Young Scot Corporate

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How is the Current Cost of Living Affecting You? Survey Results December 2022

New insight into the impact of the cost crisis has revealed people as young as 11-years-old are worried about the effect rising prices are having on their parents. 

Over 70% of young people are concerned about the financial pressures on their parents, guardians or carers and the associated stress and impact on their mental and physical health. 

Over 80% of young people said they had noticed a change in how their homes are heated, with 83% now more aware of how much electricity they use. Young people also highlighted the effect the increase in the cost of living is having on their health with over 50% reporting a negative impact on their mental health and 33% not currently feeling good about their physical health and wellbeing.   


Our ‘How is the current cost of living affecting you?’ survey received over 1,000 responses from young people across Scotland. It covered topics such as heating homes, electricity use, access to food and mental health. We launched the insights project following direct feedback from young people who consistently, via our vote on a topic feature, ask us to feature information and support on the cost crisis and money management.

You can scroll through a preview of our report, download a full pdf version using the Download button below.

We would be delighted to hear what you think about #CostCrisisSurvey - you can tag us @youngscot. You can also let us know your thoughts on the issues raised in this report by emailing, with any other enquiries email

Please visit our Cost Crisis hub for more information and resources for young people.