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Cleachdadh na Gàidhlig Air-Loidhne / Engaging with Gaelic Online

Tha Young Scot air a bhith ag obair ann an com-pàirteachas le Bòrd na Gàidhlig bho 2018 gus cleachdadh agus ionnsachadh Gàidhlig na h-Alba a mheudachadh am measg dhaoine òga ann an Alba, agus gus ìomhaigh adhartach den chànan Gàidhlig a bhrosnachadh.

We’ve been partnering with Bòrd na Gàidhlig since 2018 to increase Scottish Gaelic (Gaelic) use and learning amongst young people in Scotland, and to promote a positive image of the Gaelic language.

Tha an suirbhidh seo mar phàirt den obair  com-pàirteachais seo a tha ag amas air:  

  • ar tuigse àrdachadh air mar a bhios daoine òga a ’cleachdadh Gàidhlig air-loidhne 

  • na goireasan agus na meadhanan a tha iad a’ cleachdadh as trice gus susbaint agus fiosrachaidh a lorg a chomharrachadh   

Fhreagair còrr air 700 neach òg bho air feadh na h-Alba an sgrùdadh le diofar ìrean de fhileantachd Gàidhlig. 

This survey is a part of this partnership working which aims to :

  • increase our understanding of how young people engage with Gaelic online

  • identify the resources and mediums they use most when looking for content and information.

 Over 700 young people from across Scotland responded with various levels of fluency in Gaelic.

Faodaidh tu sgroladh tro ro-shealladh den aithisg againn, luchdaich sìos dreach pdf slàn le bhith a’ cleachdadh a’ phutan “Download” no cleachd dreach teacsa gun sgeadas den aithisg againn gu h-ìosal.

You can scroll through a preview of our report, download a full pdf version using the Download button or access a plain text version of our report below.

Luchdaich sìos an aithisg

1. Ro-Ràdh agus Prìomh Thoraidhean

Bho 2018 tha sinn air a bhith ag obair còmhla ri Bòrd na Gàidhlig gus cleachdadh agus ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig a mheudachadh am measg dhaoine òga ann an Alba, agus gus ìomhaigh adhartach den chànan a bhrosnachadh.

Tha an suirbhidh seo mar phàirt den obair com-pàirteachais seo. Tha e ag amas air ar tuigse adhartachadh air mar a bhios daoine òga a’ cleachdadh Gàidhlig air-loidhne, agus na goireasan agus na meadhanan as fheàrr leotha a chleachdadh nuair a tha iad a’ coimhead airson fiosrachadh a chomharrachadh.

Tha sinn an dòchas gun cuidich toraidhean an t-suirbhidh seo sinn fhèin, agus buidhnean eile sa ghnìomhachas, gus ar solar Gàidhlig a leasachadh. Cuidichidh seo sinn gus coinneachadh ri feumalachdan luchd-labhairt agus luchd-ionnsachaidh òg na Gàidhlig ann an Alba.

Chaidh an t-suirbhidh a ruith eadar 30mh an t-Samhain 2020 agus 28mh An Gearran 2021 agus fhuair sinn 716 freagairt chrìochnaichte.


1. Chaidh ‘logic’ a chleachdadh san t-suirbhidh gus luchd-freagairt a stiùireadh gu ceistean a bha iomchaidh don eòlas aca. Mar sin, tha na meudan sampall airson nan ceistean eadar-dhealaichte bho cheist gu ceist. Chaidh na meudan sin a ràdh far a bheil sin iomchaidh.

2. Chaidh ceudadan a chleachdadh far an robh meudan sampall 80 no nas àirde ann. Far an robh na meudan sampaill nas lugha na 80, chaidh na h-àireamhan fhèin a chleachdadh.

3. Chaidh beagan anailis coimeasach a dhèanamh air sgìrean ùghdarrasan ionadail. Chaidh na h-ùghdarrasan ionadail a sheòrsachadh ann an trì buidhnean a rèir far a bheil iad san dùthaich agus air ìrean fileantachd am measg an luchd-fhreagairt: Meadhan na Dùthcha, a’ Ghàidhealtachd agus na h-Eileanan an Iar agus “Eile”. Tha an clàr gu h-ìosal a’ sealltainn na buidhnean seo. Cha b’ urrainnear a h-uile ceist a sgrùdadh a rèir buidheann air sgàth diofar mheudan sampall (chaidh seo a ràdh san aithisg nuair a tha sin iomchaidh).

Buidheann Ùghdarras Ionadail

Meadhan na Dùthcha An Eaglais Bhreac

Baile Dhùn Èideann

Cathair Ghlaschu


Lodainn an Iar

Lodainn Mheadhanach


A’ Ghàidhealtachd agus na h-Eileanan an Iar A' Ghàidhealtachd

Earra-Ghàidheal is Bòd

Na h-Eileanan Siar

Eile Aonghas


Cathair Dhùn Dè

Cathair Obar Dheathain

Crìochan na h-Alba

Dùn Phrìs is Gall-Ghàidhealaibh

Inbhir Chluaidh

Lodainn an Ear


Peairt is Ceann Rois


Siorrachd Chlach Mhanann

Siorrachd Dhùn Breatann an Ear

Siorrachd Dhùn Breatann an Iar

Siorrachd Lannraig a Deas

Siorrachd Lannraig a Tuath

Siorrachd Obar Dheathain

Siorrachd Rinn Friù

Siorrachd Rinn Friù an Ear

Siorrachd Àir a Deas

Siorrachd Àir a Tuath

Siorrachd Àir an Ear

4. Chaidh feadhainn de na freagairtean do cheistean teacsa-fosgailte air an seòrsachadh mar freagairtean neo-iomchaidh. Chaidh an roinn seo a chleachdadh nuair a bha freagairtean neo-iomchaidh, gun chiall no nuair nach robh iad a’ freagairt ri cuspair na ceiste. Chaidh notaichean a chur san aithisg far na thachair seo.

Prìomh Thoraidhean

An toiseach, chaidh iarraidh air an luchd-fhreagairt an ìre fileantachd Gàidhlig aca a mheasadh. Thuirt faisg air leth (44.8%) dhiubh gun robh iad ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig aig ìre air choreigin. Am measg an luchd-ionnsachaidh, bha a’ mhòr-chuid nan luchd-tòiseachaidh (32.5%). B ’e daoine gun Ghàidhlig (43.3%) am buidheann singilte as motha.

Ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig

1. Am measg an luchd-fhreagairt a thuirt gun robh iad nan luchd-ionnsachaidh adhartach no fileanta, thuirt a’ mhòr-chuid gun do dh’ionnsaich iad Gàidhlig san sgoil (85.7%).

2. Am measg an luchd-fhreagairt a thuirt gun robh iad nan luchd-ionnsachaidh tòiseachaidh no eadar-mheadhanach, thuirt a’ mhòr-chuid gun robh iad ag ionnsachadh air Duolingo (81.7%).

Chaidh na ceistean a leanas fhaighneachd do luchd-freagairt a thuirt gun robh iad nan luchd-ionnsachaidh tòiseachaidh, eadar-mheadhanach no adhartach.

3. B’ e ùidh ann an òrain is ceòl (52.0%) agus ann an litreachas Gàidhlig (45.8%) na h-adhbharan as cumanta airson ùidh a bhith aca ann a bhith ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig.

4. Nuair a chaidh faighneachd dhaibh dè na làraich-lìn agus na goireasan a bu fheumaile dhaibh airson Gàidhlig ionnsachadh, b’ e Duolingo (66.6%) am freagairt as cumanta.

5. Nuair a chaidh faighneachd dhaibh dè na goireasan ionnsachaidh Gàidhlig, fiosrachadh no cothroman a tha iad airson a bhith air an cruthachadh, b’ e solar agus taic san sgoil (27.2%) am freagairt as cumanta.

6. Nuair a chaidh faighneachd dhaibh dè an seòrsa susbaint a bhiodh cuideachail airson a bhith ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig, thuirt a’ mhòr-chuid (70.4%) gum bu mhath leotha ionnsachadh tro bhideothan goirid den leithid TikTok no Instagram Reels. Bha susbaint eadar-ghnìomhach air sgeulachdan Instagram (67.9%) agus bhideothan fada air Instagram no YouTube (66.0%) nan roghainnean mòr-chòrdte eile.

Uidh Ionnsachaidh Am Measg Iad aig Nach Eil Gàidhlig

Chaidh na ceistean a leanas fhaighneachd do luchd-freagairt a thuirt nach robh Gàidhlig aca idir.

1. Nuair a chaidh faighneachd dhaibh dè an ùidh a bh’ aca ann a bhith ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig, sheall leth (49.6%) den luchd-fhreagairt seo ùidh air choreigin, agus b’ e ùidh gu leòr (26.1%) an taghadh as cumanta. Thuirt cairteal den luchd-fhreagairt seo nach robh ùidh aca idir (24.5%) ann a bhith ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig.

Chaidh iarraidh air an luchd-freagairt a thuirt gun robh iad gun ùidh, gun mòran ùidh no gun robh iad neodrach mu bhith ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig innse carson nach robh ùidh aca ann.

2. B’ e a’ bheachd gu bheil an cànan gun fheum no neo-bhuntainneach am prìomh adhbhar nach robh ùidh aig luchd-freagairt ann a bhith ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig.

Chaidh na ceistean a leanas fhaighneachd do luchd-freagairt a thuirt gun robh iad neodrach no gun robh ùidh mhòr no beagan ùidh aca ann a bhith ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig.

3. Nuair a chaidh faighneachd dhaibh carson a bha ùidh aca ann a bhith ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig, thuirt dà thrian dhiubh (66.2%) ‘airson beagan spòrs’

4. Nuair a chaidh faighneachd dhaibh dè na goireasan ionnsachaidh Gàidhlig, fiosrachadh no cothroman a bhiodh iad airson a bhith air an cruthachadh, b’ e solar agus taic san sgoil (39.0%) am freagairt as cumanta.

5. Nuair a chaidh faighneachd dhaibh dè an seòrsa susbaint a bhiodh cuideachail airson a bhith ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig, thuirt a’ mhòr-chuid (70.0%) gum bu mhath leotha ionnsachadh tro bhideothan goirid den leithid TikTok no Instagram Reels. Bha bhideothan fada air Instagram no YouTube (59.9%) agus susbaint eadar-ghnìomhach air sgeulachdan Instagram (58.9%) nan roghainnean mòr-chòrdte eile.

Cleachdadh na Gàidhlig Air-Loidhne

1. Nuair a chaidh faighneachd dhaibh dè cho tric ’s a bha iad a’ faicinn no a’ cleachdadh Gàidhlig air-loidhne, b’ e ‘Cha bhith mi a’ cleachdadh Gàidhlig air-loidhne’ (35.9%) am freagairt as cumanta. Thuirt faisg air trian den luchd-fhreagairt gu robh iad a ’cleachdadh no a’ faicinn Gàidhlig air-loidhne a’ mhòr-chuid de làithean no a h-uile latha (30.1%).

2. Am measg an luchd-fhreagairt a thuirt nach bi iad a’ cleachdadh Gàidhlig air-loidhne, thuirt barrachd air leth (58.4%) gum bu mhath leotha a bhith ga chleachdadh/fhaicinn.

Chaidh na ceistean a leanas fhaighneachd don luchd-fhreagairt a thuirt gum bi iad a’ faicinn no a’ cleachdadh Gàidhlig air-loidhne bho àm gu àm, gach mìos, gach seachdain, a’ mhòr-chuid de làithean no a h-uile latha.

3. B’ ann tro Dolingo (60.8%) a chaidh Gàidhlig a chleachdadh air-loidhne as trice.

4. B’ e bhideothan goirid air TikTok agus Instagram Reels (52.9%) agus puist meadhanan sòisealta air Instagram agus Facebook (50.1%) na seòrsaichean susbaint a chaidh a chleachdadh as trice.

5. Thuirt a’ mhòr-chuid den luchd-fhreagairt seo (93.7%) gum bu mhath leotha barrachd susbaint Gàidhlig fhaicinn air na meadhanan sòisealta agus air-loidhne.

6. Nuair a chaidh faighneachd dhaibh dè an seòrsa susbaint Gàidhlig a bu mhath leotha fhaicinn nas trice, b’ e bhideothan goirid air TikTok agus Instagram Reels (70.6%) am freagairt as cumanta.

7. Nuair a chaidh faighneachd dhaibh am beachdan airson susbaint Gàidhlig air na meadhanan sòisealta, b’ e susbaint a bha ag amas air luchd-ionnsachaidh (23.3%) an iarrtas as cumanta. B’ e bhideothan (19.0%) am meadhan a chaidh ainmeachadh as trice.

An Susbaint Air-Loidhne air a Chleachdadh le Luchd-Labhairt Fileanta

Chaidh na ceistean a leanas fhaighneachd do luchd-freagairt a thuirt gun robh iad nan luchd-labhairt fileanta.

1. Thuirt a’ mhòr-chuid den luchd-fhreagairt (95.3%) gu bheil iad a’ coimhead airson fiosrachadh tro Google no einnsean lorgaidh eile. Chaidh na meadhanan sòisealta ainmeachadh le còrr air leth dhiubh (57.6%) cuideachd.

2. Nuair a chaidh faighneachd dhaibh am b’ fheàrr leotha goireas a chleachdadh ann an Gàidhlig no Beurla (nam biodh e ri fhaighinn anns an dà chuid), cha mhòr nach robh sgaradh cothromach eatorra. Thagh 48% dhiubh Gàidhlig agus thagh 52% dhiubh Beurla. Thuirt mòran den fheadhainn a thagh Gàidhlig gu bheil e a’ còrdadh riutha a bhith a’ cleachdadh a’ chànain agus gu bheil iad airson a cleachdadh nas trice agus gur e sin an adhbhar airson an taghadh seo seo; thuirt an fheadhainn a thagh Beurla gur ann air sgàth ’s gu bheil e nas fhasa no nas luaithe.

3. Nuair a chaidh faighneachd dhaibh dè an cuspair air am bu mhath leotha barrachd fiosrachaidh fhaicinn anns a’ Ghàidhlig, b’ e cùisean an là, naidheachdan agus poilitigs am freagairt as cumanta.

4. Is e bhideothan a’ mheadhan a b’ fheàrr leis a’ mhòr-chuid (78.8%) de luchd-freagairt a chleachdadh nuair a bha iad a’ lorg fiosrachadh air-loidhne.

5. Nuair a chaidh iarraidh orra taghadh dè na goireasan air-loidhne Gàidhlig a bha gu sònraichte math, thagh a’ mhòr-chuid (75.3%) dhiubh Am Faclair Beag (

6. Nuair a chaidh faighneachd dhaibh dè na goireasan ionnsachaidh, fiosrachadh, no cothroman a bu mhath leotha a bhith air an cruthachadh, b’ e àiteachan sòisealta is coimhearsnachd am moladh as cumanta.

Luach Cànan, Dualchas agus Cultar na Gàidhlig

Chaidh na ceistean a leanas fhaighneachd dhan a h-uile neach a fhreagair an suirbhidh.

1. Thuirt mu dhà thrian (66.8%) gu bheil cultar agus dualchas na Gàidhlig glè luachmhor.

2. Thuirt mu dhà thrian (65.9%) gu bheil an cànan Gàidhlig glè luachmhor.

2. Toraidhean an t-Suirbhidh

Fhreagair 716 neach an suirbhidh air fad.

Nuair a chaidh iarraidh air an luchd-freagairt an ìre fileantachd aca a mheasadh, thuirt faisg air leth dhiubh (44.8%) gun robh iad ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig aig ìre air choireigin. Am measg an luchd-ionnsachaidh, bha a’ mhòr-chuid nan luchd-tòiseachaidh. B ’e daoine gun Ghàidhlig am buidheann singilte as motha.

Ìre Fileantachd Freagairt%

Gun Ghàidhlig 43.3%

Neach-ionnsachaidh tòiseachaidh 32.5%

Neach-ionnsachaidh eadar-mheadhanach 9.5%

Neach-ionnsachaidh adhartach 2.8%

Fileanta 11.9%

Bha na h-ìrean fileantachd as àirde air a’ Ghàidhealtachd agus sna h-Eileanan an Iar, le 36.5% ag ràdh gun robh iad fileanta ann an Gàidhlig. B ’e seo cuideachd an roinn anns an robh an àireamh as motha de luchd-ionnsachaidh adhartach(20.0%). Cha robh Gàidhlig idir aig còrr air leth den luchd-fhreagairt anns na h-ùghdarrasan ionadail “Eile”.

Ìre Fileantachd Meadhan na Dùthcha A’ Ghàidhealtachd & na h-Eileanan an Iar


Gun Ghàidhlig 42.9% 15.7% 53.6%

Neach-ionnsachaidh tòiseachaidh 35.4% 20.9% 34.3%

Neach-ionnsachaidh eadar-mheadhanach 2.1% 7.0% 1.9%

Neach-ionnsachaidh adhartach 9.3% 20.0% 5.9%

Fileanta 10.4% 36.5% 4.4%

Sampall 280 115 321

Ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig

Chaidh a’ ceist seo fhaighneachd do na 105 luchd-fhreagairt a thuirt gun robh iad nan luchd-ionnsachaidh adhartach no luchd-labhairt fileanta. Nuair a chaidh coimhead air na meudan sampall airson luchd-ionnsachaidh adhartach/luchd-labhairt fileanta a rèir sgìre, bha iad ro bheag airson coimeas a dhèanamh.

Càite an do dh’ionnsaich thu Gàidhlig?

Thuirt a’ mhòr-chuid den luchd-fhreagairt gun do dh’ionnsaich iad Gàidhlig san sgoil. Dh'ionnsaich timcheall air dà chòigeamh dhiubh san dachaigh. B’ e air-loidhne agus le leabhar is CD na freagairtean as neo-chumanta

B’ e ceist ioma-roghainn a bha seo, mar sin bidh iomlan nan toraidhean nas àirde na 100%.

Thagh ceathrar neach-freagairt Eile. Tha geàrr-chunntas de na freagairtean aca gu h-ìosal

Tèama Freagairtean

Gu sòisealta 2

TBh & rèidio 1

Gàidhlig san teaghlach 1

Chaidh a’ cheist seo fhaighneachd do na 301 luchd-fhreagairt a thuirt gun robh iad nan luchd-ionnsachaidh tòiseachaidh no eadar-mheadhanach. Nuair a chaidh coimhead air na meudan sampall airson luchd-ionnsachaidh tòiseachaidh/eadar-mheadhanach a rèir sgìre, bha sampall na Gàidhealtachd is nan Eilean ro bheag airson coimeas a dhèanamh.

Ciamar a bheil thu ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig?

Thuirt a ’mhòr-chuid den luchd-fhreagairt sin gu robh iad a’ cleachdadh Duolingo gus Gàidhlig ionnsachadh, agus thagh faisg air leth dhiubh air-loidhne. B’ e ‘san sgoil’ agus ‘aig an oilthigh’ na freagairtean as neo-chumanta. Tha seo a’ cuir seachad a’ bheachd gu bheil an luchd-freagairt seo air roghnachadh an cànan ionnsachadh

B’ e ceist ioma-roghainn a bha seo, mar sin bidh iomlan nan toraidhean nas àirde na 100%.

Bha am pàtran seo ri fhaicinn nuair a chaidh coimhead air na freagairtean a rèir sgìre. Bha barrachd luchd-freagairt ann am meadhan na dùthcha ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig air cùrsa. Bha barrachd luchd-freagairt ann na h-ùghdarrasan ionadail “Eile” ag ionnsachadh air-loidhne na an fheadhainn ann am meadhan na dùthcha.

Modh Ionnsachaidh Meadhan na Dùthcha Eile

Duolingo 81.6% 88.4%

Air-loidhne 44.0% 52.7%

Leabhar & CD 16.0% 14.7%

Eile 14.4% 10.9%

Aig an Oilthigh 12.0% 8.5%

Air cùrsa 11.2% 5.4%

San sgoil 0.8% 3.9%

Sampall 125 129

Den fheadhainn a thagh Eile, thug 37 seachad freagairt sgrìobhte. Tha geàrr-chunntas orra sin gu h-ìosal.

Tèama Freagairtean

Tron teaghlach/san taigh 14

Gu sòisealta (tro charaidean/cluba sòisealta) 7

Gu cultarach (tro ceòl/litreachas) 4

Cùrsa foirmeil (oilthigh/cùrsa cànan) 4

Cùrsa leabhar 4

Air loidhne (gun a bhith a’ toirt a steach na meadhanan sòisealta) 4

TBh 4

Na meadhanan sòisealta 3

Aplacaid fòn-làimhe 3

San obrach 1

San sgoil (airson greis beag) 1

Pod-chraolaidhean 1

Ag ionnsachadh leotha fhèin 1

Chaidh na ceistean a leanas fhaighneachd do na 321 luchd-fhreagairt a thuirt gun robh iad nan luchd-ionnsachaidh tòiseachaidh, eadar-mheadhanach no adhartach. Nuair a chaidh coimhead air na meudan sampall airson luchd-ionnsachaidh tòiseachaidh/eadar-mheadhanach/adhartach a rèir sgìre, bha sampall na Gàidhealtachd is nan Eilean ro bheag airson coimeas a dhèanamh.

Dè thug ort Gàidhlig ionnsachadh?

Bha na freagairtean as cumanta co-cheangailte ri ùidh ann an òrain, ceòl agus litreachas Gàidhlig. B’ e ‘airson beagan spòrs’ an adhbhar as neo-chumanta airson a bhith ag iarraidh Gàidhlig ionnsachadh.

B’ e ceist ioma-roghainn a bha seo, mar sin bidh iomlan nan toraidhean nas àirde na 100%.

Bha am pàtran seo cunbhalach aig ìre na sgìre cuideachd. B’ e cothroman dreuchdail am prìomh eadar-dhealachadh eadar na sgìrean, a chaidh a thaghadh le barrachd luchd-freagairt ann an ùghdarrasan ionadail “eile” na an fheadhainn ann am meadhan na dùthcha.

Adhbhar airson ionnsachaidh Meadhan na Dùthcha Eile

Ùidh ann an ceòl agus òrain Gàidhlig 55.0% 54.1%

Ùidh ann an litreachas Gàidhlig 49.6% 46.7%

Eile 42.0% 47.4%

Cothroman sòisealta 25.2% 25.2%

Cothroman dreuchdail 17.6% 27.4%

Tha e air a bhruidhinn le mo theaghlach 16.8% 13.3%

tha e air a bhruidhinn sa choimhearsnachd agam 9.9% 8.9%

Airson beagan spòrs 9.2% 11.1%

Sampall 131 135

Den fheadhainn a thagh Eile, thug 129 seachad freagairt sgrìobhte agus tha geàrr-chunntas orra sin gu h-ìosal. Thug aon neach freagairt seachad a bha neo-iomchaidh.

Tèama Freagairt%

Tha e na phàirt de chultar agus dearbh-aithne nàiseanta na h-Alba 40.3%

Gus cuideachadh le mairsinneachd a’ chànain 28.7%

Eachdraidh agus dualchas 17.1%

Airson spòrs/ùidh choitcheann 10.1%

Ùidh ann an cànanan 9.3%

Ceangalan pearsanta/teaghlach 7.8%

Ceangalan coimhearsnachd 7.0%

San sgoil 5.4%

Cothroman obrach 4.7%

Meadhanan, ceòl agus litreachas Gàidhlig 3.9%

Cothroman sòisealta 3.1%

Ainmean àite/cruinn-eòlas 1.6%

Ùidh ann an cànanan dùthchasach na RA agus na h-Èireann 1.6%

Ùidh ann an teagasg 1.6%

Cha robh e comasach dha ionnsachadh na leanabachd 0.8%

Dè na goireasan agus làraich-lìn as fheumaile a chleachd thu fhad ‘s a tha thu air a bhith ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig?

Fhuair sinn 299 freagairt sgrìobhte airson a’ cheist seo. B’ e Duolingo an goireas as mòr-chòrdte, le dà thrian den luchd-fhreagairt a’ toirt iomradh air an aplacaid.

Làraich-lìn/Goireas Freagairt%

Duolingo 66.6% 35.8%

BBC Alba/iPlayer & prògraman 12.7%

Eile 11.3%

YouTube & bhideothan eile 7.7%

Am Faclair Beag 6.0%

Instagram 6.0%

Coimhearsnachdan & fòraman air-loidhne (reddit, discord, m.s.a) 6.0%

TikTok 5.7%

Cùrsa leabhar 5.4%

Cùrsa foirmeil 4.7%

#YSGaelic 4.7%

Leasanan aghaidh ri aghaidh (a’ gabhail a-steach air-loidhne) 3.7%

Litreachas 3.3%

Facebook 3.3%

Learngaelic (dictionary) 3.0%

Beag air bheag 2.7%

Pod-chraolaidhean & rèidio 2.7%

Teaghlach, caraidean & gu sòisealta 2.7%

BBC Bitesize 2.0%

Ceòl 2.0%

Bluebird 1.0%

Mango Languages 1.0%

Artaigilean & Blogaichean 1.0%

Twitter 1.0%

Chan eil mi cinnteach 0.7%

Air sgàth nàdar na ceist teacsa-fosgailte, cha robh e comasach na freagairtean gu lèir a sheòrsachadh gu ceart, agus mar thoradh air sin bha àireamh àrd de fhreagairtean "Eile". Airson liosta iomlan de na freagairtean, cuir fios gu air post-d.

Dè am fiosrachadh, na cothroman, no na goireasan ionnsachaidh Gàidhlig a chruthaicheadh tu nam b' urrainn dhut?

Fhuair sinn 279 freagairt sgrìobhte airson a’ cheist seo. B’ e solar agus taic san sgoil am moladh as cumanta, le cothroman sòisealta ann am buidhnean agus coimhearsnachdan san dàrna àite.

Goireasan/Cothroman Freagairt%

Solar agus taic san sgoil 27.2%

Cothroman sòisealta/còmhraidhean ann an buidhnean & coimhearsnachdan 16.8%

Clasaichean & bùthan-obrach aghaidh ri aghaidh (air-loidhne air a ghabhail a-steach) 10.4%

Tuairisgeul air cuspair susbaint 10.4%

Filmichean & prògraman TBh 9.0%

Barrachd faicsinneachd airson na goireasan a tha ann mu thràth 8.6%

Eile 8.6%

Rèidio, pod-chraolaidhean agus susbaint podcasts agus susbaint claisneachd. 6.1%

Barrachd ruigsinneachd airson na goireasan a th ’ann 5.7%

Cùrsaichean air-loidhne le structar 5.0%

Chan eil mi cinnteach 5.0%

Bhideothan 4.3%

Litreachas 3.9%

Susbaint eadar-ghnìomhach 3.2%

Cùrsaichean oilthigh/colaiste 2.9%

Ceòl, cultar & ealan 2.9%

Innealan eadar-theangachaidh & faclairean nas fheàrr 2.9%

Rud sam bith 2.5%

Taic gràmair 2.5%

Cùrsaichean leabhar 2.2%

Àitichean coimhearsnachd air-loidhne 1.8%

Na goireasan a th ’ann mu thràth air an dèanamh nas ruigsinneach a thaobh prìs 1.4%

Aplacaid fòn-làimhe 1.4%

Roghainnean cànain air teicneòlas agus làraich-linn 1.4%

‘Flashcards’ 1.1%

Barantachadh 1.1%

Air sgàth nàdar na ceist teacsa-fosgailte, cha robh e comasach na freagairtean gu lèir a sheòrsachadh gu ceart, agus mar thoradh air sin bha àireamh àrd de fhreagairtean "Eile". Airson liosta iomlan de na freagairtean, cuir fios gu air post-d.

“B’ fheàrr leam gum biodh Gàidhlig air a teagasg nas fharsainge san sgoil no gum biodh goireasan sgoile rim faighinn airson neach sam bith a tha ag iarraidh Gàidhlig ionnsachadh. Mar thidsear àrd-sgoile bhithinn gu cinnteach airson a bhith an sàs ann an cluba Gàidhlig san sgoil agam.” - Chaidh am freagairt seo a sgrìobhadh sa Bheurla agus chaidh eadar-theangachadh.

“Leis an fhìrinn innse, ‘s e raon farsaing de rudan a tha a dhìth, bho barrachd mothachadh poblach air a’ Ghàidhlig a tha fhathast a dhìth nam bheachdsa, gu cùrsaichean a tha rim faighinn nas fharsainge gus an urrainn do dhaoine an fhrithealadh gus ionnsachadh. Is dòcha iomlaid foghlaim le Èirinn agus Alba Nuadh gus cothroman foghlaim a leudachadh ann an Alba agus nas fhaide air falbh? Gu sìmplidh, dìreach barrachd Gàidhlig anns a h-uile àite.” – Chaidh am freagairt seo a sgrìobhadh sa Bheurla agus chaidh eadar-theangachadh.

Dè an seòrsa susbaint a chuidicheadh tu le bhith ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig?

Thuirt a’ mhòr-chuid den luchd-fhreagairt gum bu mhath leotha bhideothan goirid den leithid TikTok agus Instagram Reels fhaicinn. Bha bhideothan fada (air Instagram no YouTube) agus susbaint eadar-ghnìomhach air sgeulachdan Instagram nan roghainnean mòr-chòrdte eile. B’ e infographics agus artaigilean sgrìobhte na roghainnean as beag-chòrdte.

B’ e ceist ioma-roghainn a bha seo, mar sin bidh iomlan nan toraidhean nas àirde na 100%.

Bha beagan eadar-dhealachaidhean anns na freagairtean eadar na diofair sgìrean. Thagh na luchd-fhreagairt anns na h-ùghdarrasan ionadail “Eile” a’ mhòr-chuid de roghainnean beagan nas trice na an fheadhainn ann am meadhan na dùthcha.

Cruth Susbaint Meadhan na Dùthcha Eile

Bhideothan goirid 45.0% 57.8%

Susbaint sgeulachdan 41.2% 45.9%

Bhideothan fada 39.7% 51.9%

Puist 29.8% 38.5%

Pod-chraolaidhean 28.2% 47.4%

Artaigilean sgrìobhte 22.9% 37.8%

Grafaigean-fiosrachaidh 29.8% 34.8%

Eile 6.9% 9.6%

Sampall 131 135

Den fheadhainn a thagh Eile, thug 23 seachad freagairt sgrìobhte agus tha geàrr-chunntas orra sin gu h-ìosal. Bha sia freagairtean neo-iomchaidh ann.

Tèama Freagairtean

Leasanan bhideo/prògraman TBh 3

Geamaichean 3

Taic fuaimneachaidh 2

Blogaichean & artaigilean 2

Rud sam bith 1

Gàidhlig airson còmhradh 1

Susbaint eadar-meadhanach 1

Rèidio 1

Ceòl traidiseanta agus ealan 1

Naidheachdan 1

Filmichean Gàidhlig 1

Ùidh ann an Ionnsachadh Am Measg Iad aig Nach Eil Gàidhlig

Chaidh a’ cheist a leanas a chur air na 310 luchd-freagairt a thuirt nach robh Gàidhlig sam bith aca. Nuair a chaidh coimhead air na meudan sampall airson na luchd-freagairt aig nach robh Gàidhlig a rèir sgìre, bha sampall na Gàidhealtachd is nan Eilean ro bheag airson coimeas a dhèanamh.

Dè an ùidh a th’ agad ann a bhith ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig?

Sheall leth den luchd-fhreagairt seo ùidh ann a bhith ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig agus b’ e ‘ùidh gu leòrr’ am freagairt as cumanta. Cha robh ùidh sam bith aig cairteal den luchd-fhreagairt aig nach robh Gàidhlig ann a bhith ag ionnsachadh a’ chànain.

Thuirt beagan a bharrachd den luchd-fhreagairt ann an ùghdarrasan ionadail “Eile” gun robh ùidh gu leòrr aca ann a bhith ag ionnsachadh na thuirt sin am measg an fheadhainn a bha ann am meadhan na dùthcha.

Ìre Ùidh Meadhan na Dùthcha Eile

Gun ùidh sam bith 22.5% 23.8%

Gun mòran ùidh 9.2% 9.3%

Neodrach 21.7% 13.4%

Ùidh gu leòr 23.3% 29.1%

Ùidh mhòr 23.3% 24.4%

Sampall 120 172

Chaidh a’ cheist a leanas a chur air na 156 luchd-fhreagairt a thuirt anns a’ cheist mu dheireadh gun robh iad neodrach, gun mòran ùidh no gun ùidh sam bith. Nuair a chaidh coimhead air na meudan sampall a rèir sgìre, bha iad ro bheag airson coimeas a dhèanamh.

Carson nach eil ùidh agad ann a bhith ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig?

Fhuair sinn 156 freagairt sgrìobhte don cheist seo. Cha robh còig dhiubh sin iomchaidh. B’ e am beachd nach eil an cànan feumail no buntainneach an adhbhar as cumanta airson nach robh ùidh aig daoine ann a bhith ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig.

Adhbhar Freagairt%

Chan eil i feumail no buntainneach 73.7%

Chuirinn prìomhachas air ionnsachadh chànanan eile 17.3%

Is e cànan a tha “marbh” no “a’ bàsachadh” a th ’ann 13.5%

Tha i robh doirbh ionnsachadh 10.9%

Gun ùidh 3.8%

Gun mòran eòlas roimhe 2.6%

Sgudal airgead 2.6%

Chan urrainn dhomh Gàidhlig ionnsachadh an-dràsta ach ‘s dòcha gun ionnsaich mi aig àm eile 1.9%

Tha e ro phoilitigeach /tha cus nàiseantach an-sàs ann 1.9%

“Chan eil mòran dhaoine a’ fuireach faisg orm aig a bheil Gàidhlig agus mar sin chan eil e gu math feumail!” – Chaidh am freagairt seo a sgrìobhadh sa Bheurla agus chaidh eadar-theangachadh.

“Tha mi air feuchainn ri cànan ionnsachadh roimhe ach bha e duilich dhomh a chumail suas oir cha robh mi a’ cleachdadh a’ chànain gu tric.” – Chaidh am freagairt seo a sgrìobhadh sa Bheurla agus chaidh eadar-theangachadh.

“Cha chreid mi nach eil mòran feum ann agus mar sin bhithinn a ’feuchainn ri cànanan eile ionnsachadh an toiseach.” – Chaidh am freagairt seo a sgrìobhadh sa Bheurla agus chaidh eadar-theangachadh.

Chaidh na ceistean a leanas fhaighneachd don 207 neach-freagairt a thuirt gun robh iad neodrach, gun robh ùidh gu leòr aca, no mòran ùidh aca ann a bhith ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig. Nuair a chaidh coimhead air na meudan sampall a rèir sgìre, bha iad robh bheag airson comais a dhèanamh.

Carson a tha ùidh agad ann a bhith ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig?

Thuirt dà thrian den luchd-fhreagairt gu robh ùidh aca ann a bhith ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig airson beagan spòrs. Thuirt beagan a bharrachd air trian dhiubh gu robh ùidh aca ann a bhith ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig air sgàth ùidh ann an òrain agus ceòl Gàidhlig. B’ e daoine sa choimhearsnachd no an teaghlach aca a bha a’ bruidhinn Gàidhlig na h-adhbharan as neo-chumanta airson a bhith ag iarraidh Gàidhlig ionnsachadh

B’ e ceist ioma-roghainn a bha seo, mar sin bidh iomlan nan toraidhean nas àirde na 100%.

Den fheadhainn a thagh Eile, thug 70 freagairt sgrìobhte dhuinn. Tha geàrr-chunntas orra seo gu h-ìosail.

Tèama Freagairtean

Tha e na phàirt de chultar agus dearbh-aithne nàiseanta na h-Alba 35

Gus cuideachadh le mairsinneachd a’ chànain 24

Eachdraidh agus dualchas 23

Ùidh ann an cànanan 4

Ùidh ann an cànanan dùthchasach na RA agus na h-Èireann 4

Cothroman sòisealta 3

Dè am fiosrachadh, na cothroman, no na goireasan ionnsachaidh Gàidhlig a chruthaicheadh tu nam b' urrainn dhut?

Fhuair sinn 172 freagairt sgrìobhte airson a’ cheist seo agus bha dà fhreagairt neo-iomchaidh ann. B’ e taic agus solar ann an sgoiltean am moladh as cumanta, air a leantainn le cùrsaichean air-loidhne structaraichte agus clasaichean no bùthan-obrach a tha air an lìbhrigeadh aghaidh ri aghaidh.

Goireasan/Cothroman Freagairt%

Solar & taic san sgoil 39.0%

Cùrsaichean air-loidhne le structar 14.0%

Clasaichean & bùthan-obrach aghaidh ri aghaidh 14.0%

Susbaint eadar-ghnìomhach 8.1%

Bhideothan 7.6%

‘Flashcards’/grafaigean-fiosrachaidh 7.6%

Aplacaid fòn-làimhe 6.4%

Cothroman sòisealta/còmhraidhean ann am buidhnean & coimhearsnachdan 5.8%

Tuairisgeul air cuspair susbaint 5.2%

Barrachd faicsinneachd airson na goireasan a th’ ann 5.2%

Taic fuaimneachaidh 4.7%

Chan eil mi cinnteach 4.7%

Innealan eadar-theangachaidh/Faclairean 4.1%

Barrachd faicsinneachd airson Gàidhlig san fharsaingeachd 4.1%

Rèidio, pod-chraolaidhean & susbaint claisneachd 2.9%

Prògraman TBh & filmichean 2.9%

Dràma, ceòl & litreachas 2.9%

Clasaichean & bùthan-obrach air-loidhne 2.3%

Cùrsaichean leabhar 2.3%

Goireasan a tha iomchaidh airson daoine bodhar 1.7%

Rud sam bith 1.2%

Barantachadh 1.2%

Blogaichean & artaigilean 1.2%

Roghainnean cànain air teicneòlas & làraich-lìn 1.2%

Lorgaidh daoine na goireasan a th ’ann 1.2%

“. . . tha raon farsaing de chànanan air an tabhann anns an sgoil agam, ach tha mi cinnteach nam biodh a’ Ghàidhlig nam measg bhithinn ga taghadh leis gu bheil ùidh mhòr agam anns a’ chànan againn.” - Chaidh am freagairt seo a sgrìobhadh sa Bheurla agus chaidh eadar-theangachadh.

“Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gum biodh aplacaid no cùrsa air-loidhne an-asgaidh le ionnsachadh eadar-ghnìomhach na dhòigh fìor mhath airson daoine òga an cànan ionnsachadh agus a chumail beò.” - Chaidh am freagairt seo a sgrìobhadh sa Bheurla agus chaidh eadar-theangachadh.

“Tha e gu math spòrsail dhomh a bhith a’ dol tro na ‘flashcards’ air an sgeulachd IG aig Young Scot. Is toil leam na ceisteachain beaga cuideachd. Bhiodh e math nan tachradh barrachd rudan mar sin.” - Chaidh am freagairt seo a sgrìobhadh sa Bheurla agus chaidh eadar-theangachadh.

Dè an seòrsa susbaint a chuidicheadh tu le bhith ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig?

Thuirt a’ mhòr-chuid den luchd-fhreagairt gum bu mhath leotha Gàidhlig ionnsachadh tro bhideothan goirid mar TikTok no Instagram Reels. Bha bhideothan fada (air Instagram no YouTube) agus susbaint eadar-ghnìomhach air sgeulachdan Instagram nan roghainnean mòr-chòrdte eile. B ’e infographics agus artaigilean sgrìobhte na roghainnean as neo-chumanta.

B’ e ceist ioma-roghainn a bha seo, mar sin bidh iomlan nan toraidhean nas àirde na 100%.

Den fheadhainn a thagh Eile, thug 23 freagairt sgrìobhte dhuinn agus tha geàrr-chunntas orra sin gu h-ìosal. Bha còig freagairtean neo-iomchaidh ann.

Tèama Freagairtean

TBh & filmichean 3

Aplacaid eadar-mheadhanach 3

Susbaint eadar-mheadhanach 2

‘Flashcards’ 2

Geamaichean 2

Blogaichean & artaigilean 1

Tuairisgeul air cuspair susbaint 1

Ceòl traidiseanta & ealan 1

Bhideothan 1

Pod-chraolaidhean 1

Chan eil mi cinnteach 1

Cleachdadh na Gàidhlig Air-Loidhne

Dè cho tric ‘s a tha thu a’ cleachdadh no a’ faicinn Gàidhlig air-loidhne?

B’ e cha bhith mi a’ cleachdadh Gàidhlig air-loidhne am freagairt as cumanta. B’ e bho àm gu àm am freagairt as cumanta bhon fheadhainn a chunnaic no a chleachd Gàidhlig air-loidhne. Ach, bha faisg air trian den luchd-fhreagairt (30.1%) a ’cleachdadh no a’ faicinn Gàidhlig air-loidhne a ’mhòr-chuid de làithean no a h-uile latha.

Thuirt luchd-freagairt air a’ Ghàidhealtachd agus sna h-Eileanan an Iar gum bi iad a’ faicinn no a’ cleachdadh Gàidhlig air-loidhne nas trice na na buidhnean ùghdarrasan ionadail eile.

Cleachdadh Meadhan na Dùthcha A’ Ghàidhealtachd & na h-Eileanan an Iar Eile

Chan eil mi a’ cleachdadh Gàidhlig air-loidhne 35.0% 17.4% 43.3%

Bho àm gu àm 17.1% 13.0% 21.5%

Gach mìos 2.5% 2.6% 6.2%

Gach seachdain 14.6% 16.5% 6.9%

An cuid as motha de làithean 16.8% 27.8% 11.2%

Gach là 13.9% 22.6% 10.9%

Sampall 280 115 321

Chaidh a’ cheist a leanas fhaighneachd don 257 Luchd-fhreagairt a thuirt nach eil iad a’ cleachdadh Gàidhlig air-loidhne anns a’ cheist mu dheireadh. Nuair a chaidh coimhead air meudan sampall an luchd-freagairt seo a rèir sgìre, bha iad ro bheag airson coimeas a dhèanamh.

Am bu mhath leat cothroman fhaighinn Gàidhlig a chleachdadh air-loidhne?

Thuirt còrr air leth den luchd-fhreagairt gum bu mhath leotha Ghàidhlig fhaicinn agus a chleachdadh air-loidhne.

Chaidh na ceistean a leanas fhaighneachd don 459 luchd-fhreagairt a fhreagair bho àm gu àm, gach mìos, gach seachdain, a’ mhòr-chuid de làithean no a h-uile là a don cheist roimhe.

Càite a bheil thu a’ cleachdadh Gàidhlig air-loidhne?

B’ e Duolingo agus Instagram na freagairtean as cumanta. B’ e Snapchat am freagairt as neo-chumanta.

B’ e ceist ioma-roghainn a bha seo, mar sin bidh iomlan nan toraidhean nas àirde na 100%.

B’ e Duolingo am freagairt as cumanta am measg an fheadhainn anns na h-ùghdarrasan ionadail “Eile” agus ann am meadhan na dùthcha. B’ e Instagram an taghadh as mòr-chòrdte air a’ Ghàidhealtachd agus sna h-Eileanan an Iar.

Càite Meadhan na Dùthcha A’ Ghàidhealtachd & na h-Eileanan an Iar Eile

Duolingo 62.1% 49.5% 65.4%

Instagram 48.4% 55.8% 34.6%

Facebook 24.7% 25.3% 21.4%

Youtube 24.2% 18.9% 22.0%

TikTok 20.3% 15.8% 26.4%

Twitter 23.6% 17.9% 18.1%

Eile 11.0% 14.7% 17.6% 10.4% 8.4% 12.6%

Snapchat 10.4% 21.1% 3.8%

Sampall 182 95 182

Am measg an fheadhainn a thaghadh Eile, thuig 66 dhiubh freagairt sgrìobhte agus tha geàrr-chunntas orra sin gu h-ìosail. Bha dà fhreagairt neo-iomchaidh ann.

Tèama Freagairtean

Discord 12

Chan eil mi ga chleachdadh 11

Clasaichean & goireasan sgoile 9

Còmhraidhean bhideo 8

Reddit 7

Goireasan sònraichte Gàidhlig 6

Eile 4

WhatsApp 3

Messenger 2

Tumblr 2

Strava 2

Fèisean 2

Twitch 1

Clasaichean ionnsachaidh 1

Ankiweb 1

Tro ceòl agus ealan 1

BBC Bitesize 1

Dè an seòrsa susbaint Gàidhlig as fheàrr leat?

B ’e bhideothan goirid agus puist air Instagram agus Facebook na freagairtean as mòr-chòrdte. B’ e pod-chraolaidhean agus artaigilean sgrìobhte na freagairtean as neo-chumanta.

B’ e ceist ioma-roghainn a bha seo, mar sin bidh iomlan nan toraidhean nas àirde na 100%.

B’ e bhideothan goirid am freagairt as cumanta anns na h-ùghdarrasan ionadail “Eile” agus ann am meadhan na dùthcha agus b’ e puist air Instagram agus Facebook am freagairt as cumanta air a’ Ghàidhealtachd sna h-Eileanan an Iar.

Cruth an t-susbaint Meadhan na Dùthcha A’ Ghàidhealtachd & na h-Eileanan an Iar Eile

Bhideothan goirid 54.4% 50.5% 52.7%

Puist 51.6% 62.1% 42.3%

Susbaint sgeulachdan 30.2% 36.8% 31.3%

Bhideothan fada 30.2% 34.7% 28.6%

Grafaigean-fiosrachaidh 51.1% 37.9% 47.8%

Artaigilean sgrìobhte 26.9% 28.4% 23.1%

Pod-chraolaidhean 15.4% 11.6% 13.7%

Eile 6.0% 7.4% 6.6%

Sampall 182 95 182

Gu mì-fhortanach, mar thoradh air mearachd ann an cruth an t-suirbhidh, cha deach na freagairtean Eile a chlàradh.

Am bu mhath leat barrachd susbaint Gàidhlig fhaicinn air na meadhanan sòisealta?

Thuirt a’ mhòr-chuid den luchd-fhreagairt gum bu mhath leotha barrachd susbaint Gàidhlig fhaicinn air na meadhanan sòisealta agus air-loidhne.

Thuirt beagan a bharrachd de luchd-freagairt ann am meadhan na dùthcha gum bu mhath leotha barrachd susbaint Gàidhlig fhaicinn an coimeas ris na buidhnean ùghdarrasan ionadail “eile” agus air a’ Ghàidhealtachd agus sna h-Eileanan an Iar.

Ùidh Meadhan na Dùthcha A’ Ghàidhealtachd & na h-Eileanan an Iar Eile

Bu mhath leam sin 96.7% 90.5% 92.3%

Cha bu toil leam sin 3.3% 9.5% 7.7%

Sampall 182 95 182

Chaidh na ceistean a leanas don 430 neach-freagairt a fhreagar gum bu mhath leotha barrachd susbaint Gàidhlig fhaicinn don cheist roimhe. Nuair a chaidh coimhead air meudan sampaill an luchd-freagairt seo a rèir sgìre, bha sampall na Gàidhealtachd is nan Eilean ro bheag airson coimeas a dhèanamh.

Dè an seòrsa susbaint Gàidhlig a bheil thu airson fhaicinn barrachd?

B’ e bhideothan goirid air TikTok agus Instagram Reels am freagairt as cumanta agus b’ e artaigilean sgrìobhte agus grafaigean-fiosrachaidh na freagairtean as neo-chumanta.

B’ e ceist ioma-roghainn a bha seo, mar sin bidh iomlan nan toraidhean nas àirde na 100%.

Thagh a’ mhòr-chuid de luchd-freagairt stèidhichte ann am meadhan na dùthcha bhideothan goirid ach b’ e videothan fada an roghainn as mòr-chòrdte anns na h-ùghdarrasan ionadail “Eile”.

Cruth an t-susbaint Meadhan na Dùthcha Eile

Bhideothan goirid 76.9% 68.7%

Bhideothan fada 64.3% 69.2%

Puist 66.5% 57.7%

Susbaint sgeulachdan 67.6% 61.0%

Pod-chraolaidhean 57.1% 61.0%

Artaigilean sgrìobhte 52.7% 52.7%

Grafaigean-fiosrachaidh 51.1% 47.8%

Eile 4.9% 3.8%

Sampall 182 182

Thug 18 den luchd-fhreagairt a thagh Eile freagairt sgrìobhte agus tha geàrr-chunntas orra sin gu h-ìosail. Bha trì freagairtean neo-iomchaidh ann.

Tèama Freagairtean

Rud sam bith 4

Filmichean & TBh 4

Susbaint air-loidhne beò 1

Mìmichean 1

Taic acadaimigeach 1

Pod-chraolaidhean 1

Naidheachdan 1

Ceòl 1

Leabharaichean 1

Rèidio 1

Dè na beachdan a th' agad airson susbaint Gàidhlig a bhiodh math fhaicinn air na meadhanan sòisealta?

Thuair sinn 300 freagairtean sgrìobhte don cheist seo, le sia freagairtean deug neo-iomchaidh. B’ e susbaint airson luchd-ionnsachaidh am moladh as cumanta agus b’ e bhideothan am meadhan as mòr-chòrdte. Bha cuid den luchd-freagairt cuideachd ag iarraidh barrachd susbaint fhaicinn anns a’ Ghàidhlig seach dìreach mun Ghàidhlig.

Goireasan/Cothroman Freagairtean

Susbaint airson luchd-ionnsachaidh 23.3%

Bhideothan 19.0%

Eile 11.6%

Susbaint ann an Gàidhlig an àite mu dheidhinn Gàidhlig 8.0%

Briathrachas làitheil 8.0%

Susbaint eadar-mheadhanach 7.3%

Ceòl, ealan & cultar 7.0%

Pod-chraolaidhean/susbaint claisneachd 6.7%

Briathrachas, gnàthasan-cainnt agus abairtean 6.0%

Naidheachdan, cùisean an là agus poileataigs 5.7%

Rud sam bith 5.0%

Cuspairean a tha bunaiteachd ri daoine òga 4.7%

Fiosrachadh mu cultar & eachdraidh na Gàidhlig 4.7%

Barrachd daoine ga cleachdadh air na meadhanan sòisealta 4.7%

Chan eil mi cinnteach 4.3%

Susbaint còmhraidh 4.0%

Susbaint dà-chànanach 3.7%

Taic fuaimneachaidh 3.0%

Gràmair 2.7%

Mìmichean & susbaint èibhinn 2.7%

Cleachdaidhean nuadh-aimsireil airson a’ Ghàidhlig 2.7%

Spòrs 1.7%

Chan eil càil 1.7%

Ainmean àite & cruinn-eòlas 1.3%

Dùbhlanan meadhanan sòisealta 1.3%

Reasabaidhean agus biadh 1.3%

Cothroman dreuchdail 1.3%

Susbaint a chaidh a cruthachadh le daoine òga 1.3%

Blogaichean & Vlogaichean 1.0%

“Thoir a-steach faclan Gàidhlig neo-fhoirmeil ann am briathrachas dhaoine òga aig nach eil Gàidhlig gus a’ Ghàidhlig àbhaisteachadh agus an stiogma a thoirt air falbh, cruthaich susbaint nach eil stèidhichte air rudan àbhaisteach Gàidhlig mar cheòl traidiseanta no spòrs.” - Chaidh am freagairt seo a sgrìobhadh sa Bheurla agus chaidh eadar-theangachadh.

“Mar neach-ionnsachaidh tòiseachaidh bhiodh e math susbaint fhaicinn a tha ag amas air an ìre agam. Bu mhath leam èisteachd ri podcast a tha a’ bruidhinn air cuspairean inntinneach agus buntainneach ann an Gàidhlig agus Beurla gus cuideachadh le bhith a’ cluinntinn mar am bu chòir dha rudan a bhith air am fuaimneachadh.” - Chaidh am freagairt seo a sgrìobhadh sa Bheurla agus chaidh eadar-theangachadh.

“Rudan làitheil gus àbhaisteachadh a dhèanamh air - chan ann a-mhàin a bhith a’ feuchainn ri faclan no abairtean a theagasg tro na puist ach susbaint còmhraidh agus chan ann stèidhichte air a’ Ghàidhlig ach le Gàidhlig mar a’ mheadhan anns a bheil e sgrìobhte.” - Chaidh am freagairt seo a sgrìobhadh sa Bheurla agus chaidh eadar-theangachadh.

Càite am bu math leat barrachd susbaint Gàidhlig fhaicinn?

B’ e Instagram am freagairt as cumanta agus b’ e am freagairt as neo-chumanta.

B’ e ceist ioma-roghainn a bha seo, mar sin bidh iomlan nan toraidhean nas àirde na 100%.

Thaghadh a mhòr-chuid de luchd-fhreagairt ann am meadhan na dùthcha Instagram agus b’ e YouTube an taghadh as mòr-chòrdte anns na h-ùghdarrasan ionadail “Eile”.

Seanail Meadhan na Dùthcha Eile

Instagram 81.9% 69.2%

YouTube 74.2% 69.8%

TikTok 59.9% 55.5%

Twitter 53.8% 48.4%

Facebook 49.5% 45.1%

Snapchat 35.2% 28.0% 31.9% 28.6%

Eile 5.5% 4.4%

Sampall 182 182

Thuair sinn 21 freagairt sgrìobhte bhon fheadhainn a thaghadh Eile agus tha geàrr-chunntas orra sin gu h-ìosail. Bha dà fhreagairt neo-iomchaidh ann.

Tèama Freagairtean

Làraich aoigheachd pod-chraolaidhean 5

Àite sam bith/a h-uile àite 4

Làraich sruthadh ciùil 3

Làraich-lìn "prìomh-shruthach" 3

Discord 3

TBh 2

Rèidio 2

Reddit 1

Ceòl 1

Leabharaichean 1

Charactaran 1

An Susbaint Air-Loidhne air a Chleachdadh le Luchd-Labhairt Fileanta

Chaidh na ceistean a leanas fhaighneachd don 85 neach-fhreagairt a thuirt gun robh iad fileanta sa Ghàidhlig. Nuair a chaidh coimhead air na meudan airson luchd-freagairt fileanta a rèir sgìre, bha iad ro bheag airson coimeas a dhèanamh.

Càite am bi thu a’ sireadh fiosrachadh air-loidhne?

Thuirt a mhòr-chuid gu bheil iad a’ cleachdadh Google no einnsean-luirg eile gus fiosrachadh a lorg. Chaidh na meadhanan sòisealta a thaghadh le barrachd na leth den luchd-fhreagairt cuideachd.

B’ e ceist ioma-roghainn a bha seo, mar sin bidh iomlan nan toraidhean nas àirde na 100%.

Chaidh Eile a thaghadh le aon neach, a thuirt gu bheil iad a’ cleachdadh an Aplacaid Naidheachdan a BhBC agus Uicipeid.

Nam biodh tu a' sireadh fiosrachadh le fios gun robh e ri fhaighinn ann an Gàidhlig agus Beurla, dè an goireas a chleachdadh tu agus carson?

Cha mhòr nach robh sgaradh ann eadar an dà fhreagairt an seo agus chaidh a ’Ghàidhlig a thaghadh 48% agus Beurla le 52%.

Thuir sinn freagairt sgrìobhte bhon 41 neach a thaghadh Gàidhlig uile. Tha geàrr-chunntas air na na h-adhbharan a thuig iad seachad ri fhaighinn gu h-ìosail agus bha ceithir freagairtean neo-iomchaidh ann. Thuirt am buidheann as mòra de dhaoine a thaghadh Gàidhlig gun robh iad airson an cànan a chleachdadh barrachd no gun d’ fhuair iad tlachd bho a bhith ga chleachdadh.

Adhbhar Freagairtean

Gus a’ Ghàidhlig a chleachdadh barrachd no tlachd a ghabhail às 19

Is e a’ Ghàidhlig a’ chiad chànan aca no tha iad a’ faireachdainn nas comhfhurtail ga cleachdadh 8

Gus na sgilean Gàidhlig aca a’ leasachadh 8

Bhiodh iad a’ cleachdadh Beurla airson cuid de chuspairean fhathast 6

Gus nach caill iad a’ Ghàidhlig aca 3

Eile 3

“Oir tha mi airson cumail ris a’ Ghàidhlig agam agus leasachadh a dhèanamh air. Cuideachd, creididh mi gum bu chòir goireasan a bharrachd a bhith ann airson daoine aig a bheil an cànan bhon ghlùin; mar sin, feumaidh mi taic a chumail riutha le bhith gan cleachdadh nuair a nochdas iad.”

“Gu dearbh tha e an urra ri dè an cànan anns a bheil mi a’ sgrìobhadh ach ma tha mi a’ sgrìobhadh rudeigin ann an Gaidhlig bidh e a’ dèanamh diofair mòr nuair a lorgas mi goireasan Gaidhlig!” – Chaidh am freagairt seo a sgrìobhadh sa Bheurla agus chaidh eadar-theangachadh

Thuir sinn freagairt sgrìobhte bhon 44 neach a thaghadh Gàidhlig uile. Tha geàrr-chunntas air na na h-adhbharan a thuig iad seachad ri fhaighinn gu h-ìosail agus bha aon freagairt neo-iomchaidh ann. B’ e an adhbhar as cumanta a chaidh a thoirt seachad airson an roghainn aca gu bheil e nas luaithe agus nas fhasa goireasan Beurla a chleachdadh.

Adhbhar Freagairtean

Nas luaithe agus nas fhasa goireasan Beurla a chleachdadh. 25

Barrachd roghainnean ann am Beurla/roghainn nas fhasa a lorg 10

Nas fhasa airson a cho-roinneadh le feadhainn eile 4

Bhiodh iad a’ cleachdadh Gàidhlig nam biodh an cuspair càirdeach don Ghàidhlig 4

Gnàthas 3

Eile 3

Feumaidh fiosrachadh a bhith sa Bheurla airson sgoil no obair 2

“Tha mi nas fileanta agus nas comhfhurtail leis a ’Bheurla oir tha nas lugha de chothroman agam a bhith a’ bruidhinn Gàidhlig an-diugh. Tha mi gu mòr airson mo chomas Gàidhlig a leasachadh a-rithist ach chan eil mi cinnteach càite an tòisich mi.” – Chaidh am freagairt seo a sgrìobhadh sa Bheurla agus chaidh eadar-theangachadh

Dè na cuspairean air a bheil thu ag iarraidh fiosrachadh anns a' Ghàidhlig?

Bha 70 freagairt sgrìobhte ann agus bha ceithir freagairt neo-iomchaidh ann. B’ e cùisean an là, naidheachdan agus poileataigs an cuspair a thaghadh an àireamh as motha de luchd-fhreagairt.

Cuspairean Freagairtean

Cùisean làitheil, naidheachdan & poileataigs 23

Rud sam bith/a h-uile rud 16

Cultar, ceòl agus ealan 11

Cuspairean sgoile 8

Chan eil mi cinnteach 7

Eachdraidh na Gàidhlig 5

Cothroman & tachartasan 5

Spòrs 4

Chan eil dad 4

Eireachdas & fasan 3

Dreuchdan Gàidhlig 3

Beul-aithris agus sgeulachdan 2

Slàinte-inntinn & sunnd 2

Cùisean agus gluasadan sòisealta 2

Fiosrachadh poblach 2

Eacarsaich 2

Cur-seachadan agus sgilean-beatha 2

Taic gràmair 1

Gàidhlig làitheil 1

Teicneòlas 1

Saidheans 1

Cruinn-eòlas 1

Seirbhisean (san fharsaingeachd) 1

Dè na meadhanan as fheàrr leat a chleachdadh nuair a tha thu a' sireadh fiosrachadh air-loidhne?

Thuirt a mhòr-chuid den luchd-fhreagairt gum b’ fheàrr leotha bhideothan. B’ e pod-chraolaidhean am freagairt as neo-chumanta, ach chaidh an roghainn sin a thaghadh le còigeamh cuid den luchd-fhreagairt fhathast

B’ e ceist ioma-roghainn a bha seo, mar sin bidh iomlan nan toraidhean nas àirde na 100%.

Chaidh Eile a thaghadh le dithis; chaidh Google ainmeachadh le fear dhiubh agus thug am fear eile seachad freagairt a bha neo-iomchaidh.

A bheil làraich-lìn, goireasan air-loidhne, bùithtean, stòran fiosrachaidh, m.s.a.a Gàidhlig ann a tha gu sònraichte math?

B’ e Am Faclair Beag ( an goireas a chaidh ainmeachadh as trice.

B’ e ceist ioma-roghainn a bha seo, mar sin bidh iomlan nan toraidhean nas àirde na 100%.

Den fheadhainn a thagh Eile, thug 11 seachad freagairt sgrìobhte agus tha iad seo clàraichte gu h-ìosal.


Google translate

BBC bitesize

Sabhal Mor Ostaig

LoveGàidhlig air Instagram

Comhairle nan leabhraichean

Brochan no Bas. The Daily Gael. Tobair an Dualchais.

Gaelic Instagram

SMO Stor data

Google translate

Chan eil gin

Tobar an Dualchais

Dè na cothroman no goireasan air-loidhne Gàidhlig a chruthaicheadh tu nam b' urrainn dhut?

Thuig 53 neach freagairt sgrìobhte airson a cheist seo, le trì freagairtean neo-iomchaidh. B’ e àitichean sòisealta agus coimhearsnachd am moladh as cumanta a bh’ aig na luchd-fhreagairt.

Goireasan/Cothroman Freagairtean

Àitichean sòisealta & coimhearsnachd 9

Eile 8

Seanailean meadhanan sòisealta 7

Taic sgoile 4

Ceòl, dràma & ealan (bùthan-obrach m.s.a) 4

Amalachas & àbhaisteachadh air làraich “prìomh-shruthach” 4

Chan eil mi cinnteach 4

Rud sam bith 3

Geamaichean 3

Duilleagan Gàidhlig air na meadhanan sòisealta 3

Chan eil gin 3

Barrachd cothroman & goireasan ionnsachaidh 2

Ag ùrachadh nan goireasan a tha ann 2

Dreuchdan agus cothroman obrach 2

Stòr-dàta liriceach òran Gàidhlig 1

Irisean (air-loidhne air a thoirt a-steach) 1

Gifs, stiogairean agus emojis 1

A’ dèanamh stiùireadh dha na cothroman agus na goireasan a tha rim faighinn 1

Dòighean air luchd-labhairt agus gnìomhachasan Gàidhlig ag aithneachadh 1

Innealan eadar-theangachaidh 1

Suidhichidhean neo-fhoirmeil 1

“Barrachd chothroman gus a’ Ghàidhlig a chleachdadh ann an suidheachadh neo-fhoirmeil agus a’ Ghàidhlig a thoirt a-steach do chultar nam meadhanan gnàthach oir faodaidh e a bhith gu math teann anns na dòighean aige agus ‘s urrainn sin stad a chuir air daoine òga agus luchd-ionnsachaidh ùra a dhol an sàs leis, leis nach eil iad a’ faireachdainn cho ceangailte ris.” – Chaidh am freagairt seo a sgrìobhadh sa Bheurla agus chaidh eadar-theangachadh

“Coimhearsnachdan far am faod daoine òga Gàidhlig a bhruidhinn air leth bhon sgoil aca agus àite neo-fhoirmeil airson a’ Ghàidhlig a bhruidhinn.” – Chaidh am freagairt seo a sgrìobhadh sa Bheurla agus chaidh eadar-theangachadh

Luach Cultar, Dualchas agus Cànan na Gàidhlig

Chaidh na ceistean a leanas a chur air a h-uile duine a fhreagair an suirbhidh.

Nad bheachd fhèin, dè cho luachmhor 's a tha cultar agus dualchas na Gàidhlig?

Thuirt timcheall air dà thrian gu bheil iad den bheachd gu bheil cultar agus dualchas na Gàidhlig glè luachmhor.

Thuirt luchd-freagairt ann am meadhan na dùthcha gun robh iad den bheachd gu bheil cultar agus dualchas na Gàidhlig luachmhor beagan na bu trice na luchd-freagairt ann am buidhnean ùghdarrasan ionadail eile.

Luach Meadhan na Dùthcha A’ Ghàidhealtachd & na h-Eileanan an Iar Eile

Gun luch sam bith 5.0% 7.0% 8.7%

Gun mòran luach 3.9% 2.6% 2.8%

Neodrach 5.7% 8.7% 6.9%

Luachmhor gu leòr 15.0% 20.9% 15.9%

Glè luachmhor 70.4% 60.9% 65.7%

Sampall 280 115 321

Nad bheachd fhèin, dè cho luachmhor 's a tha cànan na Gàidhlig?

Thuirt timcheall air dà thrian gu bheil iad den bheachd gu bheil cànan na Gàidhlig glè luachmhor.

Thuirt luchd-freagairt ann am meadhan na dùthcha agus air a’ Ghàidhealtachd agus sna h-Eileanan an Iar gun robh cànan na Gàidhlig nas luachmhoire na luchd-freagairt anns na h-ùghdarrasan ionadail “Eile”

Luach Meadhan na Dùthcha A’ Ghàidhealtachd & na h-Eileanan an Iar Eile

Gun luach sam bith 5.4% 9.6% 9.7%

Gun mòran luach 3.2% 0.0% 4.7%

Neodrach 6.8% 6.1% 6.9%

Luachmhor gu leòr 17.9% 16.5% 14.3%

Glè luachmhor 66.8% 67.8% 64.5%

Sampall 280 115 321

3. Eòlas-Sluaigh an Luchd-fhreagairt

Dè an aois a tha thu?

Bha còrr air leth den luchd-fhreagairt (52.8%) aois 18 no nas sine. B ’e 16 agus 17 na h-aoisean as cumanta a chaidh a thaghadh.


Aois % response/

% freagairt Age/

Aois % response/

% freagairt

11 0.3% 19 7.5%

12 2.8% 20 4.5%

13 2.9% 21 6.4%

14 8.1% 22 6.8%

15 7.4% 23 6.1%

16 13.4% 24 4.7%

17 12.3% 25 7.0%

18 9.6%

Dè an t-ùghdarras ionadail anns a bheil thu a’ fuireach?

Bha freagairtean ann bho dhaoine a bha a’ fuireach anns na 32 Ùghdarrasan Ionadail uile. Thàinig na h-àireamhan as àirde de fhreagairtean bho dhaoine a bha a’ fuireach ann an Dùn Èideann agus Glaschu.

Local Authority Ùghdarras Ionadail %response/

% freagairt

Aberdeen City Cathair Obar Dheathain 2.1%

Aberdeenshire Siorrachd Obar Dheathain 3.8%

Angus Aonghais 2.4%

Argyll & Bute Earra-Ghàidheal is Bhòid 2.4%

City of Edinburgh Cathair Obar Dheathain 11.6%

Clackmannanshire Siorrachd Chlach Mhanann 1.0%

Dumfries and Galloway Dùn Phrìs is Gall-Ghàidhealaibh 2.7%

Dundee City Cathair Dhùn Dè 1.5%

East Ayrshire Siorrachd Àir an Ear 0.6%

East Dunbartonshire Siorrachd Dhùn Breatann an Ear 2.0%

East Lothian Lodainn an Ear 1.8%

East Renfrewshire Siorrachd Rinn Friù an Ear 0.7%

Falkirk An Eaglais Bhreac 3.4%

Fife Fìobha 6.8%

Glasgow City Cathair Ghlaschu 11.3%

Highland A' Ghàidhealtachd 9.8%

Inverclyde Inbhir Chluaidh 1.1%

Midlothian Lodainn Mheadhanach 1.5%

Moray Moireibh 1.5%

North Ayrshire Siorrachd Obar Dheathain 2.4%

North Lanarkshire Siorrachd Lannraig a Tuath 5.6%

Orkney Islands Arcaibh 0.1%

Perth and Kinross Peairt is Cheann Rois 4.2%

Renfrewshire Siorrachd Rinn Friù 2.2%

Scottish Borders Crìochan na h-Alba 1.7%

Shetland Islands Sealtainn 0.3%

South Ayrshire Siorrachd Àir a Deas 2.1%

South Lanarkshire Siorrachd Lannraig a Deas 4.1%

Stirling Sruighlea 1.8%

West Dunbartonshire Siorrachd Dhùn Breatann an Iar 1.1%

West Lothian Lodainn an Iar 2.7%

Western Isles Comhairle nan Eilean Siar 3.9%


Rowan Morris, Insight and Intelligence Officer

0131 313 2488

Ruairidh Hamilton, Gaelic Development Officer

0131 313 2488

Plain Text Version

1. Introduction and Key Findings

We have been partnering with Bòrd na Gàidhlig since 2018 to increase Scottish Gaelic (Gaelic) use and learning amongst young people in Scotland, and to promote a positive image of the Gaelic language.

This survey is a part of this partnership working. It aims to increase our understanding of how young people engage with Gaelic online, and identify the resources and mediums they use most when looking for content and information.

We hope that the results of this survey will help us and others in the sector to improve and develop our Gaelic offer. This will help to fulfil the needs and wants of young Gaelic speakers and learners in Scotland.

The survey ran between 30th November 2020 and 28th February 2021 and received 716 completed responses.


1. The survey used logic in order to direct respondents to questions appropriate to their experiences. As such, the sample sizes for questions differ from question to question. These sizes have been noted where appropriate.

2. Percentages have been used where sample sizes were 80 or above. Where sample sizes were less than 80, numbers have been reported.

3. Some comparative analysis has been done on local authority region. The local authorities were sorted into three groups based on geographical location and on fluency levels among respondents: central belt, Highlands and Western Isles and “Other”. The table below demonstrates these groupings. Not all questions could be looked at by group due to varying sample sizes (this has been noted in the report when appropriate).

Grouping Local Authority

Central Belt City of Edinburgh



Glasgow City



West Lothian

Highlands and Western Isles Argyll & Bute


Western Isles

Other LAs Aberdeen City




Dumfries and Galloway

Dundee City

East Ayrshire

East Dunbartonshire

East Lothian

East Renfrewshire


North Ayrshire

North Lanarkshire

Perth and Kinross


Scottish Borders

South Ayrshire

South Lanarkshire

West Dunbartonshire


Orkney Islands

Shetland Islands

4. When analysing open text questions, some responses were categorised as non-applicable. This category was used when responses were explicit, nonsensical or did not match the theme of the question. Notes have been made in the report where this was the case.

Key Findings

Respondents were first asked to rate their fluency of the Gaelic language. Almost half (44.8%) of respondents stated that were learning Gaelic in some form. Of those who stated that they were a learner, most were beginners (32.5%). The most common singular group was non-speakers (43.3%).

Learning Gaelic

1. Of the respondents who stated that they were an advanced learner or fluent in Gaelic, the majority stated that they learned it in school (85.7%).

2. Of the respondents who stated that they were a beginner or intermediate learner in Gaelic, the majority stated that they were learning via Duolingo (81.7%).

Respondents who identified as a beginner, intermediate or advanced learner were asked the following questions.

3. The most common reasons for wanting to learn Gaelic were an interest in Gaelic songs and music (52.0%) and an interest in Gaelic literature (45.8%).

4. When asked what the most useful websites and resources while learning Gaelic were, the most common response was Duolingo (66.6%).

5. When asked what Gaelic learning resources, information or opportunities they wish could be created, the most common response was in-school provision and support (27.2%)

6. When asked what type of content they think would be helpful when learning Gaelic, the majority (70.4%) stated that they would like to learn through short form videos using the likes of TikTok or Instagram Reels. Other popular choices were interactive content on Instagram stories (67.9%) and long form videos on Instagram or YouTube (66.0%).

Interest in Learning Gaelic from Non-Speakers

Respondents who identified as non-speakers of Gaelic were asked the following questions.

1. When asked how interested they were in learning Gaelic, half of these respondents (49.6%) showed some interest, with the most common selection being quite interested (26.1%). A quarter of respondents stated that they were not at all interested (24.5%).

Respondents who stated that they were not at all interested, not very interested or neutral about learning Gaelic were to describe why they were not interested.

2. The main reason that respondents described that they were not interested in learning Gaelic was that the language is not seen as useful or relevant.

Respondents who stated that they were neutral, quite interested or very interested in learning Gaelic were asked the following questions.

3. When asked why they were interested in learning Gaelic, two thirds (66.2%) selected just for fun.

4. When asked what Gaelic learning resources, information, or opportunities they wish could be created, the most common suggestion was in-school provision and support (39.0%).

5. When asked what type of content they think would be helpful when learning Gaelic, the majority (70.0%) stated that they would like to learn through short form videos using the likes of TikTok or Instagram Reels. Other popular choices were long form videos on Instagram or YouTube (59.9%) and interactive content on Instagram stories (58.9%).

Engagement with Gaelic Online

1. When asked how often they saw or engaged with Gaelic online, the most common response was that they do not use Gaelic online (35.9%). Almost a third of respondents stated that they engaged with Gaelic online most days or every day (30.1%).

2. Over half of the respondents who stated that they did not engage with Gaelic online stated that they would like to (58.4%).

Respondents who stated that they see or engage with Gaelic online occasionally, every month, every week, most days or every day were asked the following questions.

3. Gaelic was most commonly accessed online via Duolingo (60.8%).

4. The most common types of Gaelic content engaged with were short form videos on TikTok and Instagram Reels (52.9%) and social media posts on Instagram and Facebook (50.1%).

5. The large majority of these respondents (93.7%) said that they would like to see more Gaelic content on social media and online.

6. When asked what type of Gaelic content they would like to see more of, the most common response was short form videos on TikTok and Instagram Reels (70.6%).

7. When asked for their ideas for Gaelic content on social media, the most common request was for content aimed at learners (23.3%). The most common form of content mentioned was videos (19.0%).

How Fluent Gaelic Speakers Engage with Online Material

Respondents who stated that they were fluent in Gaelic were asked the following questions.

1. The majority of respondents (95.3%) said that they look for information via Google or another search engine. Over half (57.6%) stated social media.

2. When asked if they would prefer to look at a resource in Gaelic or English (if available in both), there was almost an even split: 48% selected Gaelic while 52% selected English. The most common reason given by those who selected Gaelic was that they enjoy using the language and want to use it more; the most common reason given by those who selected English was for ease or speed.

3. The topic area that most respondents stated they would like to get more information about in Gaelic was current events, news, and politics.

4. The medium that the majority of respondents prefer to use when looking for information online was videos (78.8%).

5. When asked to select which Gaelic online resources they found especially good, the majority (75.3%) selected Am Faclair Beag (

6. When asked what Gaelic learning resources, information, or opportunities they wish could be created, the most common suggestion was social or community spaces.

Value of Gaelic Culture, Heritage and Language

All respondents were asked the following questions.

1. Around two thirds (66.8%) stated that they think Gaelic culture and heritage is very valuable.

2. Around two thirds (65.9%) stated that they think the Gaelic language is very valuable.

2. Survey Results

The survey received 716 completed responses.

When asked to rate their level of fluency, almost half of respondents were learners in some form (45%). Of those who stated that they were a learner, most were beginners. The most common singular group was non-speakers.

Fluency %response

Non-speaker 43.3%

Beginner learner 32.5%

Intermediate learner 9.5%

Advanced learner 2.8%

Fluent 11.9%

Levels of fluency were highest in the Highlands and Western Isles, with 36.5% stating that they were fluent speakers of Gaelic. This was also the region with the most respondents identifying as advanced learners of the language (20.0%). Over half of respondents in “Other” local authorities were non-speakers.

Fluency Central Belt Highlands and Western Isles Other

Non-speaker 42.9% 15.7% 53.6%

Beginner learner 35.4% 20.9% 34.3%

Intermediate learner 2.1% 7.0% 1.9%

Advanced learner 9.3% 20.0% 5.9%

Fluent 10.4% 36.5% 4.4%

Sample 280 115 321

Learning Gaelic

The 105 respondents who stated that they were an advanced learner or fluent in Gaelic were asked the following question. When the sample sizes for advanced learners/fluent respondents were looked at by region, they were too small for comparison.

Where did you learn Gaelic?

The majority of respondents stated that they learned Gaelic at school. Around two fifths learned from home. The least common responses were online and book and CD.

This question was multiple choice, therefore the results will not total 100%.

Four respondents selected Other. A summary of their responses are below.

Theme Responses

Socially 2

TV & Radio 1

Gaelic in the family 1

The 301 respondents who stated that they were a beginner or intermediate learner were asked the following question. When the sample sizes for beginner/intermediate respondents were looked at by region, the Highlands and Western Isles sample was too small for comparison.

How are you learning Gaelic?

The majority of respondents stated that they were learning Gaelic via Duolingo, and almost half selected online. The least common responses were at school or university, suggesting that these respondents are actively choosing to learn the language.

This question was multiple choice, therefore the results will not total 100%.

This pattern was reflected when looking at region. More respondents from the Central Belt were learning Gaelic on a course. More respondents were learning online in local authorities grouped as “Other” than those in the central belt.

Method of learning Central Belt Other

Duolingo 81.6% 88.4%

Online 44.0% 52.7%

Book & CD 16.0% 14.7%

Other 14.4% 10.9%

At university 12.0% 8.5%

On a course 11.2% 5.4%

At school 0.8% 3.9%

Sample 125 129

Of those who selected Other, 37 provided a written response. These are summarised below.

Theme Responses

Through family/in the home 14

Socially (through friends/social club) 7

Culturally (through music/literature) 4

Formal course (University/Language courses) 4

Book course 4

Online (not including social media) 4

TV 4

Social media 3

Mobile app 3

At work 1

Briefly learned at school 1

Podcasts 1

Learning by themselves 1

The 321 respondents who stated that they were a beginner, intermediate or advanced learner were asked the following questions. When the sample sizes for beginner/intermediate/advanced respondents were looked at by region, the Highlands and Western Isles sample was too small for comparison.

What made you want to learn Gaelic?

The most common responses were related to an interest in Gaelic songs, music and literature. The least common reason for wanting to learn Gaelic was for fun.

This question was multiple choice, therefore the results will not total 100%.

This pattern was reflected when looking at region. The main difference between the groups was career opportunities, which was selected by more respondents in “Other” local authorities than those in the central belt.

Reason for learning Central Belt Other

Interested in Gaelic songs and music 55.0% 54.1%

Interested in Gaelic literature 49.6% 46.7%

Other 42.0% 47.4%

Social opportunities 25.2% 25.2%

Career opportunities 17.6% 27.4%

Spoken by my family 16.8% 13.3%

Spoken in my community 9.9% 8.9%

For some fun 9.2% 11.1%

Sample 131 135

Of those who selected Other, 129 provided a written response, these are summarised below. One response was categorised as non-applicable.

Theme % Response

Part of Scottish culture and national identity 40.3%

Help with the language’s survival 28.7%

History and heritage 17.1%

For fun/general interest 10.1%

Interest in languages 9.3%

Personal/family ties 7.8%

Community ties 7.0%

In school 5.4%

Employment opportunities 4.7%

Gaelic media, music & literature 3.9%

Social opportunities 3.1%

Place names/geography 1.6%

Interest in native UK and Ireland languages 1.6%

Interest in teaching 1.6%

Unable to learn in childhood 0.8%

What have been the most useful websites and resources you've used while learning Gaelic?

There were 299 typed responses to this question. The most popular resource was Duolingo, with two thirds of respondents mentioning the app.

Website/Resource Responses

Duolingo 66.6% 35.8%

BBC Alba/iPlayer & programs 12.7%

Other 11.3%

YouTube & other videos 7.7%

Am Faclair Beag 6.0%

Instagram 6.0%

Online communities & forums (reddit, discord, etc) 6.0%

TikTok 5.7%

Book led course 5.4%

Formal course 4.7%

#YSGaelic 4.7%

Face-to-face lessons (inc. online) 3.7%

Literature 3.3%

Facebook 3.3%

Learngaelic (dictionary) 3.0%

Beag air bheag 2.7%

Podcasts & radio 2.7%

Family, Friends & social interactions 2.7%

BBC Bitesize 2.0%

Music 2.0%

Bluebird 1.0%

Mango Languages 1.0%

Articles & blogs 1.0%

Twitter 1.0%

Don't know/not sure 0.7%

Due to the open text nature of the question, it was not possible to group all responses accurately in the table above, resulting in a high number of "Other" responses. For a full list of responses, please contact by email.

What kind of Gaelic learning resources, information or opportunities do you wish could be created?

There were 279 typed responses to this question. The most common suggestion was for support and provision in schools, followed by social interactions with groups and communities.

Resources/Opportunities Responses

In-school provision and support 27.2%

Social interactions/conversations with groups and communities 16.8%

Face-to-face classes and workshops (including online) 10.4%

Description of content theme/subject area 10.4%

Films & TV shows 9.0%

Better promotion/more visibility of current resources 8.6%

Other 8.6%

Radio, podcasts and conversational audio content 6.1%

Increased accessibility of current resources 5.7%

Structured online courses 5.0%

Don't know/not sure 5.0%

Videos 4.3%

Literature 3.9%

Interactive content 3.2%

University/College courses 2.9%

Music, culture & art 2.9%

Improved translation tools & dictionaries 2.9%

Anything/everything 2.5%

Grammar support 2.5%

Book led courses 2.2%

Online community space 1.8%

Increased affordability of current resources 1.4%

Phone app 1.4%

Tech and website language options 1.4%

Flashcards 1.1%

Accreditation 1.1%

Due to the open text nature of the question, it was not possible to group all responses accurately, resulting in a high number of "Other" responses. For a full list of responses, please contact by email.

“I wish that Gaelic was taught more widely in school or that school resources could be made available for anyone wanting to learn Gaelic. As a secondary teacher I'd totally get involved with a Gaelic club in my school.”

“I'm honestly not sure, it's a whole range of things from just more public awareness of Gàidhlig which I feels is still lacking, to more widely available courses for general people to attend and study. Maybe an educational exchange with Ireland and Nova Scotia to expand educational opportunities to Scotland and beyond? Put simply, just more Gàidhlig everywhere.”

What types of content do you think would help you with learning Gaelic?

The majority of respondents stated that they would like to learn Gaelic through short form videos using the likes of TikTok or Instagram Reels. Other popular choices were long form videos (on Instagram or YouTube) and interactive content on Instagram stories. The least popular options were infographics and written articles.

This question was multiple choice, therefore the results will not total 100%.

There were some differences in responses between regions, with “Other” local authorities selecting most options more than those in the central belt.

Type of content Central Belt Other

Short form videos 45.0% 57.8%

Stories content 41.2% 45.9%

Long form videos 39.7% 51.9%

Posts 29.8% 38.5%

Podcasts 28.2% 47.4%

Written articles 22.9% 37.8%

Infographics 29.8% 34.8%

Other 6.9% 9.6%

Sample 131 135

Of those who selected Other, 23 provided a written response, these are summarised below. Six responses were categorised as non-applicable.

Theme Responses

Video lessons/TV shows 3

Games 3

Pronunciation guides 2

Blogs, articles 2

Anything/everything 1

Spoken Gaelic 1

Interactive content 1

Radio 1

Traditional music and art 1

News 1

Gaelic films 1

Interest in Learning Gaelic from Non-Speakers

The 310 respondents who stated that they were Gaelic non-speakers were asked the following question. When the sample sizes for Gaelic non-speaker respondents were looked at by region, the Highlands and Western Isles sample was too small for comparison.

How interested are you in learning Scottish Gaelic?

Half of these respondents demonstrated interest in learning Gaelic, the most common response being quite interested. A quarter of respondents who were non-speakers stated that they were not at all interested.

Slightly more respondents in “Other” local authorities selected quite interested than those in the central belt.

Level of interest Central Belt Other

Not at all interested 22.5% 23.8%

Not very interested 9.2% 9.3%

Neutral 21.7% 13.4%

Quite interested 23.3% 29.1%

Very interested 23.3% 24.4%

Sample 120 172

The 156 respondents who selected not at all interested, not very interested or neutral to the previous question were asked the following question. When the sample sizes were looked at by region, they were too small for comparison.

Why aren't you interested in learning Gaelic?

There were 156 typed responses to this question. Five responses were categorised as non-applicable. The most common reason for not wanting to learn Gaelic was that the language is not seen as useful or relevant.

Reason % Response

Not useful or relevant 73.7%

Would prioritise learning other languages 17.3%

Seen as a “dead” or “dying” language 13.5%

Too difficult to learn 10.9%

Uninterested 3.8%

Limited previous exposure 2.6%

Waste of money 2.6%

Unable to learn at present but would consider at another time 1.9%

Too political/nationalistic 1.9%

“There aren't very many people who live near me that speak Gaelic so it's not very useful!”

“I have tried learning a language before but struggled to keep it up because I wasn't using the language often.”

“It feels like it has limited uses so I would probably try to learn other languages first.”

The 207 respondents who stated that they were neutral, quite interested or very interested in learning Gaelic were asked the following questions. When the sample sizes for neutral/quite interested/very interested respondents were looked at by region, they were too small for comparison.

Why are you interested in learning Gaelic?

Two thirds of respondents stated that they were interested in learning Gaelic just for fun. Just over a third said they were interested in learning Gaelic due to an interest in Gaelic songs and music. The least common reasons for wanting to learn Gaelic were that people in their community or family members spoke Gaelic.

This question was multiple choice, therefore the results will not total 100%.

Of those who selected Other, 70 provided a written response. These are summarised below.

Theme Responses

Part of Scottish culture and national identity 35

Help with the language’s survival 24

History and heritage 23

Interest in languages 4

Interest in native UK and Ireland languages 4

Social opportunities 3

What kind of Gaelic learning resources, information or opportunities do you wish could be created?

There were 172 typed responses to this question, with two responses categorised as non-applicable. The most common suggestion was for support and provision in schools, followed by structured online courses and face to face classes or workshops.

Resources/Opportunities Responses

In-school provision and support 39.0%

Structured online courses 14.0%

Face-to-face classes or workshops 14.0%

Interactive content 8.1%

Videos 7.6%

Flashcards/infographics 7.6%

Phone app 6.4%

Social interactions/conversations with groups and communities 5.8%

Description of content theme/subject area 5.2%

Better promotion/more visibility of current resources 5.2%

Pronunciation guides 4.7%

Don't know/not sure 4.7%

Dictionary/translation tools 4.1%

Better promotion/more visibility of Gaelic generally 4.1%

Radio, podcasts and conversational audio content 2.9%

TV shows and films 2.9%

Drama, music and literature 2.9%

Online classes or workshops 2.3%

Book led courses 2.3%

Resources suitable for deaf people 1.7%

Anything/everything 1.2%

Accreditation 1.2%

Blogs and articles 1.2%

Tech and website language options 1.2%

People will find existing resources 1.2%

“… my school offers quite a wide variety of language choices, but I’m sure if Gaelic was a choice I would pick it as I’m genuinely interested in our language.”

“I think a free app or free online course with interactive learning would be the perfect way for young people to learn the language and keep it alive.”

“I find it quite fun on the Young Scot IG story to go through each of the flashcards there. I like how there is mini quizzes as well. If more thing like that could happen that would be great.”

What types of content do you think would help you with learning Gaelic?

The majority of respondents stated that they would like to learn Gaelic through short form videos using the likes of TikTok or Instagram Reels. Other popular choices were long form videos (on Instagram or YouTube) and interactive content on Instagram stories. The least popular options were infographics and written articles.

This question was multiple choice, therefore the results will not total 100%.

Of those who selected Other, 23 provided a written response, these are summarised below. Five responses were categorised as non-applicable.

Theme Responses

TV and films 3

Interactive app 3

Interactive content 2

Flashcards 2

Games 2

Blogs, articles 1

Specific content theme 1

Traditional music and art 1

Videos 1

Podcasts 1

Don't know/not sure 1

Engagement with Gaelic Online

How often do you see or engage with Gaelic online?

Respondents most commonly stated that they do not use Gaelic online. The most common response from those who did see or engage with Gaelic online was occasionally. However, almost a third of respondents engaged with Gaelic most days or every day (30.1%).

Respondents in the Highlands and Western Isles stated that they see or engage with Gaelic online more often than the other local authority groups.

Usage Central Belt Highlands and Western Isles Other

I don't use Gaelic online 35.0% 17.4% 43.3%

Occasionally 17.1% 13.0% 21.5%

Every month 2.5% 2.6% 6.2%

Every week 14.6% 16.5% 6.9%

Most days 16.8% 27.8% 11.2%

Every day 13.9% 22.6% 10.9%

Sample 280 115 321

The 257 respondents who selected I don’t use Gaelic online to the previous question were asked the following question. When the sample sizes for these respondents were looked at by region, they were too small for comparison.

Would you like to see and engage with Gaelic online?

Over half of respondents said they would like to see and engage with Gaelic online.

The 459 respondents who stated that they see or engage with Gaelic online occasionally, every month, every week, most days or every day were asked the following questions.

Where do you use Gaelic online?

The most common responses were Duolingo and Instagram. Snapchat was the least common response.

This question was multiple choice, therefore the results will not total 100%.

Respondents based in the central belt and local authorities classed as “Other” mostly selected Duolingo. The most popular choice for respondents in the Highlands and Western Isles was Instagram.

Where it is used Central Belt Highlands and Western Isles Other

Duolingo 62.1% 49.5% 65.4%

Instagram 48.4% 55.8% 34.6%

Facebook 24.7% 25.3% 21.4%

Youtube 24.2% 18.9% 22.0%

TikTok 20.3% 15.8% 26.4%

Twitter 23.6% 17.9% 18.1%

Other 11.0% 14.7% 17.6% 10.4% 8.4% 12.6%

Snapchat 10.4% 21.1% 3.8%

Sample 182 95 182

Of those who selected Other, 66 provided a written response, these are summarised below. Two responses were categorised as non-applicable.

Theme Responses

Discord 12

Do not use 11

School classes & resources 9

Video calls 8

Reddit 7

Dedicated Gaelic resources 6

Other 4

WhatsApp 3

Messenger 2

Tumblr 2

Strava 2

Fèisean 2

Twitch 1

Learning classes 1

Ankiweb 1

Through music and art 1

BBC Bitesize 1

What kinds of Gaelic content do you engage with most?

The most common responses were short form videos and posts on Instagram and Facebook. The least common responses were written articles and podcasts.

This question was multiple choice, therefore the results will not total 100%.

Respondents based in the central belt and local authorities classed as “Other” mostly selected short form videos. The most popular choice for respondents in the Highlands and Western Isles was posts on social media.

Type of content Central Belt Highlands and Western Isles Other

Short form videos 54.4% 50.5% 52.7%

Posts 51.6% 62.1% 42.3%

Story content 30.2% 36.8% 31.3%

Long form videos 30.2% 34.7% 28.6%

Infographics 51.1% 37.9% 47.8%

Written articles 26.9% 28.4% 23.1%

Podcasts 15.4% 11.6% 13.7%

Other 6.0% 7.4% 6.6%

Sample 182 95 182

Unfortunately, due to a survey format error, other responses were not recorded.

Would you like to see more Gaelic content on social media and online?

The large majority of respondents said they would like to see more Gaelic content on social media and online.

Slightly more respondents in the central belt selected yes compared to the other local authority groups.

Interest Central Belt Highlands and Western Isles Other

Yes 96.7% 90.5% 92.3%

No 3.3% 9.5% 7.7%

Sample 182 95 182

The 430 respondents who selected yes to the previous question were asked the following questions. When the sample sizes for these respondents were looked at by region, the Highlands and Western Isles sample was too small for comparison.

What kinds of Gaelic content you would like to see more of?

The most common response was short form videos on TikTok and Instagram Reels. The least common responses were written articles and infographics.

This question was multiple choice, therefore the results will not total 100%.

Respondents based in the central belt mostly selected short form videos. The most popular choice for respondents in the “other” local authorities was long form videos.

Type of content Central Belt Other

Short form videos 76.9% 68.7%

Long form videos 64.3% 69.2%

Posts 66.5% 57.7%

Story content 67.6% 61.0%

Podcasts 57.1% 61.0%

Written articles 52.7% 52.7%

Infographics 51.1% 47.8%

Other 4.9% 3.8%

Sample 182 182

Of those who selected Other, 18 provided a written response, these are summarised below. Three responses were categorised as non-applicable.

Theme Responses

Anything/everything 4

Film or TV 4

Live online content 1

Memes 1

Academic support 1

Podcasts 1

News 1

Music 1

Books 1

Radio 1

What ideas do you have for Gaelic content you'd like to see on social media?

There were 300 typed responses to this question, with sixteen responses categorised as non-applicable. The most common suggestion was content for learners, with the most common form of content being videos. Some respondents asked for more of a focus on doing content in Gaelic rather than just about Gaelic.

Resources/Opportunities Responses

Content aimed at learners 23.3%

Video content 19.0%

Other 11.6%

Focus on doing content in Gaelic rather than just about Gaelic 8.0%

Useful/everyday language 8.0%

Interactive content 7.3%

Music, art and culture 7.0%

Podcast/audio 6.7%

Vocabulary, idioms, quotes and phrases 6.0%

News, current affairs and social issues 5.7%

Anything/everything 5.0%

Topics that are relatable or relevant to young people 4.7%

Information about the language's history and culture 4.7%

More people using and promoting Gaelic on social media 4.7%

Don't know/not sure 4.3%

Conversation-based content 4.0%

Bilingual content 3.7%

Pronunciation aides 3.0%

Grammar 2.7%

Memes and funny content 2.7%

Modern uses for Gaelic 2.7%

Sports 1.7%

Nothing 1.7%

Landscape and place names 1.3%

Social Media challenges 1.3%

Recipes and food 1.3%

Career opportunities 1.3%

Content created by young people 1.3%

Blogs/vlogs 1.0%

Due to the open text nature of the question, it was not possible to group all responses accurately in the table above, resulting in a high number of "Other" responses. For a full list of responses, please contact by email.

“Introduce casual Gaelic words into young non-speakers’ vocabularies to normalise and destigmatise Gaelic, create content that isn’t centred around typical Gaelic things like trad music or sports.”

“As a beginner learner it would be great to see content which is aimed at my level. I'd love to listen to a podcast which talks about interesting and relevant topics in Gaelic and English to help hear how to pronounce things.”

“Everyday things so that it is normalised - not just trying to teach words or phrases through the posts but more conversational and not centred on Gaelic but with Gaelic being the medium with which it's written.”

Where would you like to see more Gaelic content?

The most common response was Instagram. The least common response was

This question was multiple choice, therefore the results will not total 100%.

Respondents based in the central belt mostly selected Instagram. The most popular choice for respondents in the “other” local authorities was YouTube.

Channel Central Belt Other

Instagram 81.9% 69.2%

YouTube 74.2% 69.8%

TikTok 59.9% 55.5%

Twitter 53.8% 48.4%

Facebook 49.5% 45.1%

Snapchat 35.2% 28.0% 31.9% 28.6%

Other 5.5% 4.4%

Sample 182 182

Of those who selected Other, 21 provided a written response, these are summarised below. Two responses were categorised as non-applicable.

Theme Responses

Podcast hosting platforms 5

Anywhere/everywhere 4

Music streaming platforms 3

"Mainstream" websites 3

Discord 3

TV 2

Radio 2

Reddit 1

Music 1

Books 1

Characters 1

How Fluent Gaelic Speakers Engage with Online Material

The 85 respondents who stated that they were fluent in Gaelic were asked the following questions. When the sample sizes for fluent respondents were looked at by region, they were too small for comparison.

Where do you look for information online?

The majority of respondents said they look for information via Google or another search engine. Over half stated social media.

This question was multiple choice, therefore the results will not total 100%.

One respondent selected Other, stating that they looked at “BBC news app and Wikipedia”.

If you were looking for information and knew it was available in Gaelic and English, which resource would you use and why?

Respondents were almost evenly split with their selection, with 48% selecting Gaelic and 52% selecting English.

Of the 41 respondents who selected Gaelic, all provided a typed response as to why. These reasons are summarised below, with four responses being categorised as non-applicable. The main reason that respondents would choose a Gaelic resource is that they want to use the language more or enjoy using it.

Reason Responses

Want to use Gaelic more or enjoy using it 19

Gaelic is first language or they feel more comfortable with it 8

To improve their Gaelic 8

Would still use English for some topics 6

So as not to lose their Gaelic 3

Other 3

“Because I want to use my Gaelic and advance/develop it. I also think there should be more resources for native speakers; so I have to support and use them when they do appear.” – This answer was submitted in Gaelic and has been translated into English

“It of course depends on what language i’m writing in myself but if i’m writing something in gaidhlig it makes the world of difference when you find gaidhlig resources!”

Of the 44 respondents who selected English, all provided a typed response as to why. These reasons are summarised below, with one response being categorised as non-applicable. The main reason that respondents would choose an English resource is that find it easier or quicker to use.

Reason Responses

English is easier or quicker 25

More options in English/easier to find 10

Easier for sharing with others 4

If Gaelic related, would use Gaelic 4

Habit 3

Other 3

Information needs to be in English for school, study or work 2

“I am more fluent and comfortable with English as I have less opportunities to speak Gaelic nowadays. I'm very keen to improve my Gaelic proficiency again but often not sure where to start.”

What topics you would like to get information about in Gaelic?

There were 70 typed responses to this question, with four responses categorised as non-applicable. The most common suggestion was around current events, news and politics.

Topics Responses

Current events, news and politics 23

Anything/everything 16

Culture, music, and art 11

School subjects 8

Don't know/not sure 7

History of the language 5

Opportunities and events 5

Sport 4

Nothing 4

Beauty and fashion 3

Gaelic careers 3

Folklore and stories 2

Mental health and wellbeing 2

Social issues and movements 2

Public information 2

Sports and exercise 2

Hobbies and life skills 2

Grammar support 1

Everyday Gaelic 1

Technology 1

Science 1

Geography 1

Services (general) 1

Which mediums do you prefer using when looking for information online?

The majority of respondents said they prefer videos. The least common selection was podcasts.

This question was multiple choice, therefore the results will not total 100%.

Two respondents selected Other; one respondent stated Google and the other provided a response that was non-applicable.

What Gaelic websites, online resources, online stores or information sources do you think are especially good?

The most common response was Am Faclair Beag (

This question was multiple choice, therefore the results will not total 100%.

Of those who selected Other, 11 provided a written response, listed below.


Google translate

BBC bitesize

Sabhal Mor Ostaig

Love Gàidhlig Instagram

Comhairle nan leabhraichean

Brochan no Bas. The Daily Gael. Tobair an Dualchais.

Gaelic Instagram

SMO Stor data

Google translate


Tobar an Dualchais

What Gaelic opportunities, or online resources do you wish could be created?

There were 53 typed responses to this question, with three responses categorised as non-applicable. The most common suggestion was for social or community spaces.

Resources/Opportunities Responses

Social or community spaces 9

Other 8

Social media channels 7

Educational support 4

Music, drama and art (workshops etc) 4

Integration and normalisation on 'mainstream' platforms 4

Don't know/not sure 4

Anything/everything 3

Games 3

Gaelic social media pages 3

None 3

More learning opportunities and resources 2

Modernising and updating existing resources 2

Careers and job roles 2

Gaelic song lyric database 1

Magazines (including online) 1

Gifs, stickers and emojis 1

Signposting to available opportunities and resources 1

Ways to identify Gaelic speakers and businesses 1

Translation tools 1

Informal settings 1

“More opportunity to utilise Gaelic in an informal setting and to bring Gaelic into the mainstream media culture as it can be very stuck in its ways making young people and new learners disengage as the don't feel as connected.”

“Communities for young people to speak Gaelic separate from their school and a place to speak Gaelic casually.”

Value of Gaelic Culture, Heritage and Language

All respondents were asked the following questions.

How valuable do you think Gaelic culture and heritage is?

Around two thirds stated that they think Gaelic culture and heritage is very valuable.

Respondents in the central belt stated that they thought Gaelic culture and heritage was valuable slightly more than respondents in other local authority groups.

Value Central Belt Highlands and Western Isles Other

Not at all valuable 5.0% 7.0% 8.7%

Not very valuable 3.9% 2.6% 2.8%

Neutral 5.7% 8.7% 6.9%

Quite valuable 15.0% 20.9% 15.9%

Very valuable 70.4% 60.9% 65.7%

Sample 280 115 321

How valuable do you think the Gaelic language is?

Around two thirds stated that they think the Gaelic language is very valuable.

Respondents in the central belt and Highlands and Western Isles stated that they thought Gaelic language was valuable more than respondents in local authorities categorised as “Other”.

Value Central Belt Highlands and Western Isles Other

Not at all valuable 5.4% 9.6% 9.7%

Not very valuable 3.2% 0.0% 4.7%

Neutral 6.8% 6.1% 6.9%

Quite valuable 17.9% 16.5% 14.3%

Very valuable 66.8% 67.8% 64.5%

Sample 280 115 321

3. Respondent Demographics

How old are you?

Over half of the respondents (52.8%) were aged 18 or over. The most commonly selected ages were 16 and 17.


Aois % response/

% freagairt Age/

Aois % response/

% freagairt

11 0.3% 19 7.5%

12 2.8% 20 4.5%

13 2.9% 21 6.4%

14 8.1% 22 6.8%

15 7.4% 23 6.1%

16 13.4% 24 4.7%

17 12.3% 25 7.0%

18 9.6%

Which Local Authority do you live in?

There were responses from individuals who lived in all 32 Local Authorities. Most responses came from individuals who lived in Edinburgh and Glasgow.

Local Authority Ùghdarras Ionadail %response/

% freagairt

Aberdeen City Cathair Obar Dheathain 2.1%

Aberdeenshire Siorrachd Obar Dheathain 3.8%

Angus Aonghais 2.4%

Argyll & Bute Earra-Ghàidheal is Bhòid 2.4%

City of Edinburgh Cathair Dhùn Èideann 11.6%

Clackmannanshire Siorrachd Chlach Mhanann 1.0%

Dumfries and Galloway Dùn Phrìs is Gall-Ghàidhealaibh 2.7%

Dundee City Cathair Dhùn Dè 1.5%

East Ayrshire Siorrachd Àir an Ear 0.6%

East Dunbartonshire Siorrachd Dhùn Breatann an Ear 2.0%

East Lothian Lodainn an Ear 1.8%

East Renfrewshire Siorrachd Rinn Friù an Ear 0.7%

Falkirk An Eaglais Bhreac 3.4%

Fife Fìobha 6.8%

Glasgow City Cathair Ghlaschu 11.3%

Highland A' Ghàidhealtachd 9.8%

Inverclyde Inbhir Chluaidh 1.1%

Midlothian Lodainn Mheadhanach 1.5%

Moray Moireibh 1.5%

North Ayrshire Siorrachd Obar Dheathain 2.4%

North Lanarkshire Siorrachd Lannraig a Tuath 5.6%

Orkney Islands Arcaibh 0.1%

Perth and Kinross Peairt is Cheann Rois 4.2%

Renfrewshire Siorrachd Rinn Friù 2.2%

Scottish Borders Crìochan na h-Alba 1.7%

Shetland Islands Sealtainn 0.3%

South Ayrshire Siorrachd Àir a Deas 2.1%

South Lanarkshire Siorrachd Lannraig a Deas 4.1%

Stirling Sruighlea 1.8%

West Dunbartonshire Siorrachd Dhùn Breatann an Iar 1.1%

West Lothian Lodainn an Iar 2.7%

Western Isles Comhairle nan Eilean Siar 3.9%


Rowan Morris, Insight and Intelligence Officer

0131 313 2488

Ruairidh Hamilton, Gaelic Development Officer

0131 313 2488