar across the demographic groups, with all selecting the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on the future as their top concern.

    There were no differences in concern between male and female respondents, with the second most concerning topic being Exams or coursework, followed by Mental health and wellbeing of others. The second most important issue for non-binary respondents after the future was personal mental health.

  2. Respondents were asked if they knew how to access information about certain topics during the coronavirus outbreak. The topics that respondents were most confident in accessing information about were Information, advice and updates around lockdown and Activities to do while inside. Respondents who identified as non-binary were less confident in how to access information for all the topics when compared to male and female respondents.

  3. Non-binary respondents were marginally less likely to have access to an online device, reliable broadband or data at home compared to male and female respondents.

  4. Respondents were given a list of six types of decision maker and asked who they thought should be providing information around coronavirus. All gender groups selected Politicians as their main preference for who should be providing information around COVID-19. Teachers were the second preference for both male and female respondents whereas those who identified as non-binary selected Youth workers. Male and Non-binary respondents selected Charities more often than Female respondents. Young people was the least preferred option across all gender groups.

Key Findings - Education or Employment Status Demographic Exploration

  1. Concerns around the impact of coronavirus were similar across the demographic groups, with all selecting the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on the future as their top concern. The second most concerning issue differed between educational/employment status. Those in school, college and part-time employment selected Exams or coursework, respondents in university and the unemployed selected Mental health and wellbeing of others, and those employed full-time selected Physical health and wellbeing of others. For those in an apprenticeship or training, the joint second most concerning issues were the physical and mental health of others.

  2. Respondents were asked if they knew how to access information about certain topics during the coronavirus outbreak. The topics that respondents were most confident in accessing information about were Information, advice and updates around lockdown and Activities to do while inside.

  3. Respondents in college, part-time employment and apprenticeship/training were less likely to have access to an online device, reliable broadband or data at home compared to other respondents.

  4. Respondents were given a list of six types of decision maker and asked who they thought should be providing information around coronavirus. All groups selected Politicians as their main preference for who should be providing information around COVID-19. When looking at respondents in education, Teachers were the second preference for those in school and college whereas those in university selected Charities. Young people was the least commonly selected option across these three groups.

    For respondents in part-time employment, Teachers were the second preference, whereas full-time respondents selected Charities. Young people was the least commonly selected option for both of these groups. For those who were unemployed, Teachers were the second most selected option and Young people the least. For those undertaking an apprenticeship or training, Teachers were the second most selected option and Businesses the least.

Key Findings - Ethnicity Demographic Exploration

  1. Concerns around the impact of coronavirus were similar across the demographic groups, with all selecting the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on the future as their top concern, followed by Exams or coursework.

    The third most concerning issue differed between groups, with White respondents selecting Mental health and wellbeing of others, Asian/Asian British Physical health and wellbeing of others, and Black/African/Caribbean/Black British and Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups School, college and university closures.

  2. Respondents were asked if they knew how to access information about certain topics during the coronavirus outbreak. The topics that respondents were most confident in accessing information about were Information, advice and updates around lockdown and Activities to do while inside.

    Respondents in mixed/multiple ethnic groups were less confident in accessing information around Information, advice and updates around lockdown than the other groups. Asian/Asian British respondents were less confident in accessing information around Activities to do while inside, Support for mental health and wellbeing and Financial support that may be available to you than the other groups. There were no real differences between those who identified as White or Black, African, Caribbean or Black British when compared to the other groups.

  3. There were no demographic differences between respondents in regard to accessing an online device at home. Asian/Asian British respondents were slightly less likely to have access to reliable broadband or data at home compared to other respondents.

  4. Respondents were given a list of six types of decision maker and asked who they thought should be providing information around coronavirus. All groups selected Politicians as their main preference for who should be providing information around COVID-19. White and Asian/Asian British respondents selected Businesses more often than the other ethnic groups, whose third choices were Charities. Young people was the least preferred option across all demographic groups.

LockdownLowdown – Survey Results

The survey received 2,421 completed responses. Respondents were given a list of twelve issues that may be worrying them during this time and were asked to rate their level of concern. Educational impacts How are you feeling about school, college and university closures? Almost two fifths stated that they were Extremely or Moderately concerned. 104 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. How are you feeling about any exams or coursework you may have? Respondents expressed more concern regarding exams and coursework, with around half stating that they were Moderately or Extremely concerned. 490 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. 13 Employment and financial impacts How are you feeling about your employment situation? This question was applicable to just under half of the survey respondents. Over a third were Moderately or Extremely concerned. 1,290 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. How are you feeling about your financial situation? This question was applicable to over half of the survey respondents. Almost a third said that they are Moderately or Extremely concerned. 1,016 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. Health and wellbeing impacts How are you feeling about your physical wellbeing? A quarter rated themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned. 14 How are you feeling about your mental wellbeing? Almost two fifths of respondents stated that they felt Moderately or Extremely concerned. How are you feeling about the physical wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? Responses to this question were also mixed, with most respondents selecting Slightly, Somewhat or Moderately concerned. How are you feeling about the mental wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? The most commonly selected responses were Moderately and Somewhat concerned. Around a fifth of respondents stated that they were Extremely concerned. Social impact How are you feeling about the impact on your social relationships with family or friends? Around two fifths rated themselves as Moderately or Somewhat concerned. 15 Impact on young people’s rights How are you feeling about your ability to access your rights as a young person? Over half of respondents stated that they had some concern over their rights. *Extremely concerned Impact on caring for others How are you feeling about your ability to look out for/care for others? The most common response was Slightly concerned. 510 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. Impact on the future How are you feeling about the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on the future? Almost two thirds stated that they were Moderately or Extremely concerned. *Not at all concerned 6%* 4%* 16 Other issues that young people are concerned about regarding coronavirus (COVID-19) There were 872 suggestions freely typed by respondents. These responses were categorised into 25 main themes, demonstrated below. 197 respondents typed a variation of No or Nothing. There were 27 responses that were classified as non-applicable. These main themes were made of several themes each. These are explored in the following tables. Educational impacts Secondary themes Responses Impact on education (schools) 123 Impact on education (further education) 70 Transitioning to further education 8 Transitioning from primary to secondary school 5 Impact on international students 2 17 Economic impacts Social impacts Fearing for family or friends Secondary themes Responses Impact on economy or financial future 70 Impact on employment 43 Impact on housing situation 15 Impact on local businesses 10 Impact on events, hospitality and tourism industries 3 Secondary themes Responses Ability to regularly see family and friends 38 Impact on extracurricular activities 16 Impact on friendships 7 Missing out on entertainment or events 4 Ability to visit parents if they are separated 3 Family does not live in UK 3 Impact on family dynamic 3 Impact on relationship 3 Racism 3 Ability to see loved ones in palliative care 2 Impact on church 1 Secondary themes Responses Family or friends catching coronavirus 40 Family or friends experiencing poor mental health 8 Underlying health conditions (relative) 8 Relative is a key worker 4 Family or friends experiencing poor physical health 3 Risking family's health as a key worker 2 Relative is stranded abroad 1 18 Societal impacts Impact on mental health Timeframes Practicalities of being in lockdown or social distancing Secondary themes Responses How life will get back to normal after coronavirus 37 Society may change 10 Lack of freedom or human rights 7 Potential for mass hysteria or rioting 4 Potential for increase in crime 2 Secondary themes Responses Poor mental health 57 Key workers experiencing poor mental health 3 Secondary themes Responses How long coronavirus will be around for 24 Lockdown being lifted too soon 17 How long lockdown will last 16 Speed that coronavirus is spreading 1 Secondary themes Responses Having to move to online learning or working 20 Ability to access essential goods 16 Boredom 6 Lack of routine 6 Ability to attend funerals of loved ones 2 Lack of green spaces in cities for exercise 2 Ability to go the shops for non-essential items 1 Living with others during this time 1 Losing Wifi 1 Unable to help with shopping 1 19 Worried about vulnerable groups Lack of support Criticism of government Secondary themes Responses Disabled or vulnerable people not receiving adequate support 21 People who are isolated more than others 9 Homeless people 7 People who are in unsafe domestic situations 6 Lack of support for care experienced young people 1 Not focusing on minorities 1 Secondary themes Responses Lack of mental health support 18 Lack of communication from SQA 4 Lack of funding for students 4 Lack of support for graduates 4 Lack of consistency in university policies 3 Lack of financial help for those who cannot work 3 Lack of information or advice 3 Ability to access youth workers 2 Not seen as having a critical condition 1 Secondary themes Responses Lack of trust in politicians or government 19 Lockdown is an extreme reaction 6 Government needs to be stricter 3 20 People not taking current measures seriously Uncertainty around cure for or coronavirus returning in the future General concerns Lack of resource Criticism of media Secondary themes Responses Social distancing not being taken seriously 20 Lack of public understanding of severity 2 Older generations taking coronavirus less seriously than younger 2 People buying non-essential items 2 People believing the virus is not real 1 Secondary themes Responses Coronavirus coming back in the future 14 If there will be a cure 5 Secondary themes Responses Impact on future (general) 13 The safety measures (general) 2 Generally concerned 1 Secondary themes Responses Lack of PPE 8 Lack of testing 6 Lack of medical equipment 1 Secondary themes Responses Misinformation or fake news 7 Lack of trust in the media 4 Media increasing panic and anxiety 4 21 Personally feeling vulnerable Impact on physical health Environmental impacts Healthcare impacts Number of deaths from coronavirus Experience of young carers Secondary themes Responses Underlying health conditions (individual) 6 Living in an abusive situation 2 Having a baby during this time 1 Likelihood of catching it in a small place 1 Living alone 1 Stranded abroad 1 Secondary themes Responses Poor physical health 10 Secondary themes Responses Impact on environment 8 Secondary themes Responses Impact on other healthcare areas 3 Strain on NHS 3 NHS funding will still be cut when this passes 2 Secondary themes Responses Number of deaths from coronavirus 7 Secondary themes Responses Practicalities of being a young carer 5 Discrimination against young carers 1 22 Personally catching coronavirus Political impacts Other Secondary themes Responses Personally catching coronavirus 6 Secondary themes Responses Politicians will take advantage of the situation 4 Impact on Brexit 1 Laws that will be changed 1 Secondary themes Responses Worrying about others (general) 5 Ability to see animals that do not live in the house 3 Impact on learning to drive 3 Lack of volunteering opportunities for young people 3 Older generations judging young people's behaviour 3 Animals getting coronavirus 2 Impact on charities 2 Impact on travelling abroad 2 Being judged by others if going outside 1 Comment on survey 1 Consumption of alcohol and cigarettes 1 Feeling unsafe when in public 1 Impact on other countries 1 Impact on the arts 1 Leaders catching coronavirus 1 Loss of achievements 1 Origins of coronavirus 1 People making a profit from the situation 1 Rise of scams 1 Trialling letting young people back outside 1 Unable to celebrate end of school 1 Worried about other viruses 1 23 Access to information about coronavirus (COVID-19) If you wanted to access information about the topics below during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, do you know how to do that? The topics that respondents were most confident in accessing information about were Information, advice and updates around lockdown and Activities to do while inside. The topics that respondents were least confident in accessing information about were Support for mental health and wellbeing and Financial support that may be available to you. 24 Are there any other issues that you are currently worried or concerned about regarding coronavirus (COVID-19)? There were 550 suggestions freely typed by respondents. These responses were categorised into 19 main themes, demonstrated below. 312 respondents typed a variation of No or Nothing. There were 25 responses that were classified as non-applicable. Four respondents typed a variation of Don’t know/not sure. These main themes were made of several themes each. These are explored in the following tables. Topics around education Secondary themes Responses Impact on education (schools) 30 Impact on exams or coursework 27 Advice for home schooling 5 Impact on education (further education) 4 Impact on transitioning to further education 3 Advice for those with children out of school 1 How to study new courses 1 Support for those struggling with homeschooling 1 Support for University students 1 25 Updates around returning to normal/the future Information and support for specific groups Facts/advice around the virus itself Secondary themes Responses Timeframes around lockdown 10 Timeframe for when things will get back to normal 5 Updates on extracurricular activities or events 4 Impact on the future (general) 3 How things will get back to normal 1 How to prepare for a future after coronavirus 1 Impact on future holidays 1 Secondary themes Responses Support for young carers 5 Support for NHS and frontline workers 2 Support for those with additional support needs or disabilities 2 Information for carers 1 Information for children whose parents are separated 1 Information for learner drivers 1 Support for homeless people 1 Support for those in lockdown in unsafe domestic situations 1 Support for young people living with vulnerable adults 1 Secondary themes Responses Information on the progression of the virus 4 How to cope if you or someone you know catches coronavirus 3 Clear list of symptoms 1 How long the virus lives on surfaces 1 26 Advice on staying safe and healthy How to support others during this time Topics around employment How serious the virus is 1 Information about what happens after you have recovered from coronavirus 1 Information around who can catch coronavirus 1 The origin or cause of the virus 1 Secondary themes Responses Advice on how to stay healthy 4 Advice on use of safety equipment 3 Advice for accessing outdoor spaces 2 How to stay safe 2 How to ensure good hygiene 1 Secondary themes Responses How to support others (general) 3 How to support those with additional support needs or disabilities 2 Volunteering opportunities for young people 2 How to help the NHS 1 How to support parents 1 How to support the elderly 1 Where funding is needed 1 Secondary themes Responses Impact on employment 9 Job opportunities 2 27 Topics around mental health Topics around financial support Topics on keeping busy during lockdown Updates around testing or finding a cure/vaccine How to manage relationships during this time Advice around other health conditions Secondary themes Responses Impact on mental health 6 Signposting for mental health support 5 Secondary themes Responses Impact on finances 4 Information around the furlough scheme 3 Impact on student funding 2 Secondary themes Responses How to keep busy during lockdown 5 How to keep a routine or motivated 3 Secondary themes Responses Updates on a cure or vaccine 5 Updates on testing 2 Secondary themes Responses Advice for sustaining relationships 3 Advice for getting on with your famiy or the people you live with 1 Advice for those living with step-parents 1 Which apps help you to see people online 1 Secondary themes Responses What to do if you are unwell with something that is not coronavirus 3 28 How to access online information How to process information Advice around shopping and essential items Suggestions for how the government should present news Information on animals Other Advice for managing underlying conditions 1 Pregnancy crisis service 1 Secondary themes Responses Advice for people without access to online resources 4 How to access online information 1 Secondary themes Responses How to ensure information is reliable 3 Avoiding information overload 1 Secondary themes Responses Updates on stock and restrictions on essential items 3 Advice on going shopping 1 Secondary themes Responses Clarity and transparency 2 Positive news 2 Secondary themes Responses Information on animals 3 Secondary themes Responses Access to Wifi 1 Advice for renters 1 Advice from peers 1 29 Do you have access to a device at home that you can look at online services?1 Most respondents stated that they can access online services via a device at home. Do you have access to reliable broadband/data at home?2 Most respondents stated that they have access to reliable broadband or data at home. 1 This survey was only available online. Therefore, the response to this question may not be representative of all young people’s experiences. 2 See comment above. Advice on social media etiquette 1 How to communicate with the government 1 How to report someone who is ignoring current safety measures 1 Impact on housing 1 Impact on politics 1 Impact on your rights 1 Information on 5G 1 Information on unions 1 Questioning the situation 1 The impact on teachers 1 Why there are restrictions on youth work 1 30 The role of decision makers in relation to coronavirus (COVID-19) Who do you think should be providing information surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19)? Most respondents stated that Politicians should be providing information around coronavirus. Over half of the respondents selected Teachers, and around a third selected Youth workers. The least commonly selected group was Young people. This question was multiple choice, therefore the percentage will not total 100%. Of the 433 respondents who selected Someone else, 408 provided a typed suggestion (summarised below). Suggestion % of responses Suggestion % of responses Health or medical professionals 43% Anyone with access to the correct information 3% Scientists or researchers 14% Educational bodies** 3% Parents or carers 13% World Health Organisation 2% Media 11% Experts (general) 2% Government* 9% Police 1% Other 7% Politicians 1% Everyone 4% Three respondents typed Don’t know or not sure. Eleven respondents made suggestions that were classified as non-applicable. *This group included respondents who specified Government (wider), Local government bodies and Scottish Youth Parliament. **This group included Universities or colleges and Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA). 31 What actions would you like to see decision makers (such as those listed above) take to tackle issues surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19)? There were 2,418 suggestions freely typed by respondents. These responses were categorised into 40 main themes. Below demonstrates the 20 most common themes. These main themes were made of several themes each. These are explored in the following tables. Ensure information is clear, honest and from a reliable source Secondary themes Responses Clarity and honesty about the reality of the situation 213 More information or advice (general) 100 Stop misinformation or fake news 37 Ensure that the information provided is correct and reliable 35 Communication around the severity of the issue 32 Share the underlying data that decisions are based on 5 32 Improvements to current impact on education Make current restrictions more strict Clarification of existing measures Secondary themes Responses Official communication around education and qualifications 158 Teachers to regularly check in with pupils 38 More structured schoolwork 24 Schools to stop overloading pupils with work 10 Clarification of SQA statements 8 Create dedicated space to complete schoolwork or exams in school 5 Provide pupils with resources to help at-home learning 2 Protect young people's education 1 Secondary themes Responses Make lockdown stricter 140 Punishments for those not following social distancing or lockdown rules 50 Stop all non-essential work 7 Ensure people are only shopping for essentials 6 Ban international flights 4 Ensure supermarkets are acting consistently 2 Ban all public transport 1 Get permission to go to A&E 1 Only allow adults to leave the house 1 Secondary themes Responses Clarify and enforce social distancing or lockdown rules 161 Share the list of essential jobs and key workers 6 33 Increase support for vulnerable groups Secondary themes Responses Support for vulnerable people (general) 37 Support for students 17 Support for young people (general) 12 Support for renters and homeowners 10 Support for the homeless 8 Support for the elderly 7 Support or young people with a difficult or abusive home life 7 Support young people in education 7 Support for people in isolation 5 Support for small businesses 5 Support for young people with additional support needs or disabilities 5 Provide alternative access to youth workers 4 Support for young carers 4 Support for care experienced young people 3 Support for farmers 3 Support for people on zero hours contracts 3 Support for those at risk of contracting the virus 3 Support for those working at home 3 Support for children of key workers and volunteers 2 Support for those outside the UK 2 Support for those who are still working nonessential jobs 2 Support for addicts 1 Support for care homes 1 Support for young people transitioning from primary to secondary school 1 Support for young people transitioning out of secondary school 1 Support minorities 1 Support youth workers 1 34 Adapting information to suit the needs of young people Share positive information as well as negative Keep the public updated on a regular basis Suggested methods of communication Secondary themes Responses Clear information on topics around coronavirus for young people 91 Listen and engage with young people 47 Peer advocacy or support 7 Communication from members of SYP 1 Secondary themes Responses Encouragement and reassurance 44 Less scaremongering 31 More positivity 21 Emphasise recovery rate 11 Secondary themes Responses Make updates frequent and regular 106 Secondary themes Responses Social media 24 Emails 18 Letters 11 Advertising 9 Use a variety of media 8 Leaflets 5 Posters 4 Texts 4 TV or radio broadcasting 4 Websites 4 Newsletters 3 35 Improvements to current impact on mental health Suggestions and advice for positive action during lockdown Increase testing for symptoms of COVID-19 Class talks 1 Forum discussions 1 Podcast 1 Secondary themes Responses Support for those with mental health issues 47 Information around mental health provision 33 Signposting to relevant support networks 11 Increase suicide prevention measures 2 Helpline for general support 1 Helplines for those feeling isolated 1 Secondary themes Responses Suggestions for ways to keep busy during lockdown 34 Suggestions on how young people can help 19 Advice on keeping fit and healthy during lockdown 7 People supporting each other 6 Advice on keeping a routine 3 Ideas of ways to keep people together while social distancing 2 Make entertainment services free of charge 1 Secondary themes Responses Widespread testing 54 Testing for key workers and volunteers 9 Antibody testing 5 Physical check ups 2 Regular temperature testing 2 36 Support, protection and funding for frontline workers Increase funding and financial support Work towards a cure or vaccine Increase availability of necessary equipment Secondary themes Responses Support for key workers and volunteers 33 Protect or increase funding towards the NHS 32 Extend visas for foreign key workers 2 More hospitals 2 Assurance that young people are key workers 1 Secondary themes Responses Support for those financially struggling 46 Introduce Universal Basic Income 5 Donations and support from businesses 3 Increase access to Universal Credit 3 Increase funding for charities 2 More money (general) 2 Donations from richer people 1 Funding for the arts 1 More funding (general) 1 Secondary themes Responses Find a cure or create vaccine 42 Global funding for a cure 2 Secondary themes Responses Increase availability of PPE 38 Increase hospital beds 3 More ventilators 2 37 Increase support (general) Continue as they are Relax current restrictions Secondary themes Responses More support (general) 39 More online support 3 Demonstrate how they will provide support 1 Secondary themes Responses Continue as they are 42 Secondary themes Responses Relax lockdown to be able to see family and friends 10 Re-open schools 8 Stop lockdown 6 Allow ability to exercise outside for as long as possible 3 Relax closure of businesses 2 Relax policing 2 Discourage public policing 2 Make exception for visiting a relative in palliative care 1 Relax lockdown for those with additional support needs or disabilities 1 Relax lockdown to do extracurricular activities 1 Relax restrictions for religious gatherings 1 Relax restrictions for those living in the countryside 1 Relax restrictions for using your own forms of transport 1 Release prisoners 1 38 Rural/Urban Demographic Exploration As part of the survey, respondents were asked to voluntarily provide their postcode in order to look at geographical split. Out of the total respondents, 1,774 provided a postcode that was able to be mapped against the SIMD20 rural/urban classification data. 3 Using this classification, there were: • 399 respondents who identified as living in rural areas • 213 respondents who identified as living in towns • 1,162 respondents who identified as living in urban areas The table below demonstrates the breakdown of respondents accordingly: Usage in Report SIMD20 Classification Respondents Rural Accessible Rural 165 Remote Rural 234 Towns Accessible Small Towns 105 Remote Small Towns 108 Urban Large Urban Areas 604 Other Urban Areas 558 The following results will explore the differences in response between those living in rural areas, towns and urban areas. 3 Mapping using the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation 2020v2 postcode lookup and Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation 2020v2 data zone lookup files, both accessible via https://www.gov.scot/collections/scottish-index-of-multiple-deprivation-2020/#tools 39 Educational impacts How are you feeling about school, college and university closures? Levels of concern were highest for those living in towns, with almost half stating that they were Extremely or Moderately concerned. 69 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. How are you feeling about any exams or coursework you may have? Responses were similar across all demographics, with 89% reporting concern in each group. This issue was slightly more concerning for those living in towns and urban areas, with over half selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. 367 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. 40 Employment and financial impacts How are you feeling about your employment situation? This question was applicable to just under half of the survey respondents. Overall concern was similar across all demographics, with around a quarter reporting concern in each group. This issue was slightly more concerning for those living in urban areas, with almost two fifths selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. 957 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. How are you feeling about your financial situation? This question was applicable to over half of the survey respondents. Results were similar across all groups, with around 30% selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. Conversely, over 30% were Not at all concerned across all groups. 758 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. 41 Health and wellbeing impacts How are you feeling about your physical wellbeing? This issue was slightly more concerning for those living in towns and urban areas than rural areas. A third living in towns and around a quarter living in urban areas selected Moderately or Extremely concerned. *Extremely concerned How are you feeling about your mental wellbeing? This issue was most concerning for those living in towns, with almost half stating that they were Moderately or Extremely concerned. Two fifths in urban areas and 36% in rural areas selected Moderately or Extremely concerned. 4%* 42 How are you feeling about the physical wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? This issue was most concerning for those living in urban areas, with 45% stating that they were Moderately or Extremely concerned. Around two fifths in towns and a third in rural areas selected Moderately or Extremely concerned. How are you feeling about the mental wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? Levels of concern were highest for those living in towns and urban areas, with almost half stating that they were Extremely or Moderately concerned. 43 Social impact How are you feeling about the impact on your social relationships with family or friends? Responses from those in town and urban areas were similar with around two fifths selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. Impact on young people’s rights How are you feeling about your ability to access your rights as a young person? Respondents who lived in rural areas stated that they were less concerned about their rights than those living in towns or urban areas where around 60% reported some concern. *Extremely concerned 4%* 7%* 7%* 44 Impact on caring for others How are you feeling about your ability to look out for/care for others? Responses from those in town and urban areas were similar with around 30% selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. 150 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. Impact on the future How are you feeling about the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on the future? Over 90% of respondents expressed some concern across all demographic groups. Those living in urban areas were most concerned, with almost two thirds selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. Respondents who live in rural areas and towns were, with 59% selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. *Not at all concerned 6%* 5%* 4%* 45 Summary of concerns by rural/urban demographic Concerns were similar across all rural/urban demographic groups. The issue that all groups were most concerned about was the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on the future. The issue that all groups were second most concerned about was the impact on exams or coursework. The third most concerning issue for all groups was for mental health, either their own or others’. The table below demonstrates the third most concerning issue for each group. Group Issue impacted by COVID-19 % selecting Moderately/ Extremely concerned Rural Mental health and wellbeing of others 41% Towns Mental health (personal) 48% Urban Mental health and wellbeing of others 49% Other issues that young people are concerned about regarding coronavirus (COVID-19) Of the respondents who were able to be classified into Rural/Urban demographic groups, 680 freely typed a response. These responses were categorised into 25 main themes, as demonstrated in the top-level findings section of this report. Below is a breakdown of the themes that were most prevalent in responses from those in each Rural/Urban demographic group. Rural areas: 156 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Educational impacts 30 Economic impacts 19 Fearing for family or friends 15 Social impacts 15 Timeframes 13 46 Towns: 67 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Educational impacts 17 Economic impacts 12 Impact on mental health 7 Lack of support 6 Worried about vulnerable groups 6 Other 6 Urban areas: 457 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Educational impacts 120 Economic impacts 81 Social impacts 47 Fearing for family or friends 33 Societal impacts 32 47 Access to information about coronavirus (COVID-19) If you wanted to access information about the topics below during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, do you know how to do that? Responses across all three demographic groups followed the same pattern. The topics that respondents were most confident in accessing information about were Information, advice and updates around lockdown and Activities to do while inside. The topics that respondents were least confident in accessing information about were Support for mental health and wellbeing and Financial support that may be available to you. For the most part, there were no real differences between demographic groups. Those who identified as living in urban areas were slightly less confident than others in accessing information around How to help others during this time. Those who identified as living in rural areas were slightly less confident than others in accessing information around Financial support that may be available to you. Respondents who selected Yes Topics Rural areas Towns Urban areas 48 Are there any other issues that you are currently worried or concerned about regarding coronavirus (COVID-19)? Of the respondents who were able to be classified into SIMD quintile groups, 430 freely typed a response. These responses were categorised into 23 main themes, as demonstrated in the top-level findings section of this report. Most of these responses were a variation of No or Nothing. Below is a breakdown of the themes that were most prevalent in responses from those in each Rural/Urban demographic group. Rural areas: 109 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Topics around education 18 Updates around returning to normal/the future 6 Facts/advice around the virus itself 5 Towns: 45 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Topics around education 10 Updates around returning to normal/the future 3 Urban areas: 276 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Topics around education 35 Other 10 Updates around returning to normal/the future 10 How to support others during this time 10 Information and support for specific groups 9 Advice on staying safe and healthy 9 49 Do you have access to a device at home that you can look at online services?4 There were no significant differences between rural/urban demographic groups in access to an online device. Do you have access to reliable broadband/data at home?5 There were no significant differences between rural/urban demographic groups in access to reliable broadband or data at home. 4 This survey was only available online. Therefore, the response to this question may not be representative of all young people’s experiences. 5 See comment above. 50 The role of decision makers in relation to coronavirus (COVID-19) Who do you think should be providing information surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19)? Respondents across all three demographic groups selected similar responses. The main noticeable difference between the groups was that those in towns placed Youth workers as their third choice ahead of Businesses and Charities. Most respondents stated that Politicians should be providing information around coronavirus. The least commonly selected group was Young people. This question was multiple choice, therefore the percentage will not total 100%. Of the 305 respondents who selected Someone else, 290 provided a typed suggestion. The most common responses from each Rural/Urban demographic group are summarised in the following tables. Rural areas: 64 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Health or medical professionals 33 Other 10 Scientists or researchers 5 Media 5 Government 4 51 Towns: 31 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Health or medical professionals 22 Government 8 Scientists or researchers 4 Other 3 Urban areas: 195 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Health or medical professionals 77 Parents or carers 45 Media 24 Scientists or researchers 21 What actions would you like to see decision makers (such as those listed above) take to tackle issues surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19)? There were 1,773 suggestions freely typed by respondents. The tables below demonstrate the ten most common themes from respondents in each Rural/Urban demographic group. Rural areas: 399 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Ensure information is clear, honest and from a reliable source 64 Improvements to current impact on education 50 Adapting information to suit the needs of young people 30 Clarification of existing measures 26 Make current restrictions more strict 25 Keep the public updated on a regular basis 22 Share positive information as well as negative 22 Increase support for vulnerable groups 18 Suggested methods of communication 18 More communication around the future and life after lockdown 15 52 Towns: 213 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Don't know or not sure 94 Ensure information is clear, honest and from a reliable source 31 Improvements to current impact on education 26 Clarification of existing measures 23 Make current restrictions more strict 18 More communication around the future and life after lockdown 13 Increase support for vulnerable groups 12 Keep the public updated on a regular basis 11 Adapting information to suit the needs of young people 11 Increase testing for symptoms of COVID-19 9 Increase support (general) 9 Urban areas: 1,161 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Ensure information is clear, honest and from a reliable source 208 Don't know or not sure 118 Make current restrictions more strict 106 Improvements to current impact on education 98 Increase support for vulnerable groups 88 Clarification of existing measures 79 Adapting information to suit the needs of young people 78 More communication around the future and life after lockdown 61 Improvements to current impact on mental health 59 Suggested methods of communication 56 53 SIMD Demographic Exploration As part of the survey, respondents were asked to voluntarily provide their postcode in order to look at split by SIMD quintile. Out of the total respondents, 1,774 provided a postcode that was able to be mapped against the SIMD20 postcode lookup data. Below is a summary of the respondents in each quintile (Quintile 1 represents areas with highest deprivation and Quintile 5 represents areas with lowest deprivation). • SIMD Quintile 1: 241 respondents • SIMD Quintile 2: 277 respondents • SIMD Quintile 3: 312 respondents • SIMD Quintile 4: 497 respondents • SIMD Quintile 5: 447 respondents Educational impacts How are you feeling about school, college and university closures? General levels of concern over this issue were similar across SIMD quintiles, with over 80% expressing some concern. Those in quintiles 1, 2 and 3 were the most concerned, with almost half selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. 101 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. 7%* 54 How are you feeling about any exams or coursework you may have? Respondents in areas of higher deprivation were more concerned about this issue than those in lower. The respondents in quintiles 2 were the most concerned, with 57% selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. 367 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. Employment and financial impacts How are you feeling about your employment situation? This question was applicable to just under half of the survey respondents. Results were mixed between areas of high and low deprivation with a lack of trend between the two. Respondents in quintiles 3 and 5 were most concerned, with around two fifths selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. 957 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. 55 How are you feeling about your financial situation? Respondents from areas of higher deprivation were more concerned than those from lower. Respondents in quintiles 1 and 2 were most concerned, with over a third selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. 758 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. Health and wellbeing impacts How are you feeling about your physical wellbeing? Respondents from areas of higher deprivation were more concerned than those from lower. Respondents in quintiles 1 and 3 were most concerned, with almost a third selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. *Extremely concerned 5%* 5%* 56 How are you feeling about your mental wellbeing? Respondents from areas of higher deprivation were more concerned than those from lower. Respondents in quintiles 1 and 2 were most concerned, with almost half selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. How are you feeling about the physical wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? Respondents from areas of higher deprivation were more concerned than those from lower. Respondents in quintile 2 were most concerned, with over half selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. *Not at all concerned 7%* 57 How are you feeling about the mental wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? Respondents from areas of higher deprivation were more concerned than those from lower. Respondents in quintiles 1 and 2 were most concerned, with over half selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. *Not at all concerned Social impact How are you feeling about the impact on your social relationships with family or friends? Respondents from areas of higher deprivation were more concerned than those from lower. Respondents in quintile 2 were most concerned, with half selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. 8%* 8%* 58 Impact on young people’s rights How are you feeling about your ability to access your rights as a young person? Over half of all respondents demonstrated some concern over this issue. Respondents from areas of higher deprivation were more concerned than those from lower. Respondents in quintiles 1 and 2 were most concerned, with around two thirds expressing some form of concern. *Extremely concerned Impact on caring for others How are you feeling about your ability to look out for/care for others? Respondents from areas of higher deprivation were more concerned than those from lower. Respondents in quintile 1 were most concerned, with around two fifths selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. 351 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. 8%* 3%* 5%* 59 Impact on the future How are you feeling about the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on the future? Respondents from all areas were highly concerned about this issue, with over 95% in each group demonstrating some concern. Respondents in quintile 3 were most concerned, with over two thirds selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. *Not at all concerned Summary of concerns by SIMD quintile The issue that respondents from all SIMD quintiles were most concerned about was the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on the future. The following table demonstrates what each group was most concerned about besides this issue. SIMD Quintile Issue impacted by COVID-19 % selecting Moderately/ Extremely concerned 1 Mental health and wellbeing of others 54% 2 Exams or coursework 57% 3 Exams or coursework 51% 4 Social relationships 47% 5 Exams or coursework 46% 5%* 5%* 4%* 4%* 4%* 60 Other issues that young people are concerned about regarding coronavirus (COVID-19) Of the respondents who were able to be classified into SIMD quintile groups, 680 freely typed a response. These responses were categorised into 25 main themes, as demonstrated in the top-level findings section of this report. Below is a breakdown of the themes that were most prevalent in responses from those in each SIMD quintile group. SIMD Quintile 1: 81 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Educational impacts 18 Economic impacts 8 Fearing for family or friends 7 Impact on mental health 7 Lack of support 7 Social impacts 7 Fearing for family or friends 7 SIMD Quintile 2: 124 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Educational impacts 28 Economic impacts 13 Timeframes 13 Social impacts 11 Fearing for family or friends 9 Societal impacts 9 SIMD Quintile 3: 117 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Economic impacts 26 Educational impacts 23 Social impacts 15 61 Practicalities of being in lockdown or social distancing 11 Societal impacts 8 SIMD Quintile 4: 190 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Educational impacts 37 Economic impacts 18 Social impacts 16 Timeframes 14 Fearing for family or friends 13 SIMD Quintile 5: 168 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Educational impacts 43 Economic impacts 24 Social impacts 14 Societal impacts 10 Fearing for family or friends 9 Worried about vulnerable groups 9 Other 9 62 Access to information about coronavirus (COVID-19) If you wanted to access information about the topics below during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, do you know how to do that? Responses from those in each SIMD quintile followed the same pattern. The topics that respondents were most confident in accessing information about were Information, advice and updates around lockdown and Activities to do while inside. The topics that respondents were least confident in accessing information about were Support for mental health and wellbeing and Financial support that may be available to you. Respondents who selected Yes Topics Quintile 1 Quintile 2 Quintile 3 Quintile 4 Quintile 5 63 For the most part, there were no real differences between demographic groups. Those in SIMD quintiles 2 and 3 were slightly less confident than others in accessing information around Support for mental health and wellbeing. Respondents from quintile 3 were slightly less confident in accessing information around Financial support that may be available to you. Are there any other issues that you are currently worried or concerned about regarding coronavirus (COVID-19)? Of the respondents who were able to be classified into SIMD quintile groups, 430 freely typed a response. These responses were categorised into 23 main themes, as demonstrated in the top-level findings section of this report. Most of these responses were a variation of No or Nothing. Below is a breakdown of the themes that were most prevalent in responses from those in each SIMD quintile group. SIMD Quintile 1: 59 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Topics around education 8 SIMD Quintile 2: 61 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Topics around education 6 Updates around returning to normal/the future 6 SIMD Quintile 3: 85 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Topics around education 16 Information and support for specific groups 5 Advice on staying safe and healthy 3 Topics around financial support 3 Updates around returning to normal/the future 3 64 SIMD Quintile 4: 121 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Topics around education 17 Updates around returning to normal/the future 8 Facts/advice around the virus itself 3 Topics around mental health 3 SIMD Quintile 5: 104 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Topics around education 16 Advice on staying safe and healthy 7 Facts/advice around the virus itself 4 Other 3 Tips on keeping busy during lockdown 3 Topics around financial support 3 How to manage relationships during this time 3 How to support others during this time 3 Do you have access to a device at home that you can look at online services?6 Respondents from quintile 1 were marginally less likely to answer Yes to this question than other groups. 6 This survey was only available online. Therefore, the response to this question may not be representative of all young people’s experiences. 65 Do you have access to reliable broadband/data at home?7 Respondents from quintiles 1, 2 and 5 were marginally less likely to answer Yes to this question than other groups. The role of decision makers in relation to coronavirus (COVID-19) Who do you think should be providing information surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19)? All age groups selected Politicians as their main preference for who should be providing information around COVID-19, followed by Teachers. Youth workers were the third most commonly selected choice for respondents living in quintiles 1, 2 and 3. Young people was the least preferred option across all age groups. This question was multiple choice, therefore the percentage will not total 100%. 7 See comment on previous page. 66 Of the 305 respondents who selected Someone else, 290 provided a typed suggestion. The most common responses from each SIMD quintile are summarised in the following tables. SIMD Quintile 1: 25 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Health or medical professionals 6 Media 3 SIMD Quintile 2: 46 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Health or medical professionals 15 Media 6 SIMD Quintile 3: 57 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Scientists or researchers 18 Health or medical professionals 8 Government 5 Media 4 Other 4 SIMD Quintile 4: 75 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Health or medical professionals 30 Other 10 Everyone 9 Government 5 Media 4 67 SIMD Quintile 5: 87 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Health or medical professionals 54 Scientists or researchers 11 Parents or carers 37 Media 8 What actions would you like to see decision makers (such as those listed above) take to tackle issues surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19)? There were 1,773 suggestions freely typed by respondents. The tables below demonstrate the ten most common themes from respondents in each SIMD quintile. SIMD Quintile 1: 241 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Don't know or not sure 73 Ensure information is clear, honest and from a reliable source 28 Make current restrictions more strict 28 Clarification of existing measures 26 Increase support for vulnerable groups 24 Improvements to current impact on education 15 Suggested methods of communication 14 Keep the public updated on a regular basis 13 Adapting information to suit the needs of young people 13 Share positive information as well as negative 11 SIMD Quintile 2: 277 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Ensure information is clear, honest and from a reliable source 51 Make current restrictions more strict 27 Adapting information to suit the needs of young people 27 Improvements to current impact on mental health 23 Share positive information as well as negative 21 Clarification of existing measures 19 Improvements to current impact on education 17 68 Keep the public updated on a regular basis 16 Suggestions and advice for positive action during lockdown 16 More communication around the future and life after lockdown 15 SIMD Quintile 3: 312 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Don't know or not sure 76 Ensure information is clear, honest and from a reliable source 59 Improvements to current impact on education 33 Make current restrictions more strict 25 Adapting information to suit the needs of young people 24 Increase support for vulnerable groups 18 Clarification of existing measures 17 Keep the public updated on a regular basis 13 More communication around the future and life after lockdown 13 Suggested methods of communication 13 SIMD Quintile 4: 497 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Ensure information is clear, honest and from a reliable source 84 Improvements to current impact on education 60 Make current restrictions more strict 42 Clarification of existing measures 38 Don't know or not sure 37 Adapting information to suit the needs of young people 28 More communication around the future and life after lockdown 27 Increase support for vulnerable groups 26 Share positive information as well as negative 25 Suggested methods of communication 25 69 SIMD Quintile 5: 447 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Ensure information is clear, honest and from a reliable source 81 Improvements to current impact on education 48 Increase support for vulnerable groups 36 Clarification of existing measures 28 Make current restrictions more strict 27 Adapting information to suit the needs of young people 27 More communication around the future and life after lockdown 27 Don't know or not sure 24 Improvements to current impact on mental health 24 Suggested methods of communication 21 70 Age Demographic Exploration Respondents ranged in age from 11 to 25 years old. For the purposes of this exploration, responses have been grouped into age bands: • 11 and 12: 250 respondents • 13 to 15: 846 respondents • 16 to 18: 911 respondents • Over 18: 557 respondents Educational impacts How are you feeling about school, college and university closures? Older respondents were more concerned about this issue than younger respondents. Over half of 16 to 18 and Over 18-year-olds rated themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned. *Not at all concerned 108 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. 9%* 7%* 71 How are you feeling about any exams or coursework you may have? Older respondents were more concerned about this issue than younger respondents. Around two thirds of Over 18-year-olds and 57% of 16 to 18-year-olds rated themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned. 490 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. Employment and financial impacts How are you feeling about your employment situation? This question was applicable to just under half of the survey respondents. There were only 27 respondents in the 11 & 12 age group who this question was relevant to therefore this group has been excluded from analysis of this question. Older respondents were more concerned about this issue than younger respondents. Around a third of 16 to 18 and around half of Over 18-year-olds rated themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned. 1,290 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. 72 How are you feeling about your financial situation? This question was applicable to over half of the survey respondents. There were only 63 respondents in the 11 & 12 age group who this question was relevant to therefore this group has been excluded from analysis of this question. Older respondents were more concerned about this issue than younger respondents, with 45% of Over 18-year-olds selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. 1,016 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. Health and wellbeing impacts How are you feeling about your physical wellbeing? Older respondents were more concerned about this issue than younger respondents, with 44% of Over 18 and around a quarter of 16 to 18-year-olds selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. *Extremely concerned 7%* 6%* 73 How are you feeling about your mental wellbeing? Each age group showed concern over this topic, with over two thirds demonstrating that they were concerned in each group. Concern was highest in Over 18s, with 63% stating that they were Moderately or Extremely concerned. How are you feeling about the physical wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? Older respondents were more concerned about this issue than younger respondents, with almost two thirds of Over 18-year-olds selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. *Not at all concerned 6%* 74 How are you feeling about the mental wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? Older respondents were more concerned about this issue than younger respondents, with 68% of Over 18 year and around half of 16 to 18-year-olds selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. Social impact How are you feeling about the impact on your social relationships with family or friends? Older respondents were more concerned about this issue than younger respondents, with around half of Over 18-year-olds selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. 4%* 75 Impact on young people’s rights How are you feeling about your ability to access your rights as a young person? Older respondents were more concerned about this issue than younger, with 69% reporting some concern. *Extremely concerned Impact on caring for others How are you feeling about your ability to look out for/care for others? Older respondents were more concerned about this issue than younger, with around 45% selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. 510 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. 4%* 6%* 7%* 10%* 76 Impact on the future How are you feeling about the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on the future? Over 90% of respondents expressed some concern across all demographic groups. Over 18-year-olds were most concerned, with almost two thirds selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. Over two thirds of 16 to 18, over half of 13 to 15 and around two fifths of 11-12-year-olds selected Moderately or Extremely concerned. *Not at all concerned **Slight concerned Summary of concerns by age The issue that all demographic age groups were most concerned about was the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on the future. The following table demonstrates what each group was most concerned about besides this issue. Age Group Issue impacted by COVID-19 % selecting Moderately/ Extremely concerned 11 & 12 Social relationships with family or friends 34% 13 to 15 Social relationships with family or friends 36% 16 to 18 Exams or coursework 57% Over 18 Mental health and wellbeing of others 68% 5%* 7%* 3%* 4%* 6%** 77 Other issues that young people are concerned about regarding coronavirus (COVID-19) Below is a breakdown of the themes that were most prevalent in responses from those in each age group. 11 & 12: 119 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Social impacts 23 Fearing for family or friends 20 Educational impacts 14 Societal impacts 10 Practicalities of being in lockdown or social distancing 6 13 to 15: 294 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Educational impacts 61 Economic impacts 26 Practicalities of being in lockdown or social distancing 26 Social impacts 26 Timeframes 24 16 to 18: 303 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Educational impacts 108 Economic impacts 41 Impact on mental health 24 Social impacts 17 Societal impacts 16 Timeframes 16 78 Over 18: 156 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Economic impacts 70 Educational impacts 25 Worried about vulnerable groups 22 Lack of support 18 Impact on mental health 17 Societal impacts 17 79 Access to information about coronavirus (COVID-19) If you wanted to access information about the topics below during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, do you know how to do that? Responses across all age groups followed the same pattern. The topics that respondents were most confident in accessing information about were Information, advice and updates around lockdown and Activities to do while inside. The topics that respondents were least confident in accessing information about were Support for mental health and wellbeing and Financial support that may be available to you. For the most part, there were no real differences between demographic groups. Those aged 16 and over were slightly less confident than others in accessing information around Support for mental health and wellbeing. Respondents aged 16 to 18 were less confident than others in accessing information around Activities to do while inside and How to help others during this time. Those aged 18 and under were less confident than others in accessing information around Financial support that may be available to you. Respondents who selected Yes Topics 11 & 12 13 to 15 16 to 18 Over 18 80 Are there any other issues that you are currently worried or concerned about regarding coronavirus (COVID-19)? Below is a breakdown of the themes that were most prevalent in responses from those in each age group. Most of these responses were a variation of No or Nothing. 11 & 12: 86 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Updates around returning to normal/the future 4 Topics around education 3 Updates around testing or finding a cure/vaccine 3 13 to 15: 215 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Topics around education 20 Updates around returning to normal/the future 11 Advice on staying safe and healthy 7 Topics around mental health 5 Facts/advice around the virus itself 4 16 to 18: 160 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Topics around education 41 Updates around returning to normal/the future 7 Information and support for specific groups 7 Updates around testing or finding a cure/vaccine 4 Facts/advice around the virus itself 4 Over 18: 89 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Topics around education 9 Topics around employment 8 Other 6 Topics around financial support 6 Information and support for specific groups 5 81 Do you have access to a device at home that you can look at online services?8 The youngest age group were slightly less likely to answer yes to this question than the older age groups. Do you have access to reliable broadband/data at home?9 The youngest and oldest age groups were slightly less likely to answer yes to this question than the other groups. 8 This survey was only available online. Therefore, the response to this question may not be representative of all young people’s experiences. 9 See comment above. 82 The role of decision makers in relation to coronavirus (COVID-19) Who do you think should be providing information surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19)? All age groups selected Politicians as their main preference for who should be providing information around COVID-19. Teachers were the next most common respondents across groups except for over 18-year-olds who selected Charities as their second favourite option. Youth workers were selected more often by the youngest age group that the older ones. Young people was the least preferred option across all age groups. This question was multiple choice, therefore the percentage will not total 100%. 83 Of the 433 respondents who selected Someone else, 408 provided a typed suggestion. The most common responses from each age group are summarised in the following tables. 11 & 12: 67 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Parents or carers 12 Health or medical professionals 8 Scientists or researchers 4 Other 3 Media 3 13 to 15: 126 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Health or medical professionals 42 Parents or carers 38 Media 24 Government 12 Other 8 16 to 18: 127 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Health or medical professionals 82 Scientists or researchers 26 Government 20 Media 14 Other 13 Over 18: 88 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Health or medical professionals 42 Scientists or researchers 20 Media 5 Educational bodies 5 84 Other 4 Government 4 What actions would you like to see decision makers (such as those listed above) take to tackle issues surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19)? There were 2,418 suggestions freely typed by respondents. The tables below demonstrate the ten most common themes from respondents in each age group. 11 & 12: 250 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Ensure information is clear, honest and from a reliable source 32 Don't know or not sure 24 Clarification of existing measures 17 Make current restrictions more strict 17 Improvements to current impact on education 16 Adapting information to suit the needs of young people 14 Increase support for vulnerable groups 13 Share positive information as well as negative 11 Continue as they are 10 Keep the public updated on a regular basis 9 More communication around the future and life after lockdown 9 13 to 15: 844 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Ensure information is clear, honest and from a reliable source 134 Improvements to current impact on education 72 Don't know or not sure 68 Clarification of existing measures 68 Make current restrictions more strict 68 Adapting information to suit the needs of young people 42 More communication around the future and life after lockdown 38 Increase support for vulnerable groups 38 Suggested methods of communication 35 Share positive information as well as negative 33 85 16 to 18: 910 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Ensure information is clear, honest and from a reliable source 169 Improvements to current impact on education 128 Don't know or not sure 107 Make current restrictions more strict 76 Adapting information to suit the needs of young people 60 Increase support for vulnerable groups 57 Clarification of existing measures 55 Keep the public updated on a regular basis 54 More communication around the future and life after lockdown 48 Share positive information as well as negative 42 Over 18: 414 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Ensure information is clear, honest and from a reliable source 169 Improvements to current impact on education 128 Don't know or not sure 107 Make current restrictions more strict 76 Adapting information to suit the needs of young people 60 Increase support for vulnerable groups 57 Clarification of existing measures 55 Keep the public updated on a regular basis 54 More communication around the future and life after lockdown 48 Share positive information as well as negative 42 86 Gender Demographic Exploration Respondents were asked how they identified. Below is a breakdown of the responses. For the purposes of this exploration, responses from those who selected In another way will be excluded due to the limited number. I prefer not to say respondents will also be excluded. • Female: 1,581 responses • Male: 743 responses • I prefer not to say: 53 responses • Non-binary: 35 responses • In another way: 9 responses Responses from respondents who identified as Non-binary will be included, but will be reported on as whole numbers rather than percentages. The ratio of responses will still be comparable to responses from those who identified as Male or Female. Educational impacts How are you feeling about school, college and university closures? Female respondents were more concerned about this issue than male respondents, with almost half selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. *Not at all concerned 130 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. 9%* 87 Respondents who identified themselves as non-binary rated themselves as more concerned than male but less concerned than female respondents (13 out of 29 rated themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned). *Not at all concerned 6 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. How are you feeling about any exams or coursework you may have? Female respondents were more concerned about this issue than male respondents, with over half selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. *Not at all concerned 465 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. Respondents who identified themselves as non-binary rated themselves as most concerned out of the three gender groups (15 out of 26 rated themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned). 9 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. 2* 9%* 88 Employment and financial impacts How are you feeling about your employment situation? This question was applicable to just under half of the survey respondents. Female respondents were more concerned about this issue than male respondents, with almost two fifths selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. 1,237 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. Respondents who identified themselves as non-binary rated themselves as least concerned out of the three gender groups (5 out of 20 rated themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned). 15 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. How are you feeling about your financial situation? This question was applicable to over half of the survey respondents. Female respondents were more concerned about this issue than male respondents, with almost a third selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. 982 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. 89 Respondents who identified themselves as non-binary rated themselves as most concerned out of the three gender groups (11 out of 26 rated themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned). 9 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. Health and wellbeing impacts How are you feeling about your physical wellbeing? Female respondents were more concerned about this issue than male respondents, with over a quarter selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. *Extremely concerned Respondents who identified themselves as non-binary rated themselves as most concerned out of the three gender groups (13 out of 35 rated themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned). *Not at all concerned 8%* 7%* 2* 90 How are you feeling about your mental wellbeing? Female respondents were more concerned about this issue than male respondents, with 45% selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. Respondents who identified themselves as non-binary rated themselves as most concerned out of the three gender groups (25 out of 35 rated themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned). *Not at all concerned **Slightly concerned How are you feeling about the physical wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? Female respondents were more concerned about this issue than male respondents, with 46% selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. 3* 2** 91 Respondents who identified themselves as non-binary rated themselves as most concerned out of the three gender groups (20 out of 35 rated themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned). *Not at all concerned How are you feeling about the mental wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? Female respondents were more concerned about this issue than male respondents, with over half selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. *Not at all concerned Respondents who identified themselves as non-binary rated themselves as most concerned out of the three gender groups (24 out of 35 rated themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned). *Not at all concerned **Slightly concerned 2* 7%* 3* 2** 92 Social impact How are you feeling about the impact on your social relationships with family or friends? Female respondents were more concerned about this issue than male respondents, with 45% selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. Respondents who identified themselves as non-binary had a similar concern rate as female respondents (16 out of 35 rated themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned). *Not at all concerned **Slightly concerned Impact on young people’s rights How are you feeling about your ability to access your rights as a young person? Female respondents were more concerned about this issue than male respondents, with 62% reporting some concern. *Extremely concerned Respondents who identified themselves as non-binary rated themselves as most concerned out of the three gender groups (23 out of 35 reported some concern). 6%* 7%* 3* 3** 93 Impact on caring for others How are you feeling about your ability to look out for/care for others? Female respondents were more concerned about this issue than male respondents, with around a third selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. 489 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. Respondents who identified themselves as non-binary rated themselves as most concerned out of the three gender groups (14 out of 31 rated themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned). 4 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. Impact on the future How are you feeling about the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on the future? Over 90% of respondents expressed some concern across both gender groups. Female respondents were most concerned, with over two thirds selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. *Not at all concerned 3%* 9%* 94 Respondents who identified themselves as non-binary rated themselves as most concerned out of the three gender groups (27 out of 35 rated themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned). *Not at all concerned **Slightly concerned Summary of concerns by gender Concerns across gender groups were consistent. The issue that all demographic age groups were most concerned about was the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on the future. Aside from the future, both Female and Male respondents’ main concerns were: • Exams or coursework • Mental health and wellbeing of others The second most important issue for Non-binary respondents after the future was personal mental health, with 25 out of 35 respondents rating themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned. Other issues that young people are concerned about regarding coronavirus (COVID-19) Below is a breakdown of the themes that were most prevalent in responses from those in each gender group. Female: 542 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Educational impacts 139 Economic impacts 89 Social impacts 58 Impact on mental health 41 Fearing for family or friends 40 1* 2** 95 Male: 292 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Educational impacts 62 Economic impacts 45 Fearing for family or friends 25 Societal impacts 23 Social impacts 22 Non-binary: 15 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Educational impacts 4 Impact on mental health 4 Economic impacts 3 Practicalities of being in lockdown or social distancing 3 96 Access to information about coronavirus (COVID-19) If you wanted to access information about the topics below during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, do you know how to do that? Responses across all gender groups followed the same pattern. The topics that respondents were most confident in accessing information about were Information, advice and updates around lockdown and Activities to do while inside. The topics that respondents were least confident in accessing information about were Support for mental health and wellbeing and Financial support that may be available to you. For the most part, there were no real differences between the female and male demographic groups. Female were less confident than males in accessing information Respondents who selected Yes Topics Female Male Non-binary 97 around Support for mental health and wellbeing and Financial support that may be available to you. When looking at the ratios, respondents who identified as Non-binary were less confident in where to access information than the other two groups. Are there any topics not included above that you would like more information about at this time? Below is a breakdown of the themes that were most prevalent in responses from those in each gender group. Most of these responses were a variation of No or Nothing. The themes generated from the Non-binary respondents had less than three responses each so have been excluded in this case. Female: 350 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Topics around education 55 Updates around returning to normal/the future 18 Other 13 Advice on staying safe and healthy 12 Topics around mental health 10 Male: 175 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Topics around education 16 Information and support for specific groups 9 How to support others during this time 8 Updates around returning to normal/the future 7 Facts/advice around the virus itself 4 98 Do you have access to a device at home that you can look at online services?10 There were no differences in response rate between female and male respondents. When looking at the ratio, non-binary respondents selected Yes less often than the other gender groups. Do you have access to reliable broadband/data at home?11 There were no significant differences in response rate between female and male respondents. When looking at the ratio, non-binary respondents selected Yes less often than the other gender groups. 10 This survey was only available online. Therefore, the response to this question may not be representative of all young people’s experiences. 11 See comment above. 99 The role of decision makers in relation to coronavirus (COVID-19) Who do you think should be providing information surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19)? All gender groups selected Politicians as their main preference for who should be providing information around COVID-19. Teachers were the second preference for both male and female respondents whereas those who identified as non-binary selected Youth workers. Male and Non-binary respondents selected Charities more often than Female respondents. Young people was the least preferred option across all gender groups. This question was multiple choice, therefore the percentage will not total 100%. Of the 433 respondents who selected Someone else, 408 provided a typed suggestion. The most common responses from each gender group are summarised in the following tables. Female: 212 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Health or medical professionals 109 Scientists or researchers 25 Government 20 Media 19 Other 16 100 Male: 170 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Health or medical professionals 51 Parents or carers 42 Scientists or researchers 31 Media 22 Government 15 Non-binary: 10 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Health or medical professionals 5 What actions would you like to see decision makers (such as those listed above) take to tackle issues surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19)? There were 2,418 suggestions freely typed by respondents. The tables below demonstrate the ten most common themes from respondents in each gender group. Female: 1,579 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Ensure information is clear, honest and from a reliable source 298 Don't know or not sure 230 Improvements to current impact on education 187 Make current restrictions more strict 129 Adapting information to suit the needs of young people 111 Increase support for vulnerable groups 106 Clarification of existing measures 105 Improvements to current impact on mental health 82 More communication around the future and life after lockdown 81 Keep the public updated on a regular basis 79 Male: 742 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Ensure information is clear, honest and from a reliable source 111 Make current restrictions more strict 79 101 Clarification of existing measures 54 Improvements to current impact on education 49 Increase support for vulnerable groups 38 More communication around the future and life after lockdown 37 Suggested methods of communication 36 Don't know or not sure 35 Share positive information as well as negative 29 Adapting information to suit the needs of young people 26 Non-binary: 35 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Don't know or not sure 7 Adapting information to suit the needs of young people 7 Ensure information is clear, honest and from a reliable source 6 Improvements to current impact on education 3 Increase support for vulnerable groups 3 Support, protection and funding for frontline workers 3 102 Education or Employment Status Demographic Exploration Respondents were asked to state their current education or employment status. This was a multiple-choice question, therefore respondents could pick more than one option and the total in this demographic split is higher than the original survey total. Below is a summary of the respondents. For the purposes of this exploration, responses from those who selected None of the above, I prefer not to say and Other will be excluded. • School: 1,818 respondents • Employment (part-time): 383 respondents • University: 265 respondents • College: 186 respondents • Unemployed: 182 respondents • Employment (full-time): 125 respondents • Apprenticeship/Training: 32 respondents • None of the above: 32 respondents • Other: 30 respondents • I prefer not to say: 23 respondents For the purposes of comparison, this section will be split into relevant groups: • Education (School, College and University respondents) • Employment (Part-time and Full-time respondents) • Unemployment • Apprenticeship/Training Responses from respondents who stated that they were in an Apprenticeship/Training will be included but will be reported on as whole numbers rather than percentages. The ratio of responses will still be comparable. 103 Educational impacts How are you feeling about school, college and university closures? When looking at the respondents in some form of education, those in college were most concerned with 60% selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. *Not at all concerned 5 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. Of the respondents in some form of employment, concern was similar between the two groups, with over half stating they were Moderately or Extremely concerned. *Not at all concerned 93 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. Two fifths of respondents who were unemployed rated themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned). 19 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. 7%* 7%* 7%* 104 Around half of the respondents who were in taking part in an apprenticeship or training rated themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned (11 out of 21). *Slightly concerned 11 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. How are you feeling about any exams or coursework you may have? When looking at the respondents in some form of education, those in college and university were most concerned with 63% selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. *Not at all concerned 322 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. Of the respondents in part-time employment, 61% selected Moderately or Extremely concerned. This question was only applicable to 31 respondents in full-time employment so comparable results have not been produced here. 44 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. 2* 7%* 105 Of those who were unemployed, 45% rated themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned). 47 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. Over half of the respondents who were in taking part in an apprenticeship or training rated themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned (11 out of 19). 13 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. Employment and financial impacts How are you feeling about your employment situation? This question was applicable to just under half of the survey respondents. When looking at the respondents in some form of education, those in university were most concerned with around half selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. 1,282 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. 106 Of the respondents in some form of employment, concern was similar between the two groups, with around a third stating they were Moderately or Extremely concerned. 25 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. Of those who were unemployed, around half rated themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned). 111 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. Half of the respondents who were in taking part in an apprenticeship or training rated themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned (12 out of 24). 8 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. 107 How are you feeling about your financial situation? This question was applicable to over half of the survey respondents. When looking at the respondents in some form of education, those in university were most concerned with 45% selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. 1,015 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. Of the respondents in some form of employment, concern was similar between the two groups, with almost a third stating they were Moderately or Extremely concerned. 53 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. Of those who were unemployed, two fifths rated themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned). 72 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. 108 Of the respondents who were in taking part in an apprenticeship or training, over half rated themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned (12 out of 24). 6 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. Health and wellbeing impacts How are you feeling about your physical wellbeing? When looking at the respondents in some form of education, those in university were most concerned with 39% selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. *Extremely concerned Of the respondents in some form of employment, those in full-time employment were more concerned, with 45% stating they were Moderately or Extremely concerned. 6%* 109 Of those who were unemployed, around a third rated themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned). Of the respondents who were in taking part in an apprenticeship or training, around a third rated themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned (10 out of 32). How are you feeling about your mental wellbeing? When looking at the respondents in some form of education, those in college and university were most concerned with around 59% selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. 110 Of the respondents in some form of employment, those in full-time employment were more concerned, with 59% stating they were Moderately or Extremely concerned. Of those who were unemployed, almost half rated themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned). Of the respondents who were in taking part in an apprenticeship or training, over half rated themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned (18 out of 32). How are you feeling about the physical wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? When looking at the respondents in some form of education, those in university were most concerned with 65% selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. *Not at all concerned 8%* 9%* 111 Of the respondents in some form of employment, those in full-time employment were more concerned, with 63% stating they were Moderately or Extremely concerned. Of those who were unemployed, 54% rated themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned). *Not at all concerned Of the respondents who were in taking part in an apprenticeship or training, over half rated themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned (19 out of 32). 7%* 112 How are you feeling about the mental wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? When looking at the respondents in some form of education, those in university were most concerned with 68% selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. *Not at all concerned Of the respondents in some form of employment, those in full-time employment were more concerned, with 62% stating they were Moderately or Extremely concerned. *Not at all concerned Of those who were unemployed, 58% rated themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned). *Not at all concerned 9%* 3%* 6%* 8%* 3%* 113 Of the respondents who were in taking part in an apprenticeship or training, over half rated themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned (19 out of 32). Social impact How are you feeling about the impact on your social relationships with family or friends? When looking at the respondents in some form of education, those in college and university were most concerned with almost half selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. Of the respondents in some form of employment, both groups were similarly concerned, with around 46% stating they were Moderately or Extremely concerned. Of those who were unemployed, over half rated themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned). 114 Of the respondents who were in taking part in an apprenticeship or training, almost half rated themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned (15 out of 32). Impact on young people’s rights How are you feeling about your ability to access your rights as a young person? When looking at the respondents in some form of education, around 70% of those in college and university expressed some concern over this issue compared to 55% in school. Of the respondents in some form of employment, both groups were similarly concerned, with around two thirds expressing some concern. Of those who were unemployed, 90% expressed some concern regarding this issue. 115 Of the respondents who were in taking part in an apprenticeship or training, 27 out of 32 expressed some concern. Impact on caring for others How are you feeling about your ability to look out for/care for others? When looking at the respondents in some form of education, those in college and university were most concerned with around 42% selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. 488 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me Of the respondents in some form of employment, those with full-time jobs were more concerned, with 45% stating they were Moderately or Extremely concerned. 73 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me 116 Of those who were unemployed, 38% rated themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned). 44 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me Of the respondents who were in taking part in an apprenticeship or training, around two fifths rated themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned (9 out of 22). 10 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me Impact on the future How are you feeling about the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on the future? When looking at the respondents in some form of education, those in were most concerned with 78% selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. *Not at all concerned **Slightly concerned 5%* 4%* 4%* 4%** 117 Of the respondents in some form of employment, levels of concern were similar between the two groups, with around 72% stating they were Moderately or Extremely concerned. *Not at all concerned **Slightly concerned Of those who were unemployed, 68% rated themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned). *Not at all concerned Of the respondents who were in taking part in an apprenticeship or training, over half rated themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned (20 out of 32). 10 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me 7%** 3%* 5%* 7%* 118 Summary of concerns by education/employment status The issue that all groups were most concerned about was the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on the future. The table below demonstrates the second most concerning issue for each group. Group Issue impacted by COVID-19 % selecting Moderately/ Extremely concerned School Exams or coursework 47% College Exams or coursework 63% University Mental health and wellbeing of others 68% Employed part-time Exams or coursework 61% Employed full-time Physical health and wellbeing of others 63% Unemployed Mental health and wellbeing of others 58% For those in an apprenticeship or training, the second most concerning issues were the physical and mental health of others (both with 19 out of 32 respondents selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned). Other issues that young people are concerned about regarding coronavirus (COVID-19) Below is a breakdown of the themes that were most prevalent in responses from those in each demographic group. The themes generated from the Apprenticeship/Training respondents had less than three responses each so have been excluded in this case. School: 648 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Educational impacts 172 Social impacts 62 Economic impacts 60 Fearing for family or friends 54 Societal impacts 41 119 College: 61 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Educational impacts 15 Timeframes 7 Economic impacts 5 Fearing for family or friends 5 Impact on mental health 5 Other 5 Societal impacts 5 University: 99 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Economic impacts 41 Educational impacts 24 Lack of support 16 Social impacts 10 Impact on mental health 9 Employment (part-time): 126 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Educational impacts 41 Economic impacts 32 Social impacts 13 Timeframes 11 Impact on mental health 10 Practicalities of being in lockdown or social distancing 10 Employment (full-time): 46 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Economic impacts 20 Impact on mental health 8 Worried about vulnerable groups 8 Societal impacts 6 Other 5 Timeframes 5 120 Unemployed: 53 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Educational impacts 13 Economic impacts 11 Practicalities of being in lockdown or social distancing 5 Worried about vulnerable groups 5 Impact on mental health 4 Other 4 Social impacts 4 Societal impacts 4 121 Access to information about coronavirus (COVID-19) If you wanted to access information about the topics below during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, do you know how to do that? Responses were broadly similar across demographic groups. The topics that respondents were most confident in accessing information about were Information, advice and updates around lockdown and Activities to do while inside. The topics that respondents were least confident in accessing information about were Support for mental health and wellbeing and Financial support that may be available to you. Respondents who selected Yes Topics School College University Employment part-time Employment full-time Unemployed Apprenticeship /Training 122 Are there any topics not included above that you would like more information about at this time? Below is a breakdown of the themes that were most prevalent in responses from those in each demographic group. Most of these responses were a variation of No or Nothing. The themes generated from the College and Apprenticeship/Training respondents had less than three responses each so have been excluded in this case. School: 426 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Topics around education 59 Updates around returning to normal/the future 19 Advice on staying safe and healthy 11 Other 8 Facts/advice around the virus itself 8 University: 47 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Topics around education 7 Topics around employment 4 Employment (part-time): 69 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Topics around education 20 Updates around returning to normal/the future 3 Topics around employment 3 Facts/advice around the virus itself 3 Employment (full-time): 30 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Other 3 Topics around employment 3 123 Unemployed: 41 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Topics around education 6 Updates around returning to normal/the future 3 Do you have access to a device at home that you can look at online services?12 Respondents in college and undertaking an apprenticeship or training selected Yes slightly less often than the other groups. Do you have access to reliable broadband/data at home?13 Respondents in college and part-time employment selected Yes slightly less often than the other groups. When looking at the ratios, respondents undertaking an apprenticeship or training selected Yes much less often than other groups. 12 This survey was only available online. Therefore, the response to this question may not be representative of all young people’s experiences. 13 See comment above. 124 The role of decision makers in relation to coronavirus (COVID-19) Who do you think should be providing information surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19)? All demographic groups selected Politicians as their main preference for who should be providing information around COVID-19. When looking at respondents in education, Teachers were the second preference for those in school and college whereas those in university selected Charities. Young people was the least commonly selected option across these three groups. For respondents in part-time employment, Teachers were the second preference, whereas full-time respondents selected Charities. Young people was the least commonly selected option for both of these groups. 125 For those who were unemployed, Teachers were the second most selected option and Young people the least. For those undertaking an apprenticeship or training, Teachers were the second most selected option and Businesses the least. This question was multiple choice, therefore the percentage will not total 100%. Of the 433 respondents who selected Someone else, 408 provided a typed suggestion. The most common responses from each demographic group are summarised in the following tables. The themes generated from the Apprenticeship/Training respondents had less than three responses each so have been excluded in this case. School: 292 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Health or medical professionals 98 Parents or carers 51 Media 38 Scientists or researchers 35 Other 22 Government 22 College: 19 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Health or medical professionals 9 126 University: 59 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Health or medical professionals 24 Scientists or researchers 15 Educational bodies 5 Media 3 World Health Organisation 3 Employment (part-time): 68 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Health or medical professionals 63 Scientists or researchers 25 Everyone 7 Other 6 Media 4 Government 4 Employment (full-time): 31 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Health or medical professionals 17 Scientists or researchers 8 Government 3 Unemployed: 28 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Scientists or researchers 4 Health or medical professionals 3 127 What actions would you like to see decision makers (such as those listed above) take to tackle issues surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19)? There were 2,418 suggestions freely typed by respondents. The tables below demonstrate the ten most common themes from respondents in each demographic group. School: 1,816 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Ensure information is clear, honest and from a reliable source 301 Improvements to current impact on education 202 Don't know or not sure 174 Make current restrictions more strict 133 Clarification of existing measures 120 Adapting information to suit the needs of young people 104 Increase support for vulnerable groups 93 More communication around the future and life after lockdown 88 Keep the public updated on a regular basis 80 Share positive information as well as negative 72 College: 186 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Ensure information is clear, honest and from a reliable source 23 Improvements to current impact on education 21 Make current restrictions more strict 14 Clarification of existing measures 13 Share positive information as well as negative 11 Keep the public updated on a regular basis 9 More communication around the future and life after lockdown 9 Increase support for vulnerable groups 9 Support, protection and funding for frontline workers 9 Suggested methods of communication 9 128 University: 265 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Ensure information is clear, honest and from a reliable source 53 Make current restrictions more strict 32 Increase support for vulnerable groups 32 Improvements to current impact on education 29 More communication around the future and life after lockdown 23 Adapting information to suit the needs of young people 17 Clarification of existing measures 14 Share positive information as well as negative 12 Support, protection and funding for frontline workers 12 Increase testing for symptoms of COVID-19 11 Increase funding and financial support 11 Employment (part-time): 383 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Don't know or not sure 108 Ensure information is clear, honest and from a reliable source 74 Improvements to current impact on education 44 Make current restrictions more strict 42 More communication around the future and life after lockdown 28 Clarification of existing measures 26 Share positive information as well as negative 24 Adapting information to suit the needs of young people 22 Improvements to current impact on mental health 18 Suggested methods of communication 17 129 Employment (full-time): 125 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Ensure information is clear, honest and from a reliable source 34 Make current restrictions more strict 19 Increase support for vulnerable groups 13 Keep the public updated on a regular basis 9 Adapting information to suit the needs of young people 9 Share positive information as well as negative 9 Support, protection and funding for frontline workers 9 Suggested methods of communication 9 Don't know or not sure 8 Increase testing for symptoms of COVID-19 8 Improvements to current impact on mental health 8 Increase funding and financial support 8 Unemployed: 182 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Ensure information is clear, honest and from a reliable source 26 Make current restrictions more strict 21 Improvements to current impact on education 17 Increase support for vulnerable groups 16 Adapting information to suit the needs of young people 13 More communication around the future and life after lockdown 11 Keep the public updated on a regular basis 10 Clarification of existing measures 9 Improvements to current impact on mental health 9 Suggested methods of communication 9 Apprenticeship/Training: 32 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Adapting information to suit the needs of young people 5 Improvements to current impact on mental health 4 Suggested methods of communication 4 130 Ethnicity Demographic Exploration Respondents were asked to state their ethnicity. Below is a summary of the respondents, grouped into categories as stipulated by GOV.UK.14 For the purposes of this exploration, responses from those who selected Other ethnic group and I prefer not to say will be excluded. • White: 2,157 respondents • I prefer not to say: 88 respondents • Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups: 77 respondents • Asian/Asian British: 61 respondents • Black/African/Caribbean/Black British: 21 respondents • Other ethnic group: 15 respondents The table below demonstrates the breakdown of respondents accordingly. Usage in Report Ethnic Group Classification Respondents White English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British 2,031 Any other White background 111 Irish 11 Gypsy or Irish Traveller 4 Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups Any other Mixed/Multiple ethnic background 33 White and Asian 24 White and Black African 11 White and Black Caribbean 9 Asian/Asian British Indian 23 Pakistani 17 Chinese 10 Any other Asian background 8 Bangladeshi 3 African 13 14 https://www.ethnicity-facts-figures.service.gov.uk/ethnic-groups 131 Black/African/Caribbean/Black British Any other Black/African/Caribbean background 5 Caribbean 3 Other ethnic group Any other ethnic group 11 Arab 4 I prefer not to say I prefer not to say 88 Educational impacts How are you feeling about school, college and university closures? Asian/Asian British was the group most concerned about this issue, with almost half selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. *Not at all concerned 136 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. Respondents who identified themselves as Black, African, Caribbean or Black British were proportionally the most concerned group (12 out of 20 rated themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned). 1 survey respondent selected This question does not apply to me. 7%* 132 How are you feeling about any exams or coursework you may have? Asian/Asian British was the group most concerned about this issue, with 63% selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. *Not at all concerned 469 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. Respondents who identified themselves as Black, African, Caribbean or Black British were proportionally the most concerned group (13 out of 19 rated themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned). 2 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. 4%* 133 Employment and financial impacts How are you feeling about your employment situation? This question was applicable to just under half of the survey respondents. Asian/Asian British was the group most concerned about this issue, with half selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. 1,213 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. Only six respondents who identified themselves as Black, African, Caribbean or Black British rated this question, therefore the responses will not be explored. How are you feeling about your financial situation? This question was applicable to over half of the survey respondents. Asian/Asian British was the group most concerned about this issue, with around two fifts selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. 965 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. 134 Only ten respondents who identified themselves as Black, African, Caribbean or Black British rated this question, therefore the responses will not be explored. Health and wellbeing impacts How are you feeling about your physical wellbeing? Asian/Asian British was the group most concerned about this issue, with around two fifths selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. Respondents who identified themselves as Black, African, Caribbean or Black British were proportionally the least concerned group (6 out of 21 rated themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned). How are you feeling about your mental wellbeing? White and Asian/Asian British respondents were the groups most concerned about this issue, with around two fifths selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. 135 Respondents who identified themselves as Black, African, Caribbean or Black British were proportionally the least concerned group (7 out of 21 rated themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned). How are you feeling about the physical wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? Asian/Asian British was the group most concerned about this issue, with over half selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. *Not at all concerned Respondents who identified themselves as Black, African, Caribbean or Black British were proportionally the least concerned group (7 out of 21 rated themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned). 9%* 136 How are you feeling about the mental wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? White and Asian/Asian British respondents were the groups most concerned about this issue, with around 47% selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. *Not at all concerned Respondents who identified themselves as Black, African, Caribbean or Black British were proportionally the least concerned group (8 out of 21 rated themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned). Social impact How are you feeling about the impact on your social relationships with family or friends? Levels of concern were fairly consistent across all three groups, with around two fifths selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. 5%* 8%* 137 Respondents who identified themselves as Black, African, Caribbean or Black British were proportionally the least concerned group (7 out of 21 rated themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned). Impact on young people’s rights How are you feeling about your ability to access your rights as a young person? White was the group most concerned about this issue, with 57% demonstrating some concern. *Extremely concerned Out of the those who identified themselves as Black, African, Caribbean or Black British, 12 out of 21 respondents demonstrated some concern over this issue. 3%* 6%* 138 Impact on caring for others How are you feeling about your ability to look out for/care for others? Asian/Asian British was the group most concerned about this issue, with 37% selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. 472 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. Respondents who identified themselves as Black, African, Caribbean or Black British were proportionally the least concerned group (4 out of 14 rated themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned). 7 survey respondents selected This question does not apply to me. 139 Impact on the future How are you feeling about the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on the future? Over 90% of respondents expressed some concern across all ethnic groups. Asian/Asian British was the group most concerned about this issue, with over two thirds selecting Moderately or Extremely concerned. *Not at all concerned **Slightly concerned Respondents who identified themselves as Black, African, Caribbean or Black British were proportionally the most concerned group (14 out of 21 rated themselves as Moderately or Extremely concerned). *Not at all concerned 2%* 5%** 1%* 8%** 5%* 1* 140 Summary of concerns by ethnic group The top two issues that all demographic age groups were most concerned about were the future followed by exams or coursework. The following table demonstrates what each group was third most concerned about. Ethnic Group Issue impacted by COVID-19 % selecting Moderately/ Extremely concerned White Mental health and wellbeing of others 47% Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups School, college and university closures 42% Asian/Asian British Physical health and wellbeing of others 53% For those who identified as Black, African, Caribbean or Black British, the third most concerning issue was school, college and university closures (12 out of 21 respondents selected Moderately or Extremely concerned). Other issues that young people are concerned about regarding coronavirus (COVID-19) Below is a breakdown of the themes that were most prevalent in responses from those in each demographic group. White: 768 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Educational impacts 188 Economic impacts 132 Social impacts 76 Fearing for family or friends 64 Societal impacts 52 Mixed/multiple ethnic groups: 22 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Educational impacts 5 Impact on mental health 4 141 Asian/Asian British: 30 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Educational impacts 7 Economic impacts 6 Practicalities of being in lockdown or social distancing 4 Impact on mental health 3 Timeframes 3 Black/African/Caribbean/Black British: 6 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Educational impacts 3 142 Access to information about coronavirus (COVID-19) If you wanted to access information about the topics below during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, do you know how to do that? Responses across all gender groups followed the same pattern. The topics that respondents were most confident in accessing information about were Information, advice and updates around lockdown and Activities to do while inside. The topics that respondents were least confident in accessing information about were Support for mental health and wellbeing and Financial support that may be available to you. Respondents who selected Yes Asian/Asian British Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups Topics White Black/African/Caribbean/ Black British 143 There are some differences between the demographic groups. Respondents in mixed/multiple ethnic groups were less confident in accessing information around Information, advice and updates around lockdown than the other groups. Asian/Asian British respondents were less confident in accessing information around Activities to do while inside, Support for mental health and wellbeing and Financial support that may be available to you than the other groups. When looking at the ratios there were no real differences between those who identified as Black, African, Caribbean or Black British when compared to the other groups. Are there any other issues that you are currently worried or concerned about regarding coronavirus (COVID-19)? The following tables are a breakdown of the themes that were most prevalent in responses from those in each demographic group. Most of these responses were a variation of No or Nothing. The themes generated from the Black, African, Caribbean or Black British respondents had less than three responses each so have been excluded in this case. White: 478 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Topics around education 63 Updates around returning to normal/the future 25 Information and support for specific groups 15 Facts/advice around the virus itself 13 Other 12 Mixed/multiple ethnic groups: 13 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Topics around education 4 Asian/Asian British: 16 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Topics around education 5 144 Do you have access to a device at home that you can look at online services?15 There were no differences in response rate between respondents in the ethnic groups. Do you have access to reliable broadband/data at home?16 Asian/Asian British respondents selected Yes slightly less than the other groups. 15 This survey was only available online. Therefore, the response to this question may not be representative of all young people’s experiences. 16 See comment above. 145 The role of decision makers in relation to coronavirus (COVID-19) Who do you think should be providing information surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19)? All ethnic groups selected Politicians as their main preference for who should be providing information around COVID-19, followed by Teachers. White and Asian/Asian British respondents selected Businesses more often than the other ethnic groups, whose third choices were Charities. Young people was the least preferred option across all demographic groups. This question was multiple choice, therefore the percentage will not total 100%. Of the 433 respondents who selected Someone else, 408 provided a typed suggestion. The most common responses from each demographic group are summarised in the following tables. The themes generated from the Black, African, Caribbean or Black British respondents had less than three responses each so have been excluded in this case. White: 354 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Health or medical professionals 146 Scientists or researchers 51 Parents or carers 49 146 Media 40 Government 36 Mixed/multiple ethnic groups: 17 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Health or medical professionals 18 Scientists or researchers 3 Mixed/multiple ethnic groups: 10 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Health or medical professionals 3 What actions would you like to see decision makers (such as those listed above) take to tackle issues surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19)? There were 2,418 suggestions freely typed by respondents. The tables below demonstrate the ten most common themes from respondents in each demographic group. White: 2,154 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Ensure information is clear, honest and from a reliable source 378 Don't know or not sure 230 Improvements to current impact on education 213 Make current restrictions more strict 195 Clarification of existing measures 154 Adapting information to suit the needs of young people 139 Increase support for vulnerable groups 128 More communication around the future and life after lockdown 112 Share positive information as well as negative 96 Keep the public updated on a regular basis 95 147 Mixed/multiple ethnic groups: 77 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Improvements to current impact on education 11 Increase support for vulnerable groups 10 Ensure information is clear, honest and from a reliable source 9 Clarification of existing measures 6 Make current restrictions more strict 5 Improvements to current impact on mental health 5 Relax current restrictions 4 Adapting information to suit the needs of young people 3 More communication around the future and life after lockdown 3 Increase testing for symptoms of COVID-19 3 Suggestions and advice for positive action during lockdown 3 Advice about good hygiene and additional measures 3 Asian/Asian British: 61 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Don't know or not sure 33 Ensure information is clear, honest and from a reliable source 13 Make current restrictions more strict 7 Increase support for vulnerable groups 7 Improvements to current impact on education 6 Support, protection and funding for frontline workers 5 Suggested methods of communication 5 Keep the public updated on a regular basis 3 Black/African/Caribbean/Black British: 21 responses Main theme from qualitative analysis Responses Ensure information is clear, honest and from a reliable source 5 Improvements to current impact on education 5 Don't know or not sure 3 Improvements to current impact on mental health 3 Increase support for vulnerable groups 3 148 Demographic Data How old are you? Three quarters of respondents were under the age of 18. Most respondents were aged 16. Which Local Authority do you live in? The survey received responses from young people based in all 32 Local Authorities. Most respondents lived in Edinburgh. 149 Breakdown of respondents by Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation Decile The Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation is split into five quintiles, with Quintile 1 representing areas with highest deprivation and Quintile 5 representing areas with lowest deprivation. 1,931 respondents voluntarily provided their postcode. These postcodes were freely typed and 1,774 were able to be mapped against the SIMD20 Decile data. Gender Identity Almost two thirds (65%) of respondents identified as Female, with 31% identifying as Male and 2% selecting I prefer not to say. The remaining respondents identified as Nonbinary (1%) and In another way (0.4%). Education/Employment Status Three quarters of respondents stated that they were currently in school. This question was multiple choice, therefore the percentage will not total 100%. 150 What is your ethnicity? Appendix 1: Local Authority Breakdowns Responses were broken down by the Local Authority that respondents identified as currently living in. As demonstrated in the graph above, there was a variety of response rate for each locality. Therefore, detailed breakdowns were produced for those that had fifty or more responses in order to be meaningful (a total of eighteen documents). The identified Local Authorities were: • Aberdeenshire • Argyll and Bute • Dundee • East Ayrshire • East Dunbartonshire • East Lothian • Edinburgh • Falkirk • Fife • Glasgow • Highland • North Ayrshire • North Lanarkshire • Perth and Kinross • Shetland Islands • South Ayrshire • South Lanarkshire • West Lothian Reports were created and distributed on 1st May 2020. 151 Local Authority results summary - Aberdeenshire Respondent Profile 63 young people from Aberdeenshire took part in this consultation. Of these respondents: • 81.0% are aged between 11 and 17, 12.7% are aged 18-20, and 6.3% are aged 21-25. • 61.9% identify as female, 34.9% identify as male, and the remaining 3.2% preferred not to say. Young people’s concerns regarding the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) Respondents were given a list of twelve issues that may be worrying them during this time, and were asked to rate their level of concern. Young people in Aberdeenshire are most worried about the impact coronavirus (COVID-19) will have on their futures. 152 Young people’s concerns regarding the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) The questions young people were asked to respond to are shown below: Label on graph Survey question School, college and university closures How are you feeling about school, college and university closures? Exams or coursework How are you feeling about any exams or coursework you may have? Employment situation How are you feeling about your employment situation? Financial situation How are you feeling about your financial situation? Physical health and wellbeing How are you feeling about your physical wellbeing? Mental health and wellbeing How are you feeling about your mental wellbeing? Physical health and wellbeing (others) How are you feeling about the physical wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? Mental health and wellbeing (others) How are you feeling about the mental wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? Social relationships How are you feeling about the impact on your social relationships with family or friends? Rights How are you feeling about your ability to access your rights as a young person? Ability to look out for/care for others How are you feeling about your ability to look out for/care for others? Future How are you feeling about the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on the future? When asked if there were any other issues that respondents were concerned about in regards to coronavirus, the most common themes from the responses were Educational impacts and Fearing for family or friends. 153 If you wanted to access information about the topics below during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, do you know how to do that? When asked if there were any other topics that had not been previously mentioned, the most common themes from the responses were Topics around education and Facts/advice around the virus itself. Access to online information Respondents were asked if they have access to a device at home they could use to look at online services, and if they can access reliable broadband / data at home.17 17 This survey was only available online. Therefore, the response to this question may not be representative of all young people’s experiences. 154 Who do you think should be providing information surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19)? Of the respondents who selected Someone else, the most commonly typed responses were Health or medical professionals and Parents or carers. When asked if there were any actions that respondents would like to see decision makers take in relation to the topics above, the most common theme from responses was Ensure information is clear, honest and from a reliable source. 155 Local Authority results summary – Argyll and Bute Respondent Profile 68 young people from Argyll and Bute took part in this consultation. Of these respondents: • 80.9% are aged between 12 and 17, 13.2% are aged 18-20, and 5.9% are aged 21-25. • 54.4% identify as female, 41.2% identify as male, and 2.9% identify as non-binary. The remaining 1.5% respondents preferred not to say. Young people’s concerns regarding the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) Respondents were given a list of twelve issues that may be worrying them during this time, and were asked to rate their level of concern. Young people in Argyll and Bute are most worried about the impact coronavirus (COVID-19) will have on their futures. 156 Young people’s concerns regarding the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) The questions young people were asked to respond to are shown below: Label on graph Survey question School, college and university closures How are you feeling about school, college and university closures? Exams or coursework How are you feeling about any exams or coursework you may have? Employment situation How are you feeling about your employment situation? Financial situation How are you feeling about your financial situation? Physical health and wellbeing How are you feeling about your physical wellbeing? Mental health and wellbeing How are you feeling about your mental wellbeing? Physical health and wellbeing (others) How are you feeling about the physical wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? Mental health and wellbeing (others) How are you feeling about the mental wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? Social relationships How are you feeling about the impact on your social relationships with family or friends? Rights How are you feeling about your ability to access your rights as a young person? Ability to look out for/care for others How are you feeling about your ability to look out for/care for others? Future How are you feeling about the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on the future? When asked if there were any other issues that respondents were concerned about in regards to coronavirus, the most common themes from the responses were Societal impacts and Timeframes. 157 If you wanted to access information about the topics below during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, do you know how to do that? When asked if there were any other topics that had not been previously mentioned, the most common themes from the responses were Topics around education and Facts/advice around the virus itself. Access to online information Respondents were asked if they have access to a device at home they could use to look at online services, and if they can access reliable broadband / data at home.18 18 This survey was only available online. Therefore, the response to this question may not be representative of all young people’s experiences. 158 Who do you think should be providing information surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19)? Of the respondents who selected Someone else, the most commonly typed responses were Health or medical professionals. When asked if there were any actions that respondents would like to see decision makers take in relation to the topics above, the most common theme from responses was Ensure information is clear, honest and from a reliable source. 159 Local Authority results summary - Dundee Respondent Profile 54 young people from Dundee took part in this consultation. Of these respondents: • 46.3% are aged between 12 and 17, 22.2% are aged 18-20, and 31.5% are aged 21-25. • 55.6% identify as female, 33.3% identify as male, 3.7% identify as nonbinary, and 1.9% identify in another way. The remaining respondents preferred not to say. Young people’s concerns regarding the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) Respondents were given a list of twelve issues that may be worrying them during this time, and were asked to rate their level of concern.19 Young people in Dundee are most worried about the impact coronavirus (COVID-19) will have on the mental health and wellbeing of others, and on their ability to look out for or care for others. 19 See page 3 for a full list of the questions young people were asked to respond to. 160 Young people’s concerns regarding the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) The questions young people were asked to respond to are shown below: Label on graph Survey question School, college and university closures How are you feeling about school, college and university closures? Exams or coursework How are you feeling about any exams or coursework you may have? Employment situation How are you feeling about your employment situation? Financial situation How are you feeling about your financial situation? Physical health and wellbeing How are you feeling about your physical wellbeing? Mental health and wellbeing How are you feeling about your mental wellbeing? Physical health and wellbeing (others) How are you feeling about the physical wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? Mental health and wellbeing (others) How are you feeling about the mental wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? Social relationships How are you feeling about the impact on your social relationships with family or friends? Rights How are you feeling about your ability to access your rights as a young person? Ability to look out for/care for others How are you feeling about your ability to look out for/care for others? Future How are you feeling about the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on the future? When asked if there were any other issues that respondents were concerned about in regards to coronavirus, the most common themes from the responses were Educational impacts and Lack of support. 161 If you wanted to access information about the topics below during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, do you know how to do that? Access to online information Respondents were asked if they have access to a device at home they could use to look at online services, and if they can access reliable broadband / data at home.20 20 This survey was only available online. Therefore, the response to this question may not be representative of all young people’s experiences. 162 Who do you think should be providing information surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19)? Of the respondents who selected Someone else, the most commonly typed responses were Health or medical professionals and Scientists or researchers. When asked if there were any actions that respondents would like to see decision makers take in relation to the topics above, the most common theme from responses was Ensure information is clear, honest and from a reliable source. 163 Local Authority results summary – East Ayrshire Respondent Profile 58 young people from East Ayrshire took part in this consultation. Of these respondents: • 74.1% are aged between 12 and 17, 8.6% are aged 18-20, and 17.2% are aged 21-25. • 65.5% identify as female, 32.8% identify as male, and 1.7>% identify as non-binary. Young people’s concerns regarding the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) Respondents were given a list of twelve issues that may be worrying them during this time, and were asked to rate their level of concern. Young people in East Ayrshire are most worried about the impact coronavirus (COVID-19) will have on their futures. 164 Young people’s concerns regarding the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) The questions young people were asked to respond to are shown below: Label on graph Survey question School, college and university closures How are you feeling about school, college and university closures? Exams or coursework How are you feeling about any exams or coursework you may have? Employment situation How are you feeling about your employment situation? Financial situation How are you feeling about your financial situation? Physical health and wellbeing How are you feeling about your physical wellbeing? Mental health and wellbeing How are you feeling about your mental wellbeing? Physical health and wellbeing (others) How are you feeling about the physical wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? Mental health and wellbeing (others) How are you feeling about the mental wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? Social relationships How are you feeling about the impact on your social relationships with family or friends? Rights How are you feeling about your ability to access your rights as a young person? Ability to look out for/care for others How are you feeling about your ability to look out for/care for others? Future How are you feeling about the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on the future? When asked if there were any other issues that respondents were concerned about in regards to coronavirus, the most common theme from the responses was Economic impacts. 165 If you wanted to access information about the topics below during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, do you know how to do that? When asked if there were any other topics that had not been previously mentioned, the most common themes from the responses was Topics around education. Access to online information Respondents were asked if they have access to a device at home they could use to look at online services, and if they can access reliable broadband / data at home.21 21 This survey was only available online. Therefore, the response to this question may not be representative of all young people’s experiences. 166 Who do you think should be providing information surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19)? Of the respondents who selected Someone else, the most commonly typed responses were Health or medical professionals and Scientists or researchers. When asked if there were any actions that respondents would like to see decision makers take in relation to the topics above, the most common theme from responses was Ensure information is clear, honest and from a reliable source. 167 Local Authority results summary – East Dunbartonshire Respondent Profile 70 young people from East Dunbartonshire took part in this consultation. Of these respondents: • 78.6% are aged between 12 and 17, 12.9>% are aged 18-20, and 8.6% are aged 21-25. • 60.0% identify as female, and 35.7% identify as male. The remaining 4.3% respondents preferred not to say. Young people’s concerns regarding the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) Respondents were given a list of twelve issues that may be worrying them during this time, and were asked to rate their level of concern. Young people in East Dunbartonshire are most worried about the impact coronavirus (COVID-19) will have on their futures. 168 Young people’s concerns regarding the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) The questions young people were asked to respond to are shown below: Label on graph Survey question School, college and university closures How are you feeling about school, college and university closures? Exams or coursework How are you feeling about any exams or coursework you may have? Employment situation How are you feeling about your employment situation? Financial situation How are you feeling about your financial situation? Physical health and wellbeing How are you feeling about your physical wellbeing? Mental health and wellbeing How are you feeling about your mental wellbeing? Physical health and wellbeing (others) How are you feeling about the physical wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? Mental health and wellbeing (others) How are you feeling about the mental wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? Social relationships How are you feeling about the impact on your social relationships with family or friends? Rights How are you feeling about your ability to access your rights as a young person? Ability to look out for/care for others How are you feeling about your ability to look out for/care for others? Future How are you feeling about the impact of coronavirus (COVID19) on the future? When asked if there were any other issues that respondents were concerned about in regards to coronavirus, the most common theme from the responses was Educational impacts. 169 If you wanted to access information about the topics below during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, do you know how to do that? Access to online information Respondents were asked if they have access to a device at home they could use to look at online services, and if they can access reliable broadband / data at home.22 22 This survey was only available online. Therefore, the response to this question may not be representative of all young people’s experiences. 170 Who do you think should be providing information surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19)? Of the respondents who selected Someone else, the most commonly typed responses were Everyone and Media. When asked if there were any actions that respondents would like to see decision makers take in relation to the topics above, the most common themes from responses were Ensure information is clear, honest and from a reliable source and Make current restrictions more strict. 171 Local Authority results summary – East Lothian Respondent Profile 94 young people from East Lothian took part in this consultation. Of these respondents: • 87.2% are aged between 12 and 17, 8.5% are aged 18-20, and 4.3% are aged 21-25. • 70.2% identify as female, 27.7% identify as male, and 1.1% identify as non-binary. The remaining 1.1% respondents preferred not to say. Young people’s concerns regarding the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) Respondents were given a list of twelve issues that may be worrying them during this time, and were asked to rate their level of concern. Young people in East Lothian are most worried about the impact coronavirus (COVID-19) will have on their futures. 172 Young people’s concerns regarding the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) The questions young people were asked to respond to are shown below: Label on graph Survey question School, college and university closures How are you feeling about school, college and university closures? Exams or coursework How are you feeling about any exams or coursework you may have? Employment situation How are you feeling about your employment situation? Financial situation How are you feeling about your financial situation? Physical health and wellbeing How are you feeling about your physical wellbeing? Mental health and wellbeing How are you feeling about your mental wellbeing? Physical health and wellbeing (others) How are you feeling about the physical wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? Mental health and wellbeing (others) How are you feeling about the mental wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? Social relationships How are you feeling about the impact on your social relationships with family or friends? Rights How are you feeling about your ability to access your rights as a young person? Ability to look out for/care for others How are you feeling about your ability to look out for/care for others? Future How are you feeling about the impact of coronavirus (COVID19) on the future? When asked if there were any other issues that respondents were concerned about in regards to coronavirus, the most common themes from the responses were Worried about vulnerable groups and Educational impacts. 173 If you wanted to access information about the topics below during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, do you know how to do that? When asked if there were any other topics that had not been previously mentioned, the most common theme from the responses was Topics around education. Access to online information Respondents were asked if they have access to a device at home they could use to look at online services, and if they can access reliable broadband / data at home.23 23 This survey was only available online. Therefore, the response to this question may not be representative of all young people’s experiences. 174 Who do you think should be providing information surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19)? Of the respondents who selected Someone else, the most commonly typed responses were Media and Health or medical professionals. When asked if there were any actions that respondents would like to see decision makers take in relation to the topics above, the most common themes from responses were Ensure information is clear, honest and from a reliable source and More communication around the future and life after lockdown. 175 Local Authority results summary – Edinburgh Respondent Profile 401 young people from Edinburgh took part in this consultation. Of these respondents: • 78.5% are aged between 12 and 17, 10.5% are aged 18-20, and 11.0% are aged 21-25. • 64.8% identify as female, 31.7% identify as male, 1.2% identify as nonbinary, and 0.7% identify in another way. The remaining 1.5% respondents preferred not to say. Young people’s concerns regarding the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) Respondents were given a list of twelve issues that may be worrying them during this time, and were asked to rate their level of concern. Young people in Edinburgh are most worried about the impact coronavirus (COVID-19) will have on their futures. 176 Young people’s concerns regarding the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) The questions young people were asked to respond to are shown below: Label on graph Survey question School, college and university closures How are you feeling about school, college and university closures? Exams or coursework How are you feeling about any exams or coursework you may have? Employment situation How are you feeling about your employment situation? Financial situation How are you feeling about your financial situation? Physical health and wellbeing How are you feeling about your physical wellbeing? Mental health and wellbeing How are you feeling about your mental wellbeing? Physical health and wellbeing (others) How are you feeling about the physical wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? Mental health and wellbeing (others) How are you feeling about the mental wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? Social relationships How are you feeling about the impact on your social relationships with family or friends? Rights How are you feeling about your ability to access your rights as a young person? Ability to look out for/care for others How are you feeling about your ability to look out for/care for others? Future How are you feeling about the impact of coronavirus (COVID19) on the future? When asked if there were any other issues that respondents were concerned about in regards to coronavirus, the most common themes from the responses were Educational impacts, Economic impacts and Social impacts. 177 If you wanted to access information about the topics below during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, do you know how to do that? When asked if there were any other topics that had not been previously mentioned, the most common theme from the responses was Topics around education. Access to online information Respondents were asked if they have access to a device at home they could use to look at online services, and if they can access reliable broadband / data at home.24 24 This survey was only available online. Therefore, the response to this question may not be representative of all young people’s experiences. 178 Who do you think should be providing information surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19)? Of the respondents who selected Someone else, the most commonly typed responses were Health or medical professionals. When asked if there were any actions that respondents would like to see decision makers take in relation to the topics above, the most common theme from responses was Ensure information is clear, honest and from a reliable source. 179 Local Authority results summary - Falkirk Respondent Profile 62 young people from Falkirk took part in this consultation. Of these respondents: • 62.9% are aged between 12 and 17, 22.6% are aged 18-20, and 14.5% are aged 21-25. • 72.6% identify as female, 21.0% identify as male, and 4.8% identify as non-binary. The remaining 1.6% respondents preferred not to say. Young people’s concerns regarding the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) Respondents were given a list of twelve issues that may be worrying them during this time, and were asked to rate their level of concern. Young people in Falkirk are most worried about the impact coronavirus (COVID-19) will have on their futures. 180 Young people’s concerns regarding the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) The questions young people were asked to respond to are shown below: Label on graph Survey question School, college and university closures How are you feeling about school, college and university closures? Exams or coursework How are you feeling about any exams or coursework you may have? Employment situation How are you feeling about your employment situation? Financial situation How are you feeling about your financial situation? Physical health and wellbeing How are you feeling about your physical wellbeing? Mental health and wellbeing How are you feeling about your mental wellbeing? Physical health and wellbeing (others) How are you feeling about the physical wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? Mental health and wellbeing (others) How are you feeling about the mental wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? Social relationships How are you feeling about the impact on your social relationships with family or friends? Rights How are you feeling about your ability to access your rights as a young person? Ability to look out for/care for others How are you feeling about your ability to look out for/care for others? Future How are you feeling about the impact of coronavirus (COVID19) on the future? When asked if there were any other issues that respondents were concerned about in regards to coronavirus, the most common themes from the responses were Educational impacts and Economic impacts. 181 If you wanted to access information about the topics below during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, do you know how to do that? When asked if there were any other topics that had not been previously mentioned, the most common themes from the responses were Topics around education and Information and support for specific groups. Access to online information Respondents were asked if they have access to a device at home they could use to look at online services, and if they can access reliable broadband / data at home.25 25 This survey was only available online. Therefore, the response to this question may not be representative of all young people’s experiences. 182 Who do you think should be providing information surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19)? Of the respondents who selected Someone else, the most commonly typed responses were Health or medical professionals. When asked if there were any actions that respondents would like to see decision makers take in relation to the topics above, the most common theme from responses was Ensure information is clear, honest and from a reliable source. 183 Local Authority results summary - Fife Respondent Profile 152 young people from Fife took part in this consultation. Of these respondents: • 69.1% are aged between 12 and 17, 15.8% are aged 18-20, and 15.1% are aged 21-25. • 65.1% identify as female, 30.3% identify as male, and 2.6% identify as non-binary. The remaining 2.0% respondents preferred not to say. Young people’s concerns regarding the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) Respondents were given a list of twelve issues that may be worrying them during this time, and were asked to rate their level of concern. Young people in Fife are most worried about the impact coronavirus (COVID-19) will have on their futures. 184 Young people’s concerns regarding the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) The questions young people were asked to respond to are shown below: Label on graph Survey question School, college and university closures How are you feeling about school, college and university closures? Exams or coursework How are you feeling about any exams or coursework you may have? Employment situation How are you feeling about your employment situation? Financial situation How are you feeling about your financial situation? Physical health and wellbeing How are you feeling about your physical wellbeing? Mental health and wellbeing How are you feeling about your mental wellbeing? Physical health and wellbeing (others) How are you feeling about the physical wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? Mental health and wellbeing (others) How are you feeling about the mental wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? Social relationships How are you feeling about the impact on your social relationships with family or friends? Rights How are you feeling about your ability to access your rights as a young person? Ability to look out for/care for others How are you feeling about your ability to look out for/care for others? Future How are you feeling about the impact of coronavirus (COVID19) on the future? When asked if there were any other issues that respondents were concerned about in regards to coronavirus, the most common themes from the responses were Educational impacts and Economic impacts. 185 If you wanted to access information about the topics below during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, do you know how to do that? When asked if there were any other topics that had not been previously mentioned, the most common theme from the responses was Topics around education. Access to online information Respondents were asked if they have access to a device at home they could use to look at online services, and if they can access reliable broadband / data at home.26 26 This survey was only available online. Therefore, the response to this question may not be representative of all young people’s experiences. 186 Who do you think should be providing information surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19)? Of the respondents who selected Someone else, the most commonly typed responses were Health or medical professionals and Media. When asked if there were any actions that respondents would like to see decision makers take in relation to the topics above, the most common theme from responses was Ensure information is clear, honest and from a reliable source. 187 Local Authority results summary - Glasgow Respondent Profile 195 young people from Glasgow took part in this consultation. Of these respondents: • 73.3% are aged between 12 and 17, 10.3% are aged 18-20, and 16.4% are aged 21-25. • 71.3% identify as female, 25.1% identify as male, and 1.0% identify as non-binary. The remaining 2.6% respondents preferred not to say. Young people’s concerns regarding the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) Respondents were given a list of twelve issues that may be worrying them during this time, and were asked to rate their level of concern. Young people in Glasgow are most worried about the impact coronavirus (COVID-19) will have on their futures. 188 Young people’s concerns regarding the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) The questions young people were asked to respond to are shown below: Label on graph Survey question School, college and university closures How are you feeling about school, college and university closures? Exams or coursework How are you feeling about any exams or coursework you may have? Employment situation How are you feeling about your employment situation? Financial situation How are you feeling about your financial situation? Physical health and wellbeing How are you feeling about your physical wellbeing? Mental health and wellbeing How are you feeling about your mental wellbeing? Physical health and wellbeing (others) How are you feeling about the physical wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? Mental health and wellbeing (others) How are you feeling about the mental wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? Social relationships How are you feeling about the impact on your social relationships with family or friends? Rights How are you feeling about your ability to access your rights as a young person? Ability to look out for/care for others How are you feeling about your ability to look out for/care for others? Future How are you feeling about the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on the future? When asked if there were any other issues that respondents were concerned about in regards to coronavirus, the most common themes from the responses were Economic impacts and Educational impacts. 189 If you wanted to access information about the topics below during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, do you know how to do that? When asked if there were any other topics that had not been previously mentioned, the most common theme from the responses was Topics around education. Access to online information Respondents were asked if they have access to a device at home they could use to look at online services, and if they can access reliable broadband / data at home.27 27 This survey was only available online. Therefore, the response to this question may not be representative of all young people’s experiences. 190 Who do you think should be providing information surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19)? Of the respondents who selected Someone else, the most commonly typed responses were Health or medical professionals, Scientists or researchers and Media. When asked if there were any actions that respondents would like to see decision makers take in relation to the topics above, the most common theme from responses was Ensure information is clear, honest and from a reliable source. 191 Local Authority results summary - Highland Respondent Profile 207 young people from Highlands took part in this consultation. Of these respondents: • 86.0% are aged between 12 and 17, 9.7% are aged 18-20, and 4.3% are aged 21-25. • 67.1% identify as female, 29.5% identify as male, and 1.0% identify as non-binary. The remaining 2.4% respondents preferred not to say. Young people’s concerns regarding the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) Respondents were given a list of twelve issues that may be worrying them during this time, and were asked to rate their level of concern. Young people in Highlands are most worried about the impact coronavirus (COVID-19) will have on their futures. 192 Young people’s concerns regarding the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) The questions young people were asked to respond to are shown below: Label on graph Survey question School, college and university closures How are you feeling about school, college and university closures? Exams or coursework How are you feeling about any exams or coursework you may have? Employment situation How are you feeling about your employment situation? Financial situation How are you feeling about your financial situation? Physical health and wellbeing How are you feeling about your physical wellbeing? Mental health and wellbeing How are you feeling about your mental wellbeing? Physical health and wellbeing (others) How are you feeling about the physical wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? Mental health and wellbeing (others) How are you feeling about the mental wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? Social relationships How are you feeling about the impact on your social relationships with family or friends? Rights How are you feeling about your ability to access your rights as a young person? Ability to look out for/care for others How are you feeling about your ability to look out for/care for others? Future How are you feeling about the impact of coronavirus (COVID19) on the future? When asked if there were any other issues that respondents were concerned about in regards to coronavirus, the most common themes from the responses were Economic impacts and Educational impacts. 193 If you wanted to access information about the topics below during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, do you know how to do that? When asked if there were any other topics that had not been previously mentioned, the most common theme from the responses was Topics around education. Access to online information Respondents were asked if they have access to a device at home they could use to look at online services, and if they can access reliable broadband / data at home.28 28 This survey was only available online. Therefore, the response to this question may not be representative of all young people’s experiences. 194 Who do you think should be providing information surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19)? Of the respondents who selected Someone else, the most commonly typed responses were Health or medical professionals and Media. When asked if there were any actions that respondents would like to see decision makers take in relation to the topics above, the most common theme from responses was Ensure information is clear, honest and from a reliable source. 195 Local Authority results summary - North Ayrshire Respondent Profile 53 young people from North Ayrshire took part in this consultation. Of these respondents: • 69.8% are aged between 12 and 17, 15.1% are aged 18-20, and 15.1% are aged 21-25. • 58.5% identify as female, and 37.7% identify as male. The remaining 3.8% respondents preferred not to say. Young people’s concerns regarding the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) Respondents were given a list of twelve issues that may be worrying them during this time, and were asked to rate their level of concern. Young people in North Ayrshire are most worried about the impact coronavirus (COVID-19) will have on their futures. 196 Young people’s concerns regarding the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) The questions young people were asked to respond to are shown below: Label on graph Survey question School, college and university closures How are you feeling about school, college and university closures? Exams or coursework How are you feeling about any exams or coursework you may have? Employment situation How are you feeling about your employment situation? Financial situation How are you feeling about your financial situation? Physical health and wellbeing How are you feeling about your physical wellbeing? Mental health and wellbeing How are you feeling about your mental wellbeing? Physical health and wellbeing (others) How are you feeling about the physical wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? Mental health and wellbeing (others) How are you feeling about the mental wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? Social relationships How are you feeling about the impact on your social relationships with family or friends? Rights How are you feeling about your ability to access your rights as a young person? Ability to look out for/care for others How are you feeling about your ability to look out for/care for others? Future How are you feeling about the impact of coronavirus (COVID19) on the future? 197 If you wanted to access information about the topics below during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, do you know how to do that? When asked if there were any other topics that had not been previously mentioned, the most common theme from the responses was Topics around education. Access to online information Respondents were asked if they have access to a device at home they could use to look at online services, and if they can access reliable broadband / data at home.29 29 This survey was only available online. Therefore, the response to this question may not be representative of all young people’s experiences. 198 Who do you think should be providing information surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19)? When asked if there were any actions that respondents would like to see decision makers take in relation to the topics above, the most common theme from responses was Ensure information is clear, honest and from a reliable source. 199 Local Authority results summary – North Lanarkshire Respondent Profile 70 young people from North Lanarkshire took part in this consultation. Of these respondents: • 70.0% are aged between 12 and 17, 21.4% are aged 18-20, and 8.6% are aged 21-25. • 68.6% identify as female, 28.6% identify as male, and 1.4% identify as non-binary. The remaining 1.4% respondents preferred not to say. Young people’s concerns regarding the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) Respondents were given a list of twelve issues that may be worrying them during this time, and were asked to rate their level of concern. Young people in North Lanarkshire are most worried about the impact coronavirus (COVID-19) will have on other peoples’ mental health and wellbeing. 200 Young people’s concerns regarding the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) The questions young people were asked to respond to are shown below: Label on graph Survey question School, college and university closures How are you feeling about school, college and university closures? Exams or coursework How are you feeling about any exams or coursework you may have? Employment situation How are you feeling about your employment situation? Financial situation How are you feeling about your financial situation? Physical health and wellbeing How are you feeling about your physical wellbeing? Mental health and wellbeing How are you feeling about your mental wellbeing? Physical health and wellbeing (others) How are you feeling about the physical wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? Mental health and wellbeing (others) How are you feeling about the mental wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? Social relationships How are you feeling about the impact on your social relationships with family or friends? Rights How are you feeling about your ability to access your rights as a young person? Ability to look out for/care for others How are you feeling about your ability to look out for/care for others? Future How are you feeling about the impact of coronavirus (COVID19) on the future? When asked if there were any other issues that respondents were concerned about in regards to coronavirus, the most common theme from the responses was Educational impacts. 201 If you wanted to access information about the topics below during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, do you know how to do that? When asked if there were any other topics that had not been previously mentioned, the most common theme from the responses was Topics around mental health. Access to online information Respondents were asked if they have access to a device at home they could use to look at online services, and if they can access reliable broadband / data at home.30 30 This survey was only available online. Therefore, the response to this question may not be representative of all young people’s experiences. 202 Who do you think should be providing information surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19)? When asked if there were any actions that respondents would like to see decision makers take in relation to the topics above, the most common themes from responses were Ensure information is clear, honest and from a reliable source and Make current restrictions more strict. 203 Local Authority results summary - Perth and Kinross Respondent Profile 53 young people from Perth and Kinross took part in this consultation. Of these respondents: • 69.8% are aged between 12 and 17, 17.0% are aged 18-20, and 13.2% are aged 21-25. • 75.5% identify as female, 18.9% identify as male, and 3.8% identify in another way. The remaining 1.9% respondents preferred not to say. Young people’s concerns regarding the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) Respondents were given a list of twelve issues that may be worrying them during this time, and were asked to rate their level of concern. Young people in Perth and Kinross are most worried about the impact coronavirus (COVID-19) will have on other people’s mental health and wellbeing, on their education, and on their futures. 204 Young people’s concerns regarding the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) The questions young people were asked to respond to are shown below: Label on graph Survey question School, college and university closures How are you feeling about school, college and university closures? Exams or coursework How are you feeling about any exams or coursework you may have? Employment situation How are you feeling about your employment situation? Financial situation How are you feeling about your financial situation? Physical health and wellbeing How are you feeling about your physical wellbeing? Mental health and wellbeing How are you feeling about your mental wellbeing? Physical health and wellbeing (others) How are you feeling about the physical wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? Mental health and wellbeing (others) How are you feeling about the mental wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? Social relationships How are you feeling about the impact on your social relationships with family or friends? Rights How are you feeling about your ability to access your rights as a young person? Ability to look out for/care for others How are you feeling about your ability to look out for/care for others? Future How are you feeling about the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on the future? When asked if there were any other issues that respondents were concerned about in regards to coronavirus, the most common theme from the responses was Educational impacts. 205 If you wanted to access information about the topics below during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, do you know how to do that? When asked if there were any other topics that had not been previously mentioned, the most common theme from the responses was Topics around education. Access to online information Respondents were asked if they have access to a device at home they could use to look at online services, and if they can access reliable broadband / data at home.31 31 This survey was only available online. Therefore, the response to this question may not be representative of all young people’s experiences. 206 Who do you think should be providing information surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19)? When asked if there were any actions that respondents would like to see decision makers take in relation to the topics above, the most common themes from responses were Ensure information is clear, honest and from a reliable source and Improvements to current impact on education. 207 Local Authority results summary - Shetland Respondent Profile 208 young people from Shetland took part in this consultation. Of these respondents: • 88.9% are aged between 12 and 17, 9.1% are aged 18-20, and 1.9% are aged 21-25. • 61.5% identify as female, 34.6% identify as male, and 0.5% identify as non-binary. The remaining 3.4% respondents preferred not to say. Young people’s concerns regarding the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) Respondents were given a list of twelve issues that may be worrying them during this time, and were asked to rate their level of concern. Young people in Shetland are most worried about the impact coronavirus (COVID-19) will have on their futures. 208 Young people’s concerns regarding the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) The questions young people were asked to respond to are shown below: Label on graph Survey question School, college and university closures How are you feeling about school, college and university closures? Exams or coursework How are you feeling about any exams or coursework you may have? Employment situation How are you feeling about your employment situation? Financial situation How are you feeling about your financial situation? Physical health and wellbeing How are you feeling about your physical wellbeing? Mental health and wellbeing How are you feeling about your mental wellbeing? Physical health and wellbeing (others) How are you feeling about the physical wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? Mental health and wellbeing (others) How are you feeling about the mental wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? Social relationships How are you feeling about the impact on your social relationships with family or friends? Rights How are you feeling about your ability to access your rights as a young person? Ability to look out for/care for others How are you feeling about your ability to look out for/care for others? Future How are you feeling about the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on the future? When asked if there were any other issues that respondents were concerned about in regards to coronavirus, the most common theme from the responses was Educational impacts. 209 If you wanted to access information about the topics below during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, do you know how to do that? When asked if there were any other topics that had not been previously mentioned, the most common themes from the responses were Topics around education and Updates around returning to normal/the future. Access to online information Respondents were asked if they have access to a device at home they could use to look at online services, and if they can access reliable broadband / data at home.32 32 This survey was only available online. Therefore, the response to this question may not be representative of all young people’s experiences. 210 Who do you think should be providing information surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19)? Of the respondents who selected Someone else, the most commonly typed responses were Scientists or researchers and Health or medical professionals. When asked if there were any actions that respondents would like to see decision makers take in relation to the topics above, the most common themes from responses were Ensure information is clear, honest and from a reliable source and Improvements to current impact on education. 211 Local Authority results summary - South Ayrshire Respondent Profile 53 young people from South Ayrshire took part in this consultation. Of these respondents: • 79.2% are aged between 12 and 17, 11.3% are aged 18-20, and 9.4% are aged 21-25. • 67.9% identify as female, 26.4% identify as male, and 3.8% identify as non-binary. The remaining 1.9% respondents preferred not to say. Young people’s concerns regarding the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) Respondents were given a list of twelve issues that may be worrying them during this time, and were asked to rate their level of concern. Young people in South Ayrshire are most worried about the impact coronavirus (COVID-19) will have on their futures. 212 Young people’s concerns regarding the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) The questions young people were asked to respond to are shown below: Label on graph Survey question School, college and university closures How are you feeling about school, college and university closures? Exams or coursework How are you feeling about any exams or coursework you may have? Employment situation How are you feeling about your employment situation? Financial situation How are you feeling about your financial situation? Physical health and wellbeing How are you feeling about your physical wellbeing? Mental health and wellbeing How are you feeling about your mental wellbeing? Physical health and wellbeing (others) How are you feeling about the physical wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? Mental health and wellbeing (others) How are you feeling about the mental wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? Social relationships How are you feeling about the impact on your social relationships with family or friends? Rights How are you feeling about your ability to access your rights as a young person? Ability to look out for/care for others How are you feeling about your ability to look out for/care for others? Future How are you feeling about the impact of coronavirus (COVID19) on the future? When asked if there were any other issues that respondents were concerned about in regards to coronavirus, the most common themes from the responses were Economic impacts and Educational impacts. 213 If you wanted to access information about the topics below during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, do you know how to do that? Access to online information Respondents were asked if they have access to a device at home they could use to look at online services, and if they can access reliable broadband / data at home.33 33 This survey was only available online. Therefore, the response to this question may not be representative of all young people’s experiences. 214 Who do you think should be providing information surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19)? When asked if there were any actions that respondents would like to see decision makers take in relation to the topics above, the most common themes from responses were Improvements to current impact on education, Keep the public updated on a regular basis and Adapting information to suit the needs of young people. 215 Local Authority results summary – South Lanarkshire Respondent Profile 66 young people from South Lanarkshire took part in this consultation. Of these respondents: • 71.2% are aged between 12 and 17, 19.7% are aged 18-20, and 9.1% are aged 21-25. • 62.1% identify as female, and 36.4% identify as male. The remaining 1.5% respondents preferred not to say. Young people’s concerns regarding the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) Respondents were given a list of twelve issues that may be worrying them during this time, and were asked to rate their level of concern. Young people in South Lanarkshire are most worried about the impact coronavirus (COVID-19) will have on their futures. 216 Young people’s concerns regarding the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) The questions young people were asked to respond to are shown below: Label on graph Survey question School, college and university closures How are you feeling about school, college and university closures? Exams or coursework How are you feeling about any exams or coursework you may have? Employment situation How are you feeling about your employment situation? Financial situation How are you feeling about your financial situation? Physical health and wellbeing How are you feeling about your physical wellbeing? Mental health and wellbeing How are you feeling about your mental wellbeing? Physical health and wellbeing (others) How are you feeling about the physical wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? Mental health and wellbeing (others) How are you feeling about the mental wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? Social relationships How are you feeling about the impact on your social relationships with family or friends? Rights How are you feeling about your ability to access your rights as a young person? Ability to look out for/care for others How are you feeling about your ability to look out for/care for others? Future How are you feeling about the impact of coronavirus (COVID19) on the future? When asked if there were any other issues that respondents were concerned about in regards to coronavirus, the most common theme from the responses was Educational impacts. 217 If you wanted to access information about the topics below during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, do you know how to do that? When asked if there were any other topics that had not been previously mentioned, the most common theme from the response was Topics around education. Access to online information Respondents were asked if they have access to a device at home they could use to look at online services, and if they can access reliable broadband / data at home.34 34 This survey was only available online. Therefore, the response to this question may not be representative of all young people’s experiences. 218 Who do you think should be providing information surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19)? Of the respondents who selected Someone else, the most commonly typed response was Health or medical professionals. When asked if there were any actions that respondents would like to see decision makers take in relation to the topics above, the most common theme from responses was Ensure information is clear, honest and from a reliable source. 219 Local Authority results summary - West Lothian Respondent Profile 134 young people from West Lothian took part in this consultation. Of these respondents: • 89.6% are aged between 12 and 17, 7.5% are aged 18-20, and 2.9% are aged 21-25. • 65.7% identify as female, 32.8% identify as male, and 1.5% identify as non-binary. Young people’s concerns regarding the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) Respondents were given a list of twelve issues that may be worrying them during this time, and were asked to rate their level of concern. Young people in West Lothian are most worried about the impact coronavirus (COVID-19) will have on their futures. 220 Young people’s concerns regarding the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) The questions young people were asked to respond to are shown below: Label on graph Survey question School, college and university closures How are you feeling about school, college and university closures? Exams or coursework How are you feeling about any exams or coursework you may have? Employment situation How are you feeling about your employment situation? Financial situation How are you feeling about your financial situation? Physical health and wellbeing How are you feeling about your physical wellbeing? Mental health and wellbeing How are you feeling about your mental wellbeing? Physical health and wellbeing (others) How are you feeling about the physical wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? Mental health and wellbeing (others) How are you feeling about the mental wellbeing of others (e.g. family or friends)? Social relationships How are you feeling about the impact on your social relationships with family or friends? Rights How are you feeling about your ability to access your rights as a young person? Ability to look out for/care for others How are you feeling about your ability to look out for/care for others? Future How are you feeling about the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on the future? When asked if there were any other issues that respondents were concerned about in regards to coronavirus, the most common themes from the responses were Educational impacts and Fearing for family or friends. 221 If you wanted to access information about the topics below during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, do you know how to do that? Access to online information Respondents were asked if they have access to a device at home they could use to look at online services, and if they can access reliable broadband / data at home.35 35 This survey was only available online. Therefore, the response to this question may not be representative of all young people’s experiences. 222 Who do you think should be providing information surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19)? Of the respondents who selected Someone else, the most commonly typed response was Health or medical professionals. When asked if there were any actions that respondents would like to see decision makers take in relation to the topics above, the most common theme from responses was Ensure information is clear, honest and from a reliable source.