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A bhith an sàs le Ghàidhlig Air-loidhne 2022 / Engaging with Gaelic Online 2022

Bho 2018, tha sinn air a bhith ann an com-pàirteachas le Bòrd na Gàidhlig – buidheann phoblach de Riaghaltas na h-Alba le uallach airson na Gàidhlig. Tha sinn air a bhith a’ cruthachadh fiosrachadh gus daoine òga a chuideachadh ag ionnsachadh no a’ leasachadh an cuid sgilean Gàidhlig gus mothachadh a thogail mu na buannachdan bho bhith ag ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig. Tha sinn air a bhith a’ dèanamh seo le bhith a’ cruthachadh susbaint tarraingeach agus fiosrachail ann an Gàidhlig do dhaoine òga. Bidh na duilleagan againn a’ cumail susbaint sa Ghàidhlig còmhla ri cothroman, tachartasan agus Duaisean Young Scot – a’ toirt ar seirbheisean Young Scot gu dhaoine òga ann an Alba aig a bheil Gàidhlig no a tha airson ionnsachadh.

Na bu thràithe am-bliadhna, ruith sinn pròiseact rannsachaidh is ghabh còrr is 1,100 duine òg bho air feadh na h-Alba pàirt ann. Bha diofar ìrean fileantachd aig na daoine òga – bho luchd-ionnsachaidh ùr gu Gàidhlig gu fileantaich. Chaidh an suirbhidh a dhealbhadh gus ar tuigse mu mar a tha daoine òga ag iarraidh fhaighinn fiosrachadh agus susbaint mheadhanan sòisealta sa Ghàidhlig a mheudachadh – agus tha e a’ leantainn air suirbhidh coltach ris a ruith sinn ann an 2020.

Since 2018, we have been partnering with Bòrd na Gàidhlig – public body of the Scottish Government with responsibility for Gaelic. Together, we’ve been creating youth information to help young people learn or improve their Gaelic skills and raise awareness of the benefits of learning Gaelic. We’ve been doing this by creating engaging and informative content in Gaelic for young people. Our pages host content in Gaelic alongside opportunities, events and Young Scot Rewards – bringing core our Young Scot services to young people in Scotland who speak Gaelic or who want to learn.

Earlier this year, we ran a research project that over 1,100 young people from across Scotland took part in. The young people had varying levels of fluency – from new learners of Gaelic through to fluent speakers. The survey was designed to further increase our understanding of how young people want to access information and social media content in Gaelic – and follows on from a similar survey we ran in 2020.

Prìomh thoraidhean:

  • Thuirt còrr is dàrna leth nan daoine òga aig nach robh Gàidhlig gu robh ùidh aca ann a bhith ag ionnsachadh (59.2%) – àrdachadh de 10% bho 2020.

  • Thuirt dà thrian de dhaoine òga gu robh iad airson bhideothan goirid mar TikTok agus Instagram Reels a chleachdadh nuair a bha iad ag ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig.

  • Tha dà thrian de dhaoine òga a tha ag ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig a’ dèanamh sin leis gu bheil i na pàirt chudromach de chultar is dearbh-aithne nàiseanta na h-Alba.

  • Thuirt còrr air dàrna leth nan daoine òga nach eil iad a’ faicinn no a’ cleachdadh Gàidhlig air-loidhne.

  • Nuair a chaidh faighneachd dhaibh càite a bheil iad a’ faicinn agus a’ cleachdadh na Gàidhlig air-loidhne, thagh faisg air dàrna leth Duolingo agus Instagram.

  • Thuirt faisg air trì cairteal de dhaoine òga gum bu toil leotha barrachd susbaint Gàidhlig fhaicinn air-loidhne agus air na meadhanan sòisealta.

  • Nuair a chaidh faighneachd dhaibh dè an seòrsa fiosrachaidh a bhiodh iad airson  a lorg, no a lorg nas fhasa, sa Ghàidhlig, b’ iad na roghainnean a bu chumanta a chaidh a thaghadh cothroman do dhaoine òga agus cultar, ceòl agus ealain.

Chaidh iarraidh air daoine òga fileanta innse dè na goireasan Gàidhlig air-loidhne a bu toil leotha a bhith air an cruthachadh. B’ iad na molaidhean a bu chumanta airson goireasan mu ùidhean co-cheangailte ris a’ Ghàidhlig (cultar, eachdraidh agus naidheachdan). Bha ùidh ann cuideachd ann an seanailean sònraichte Gàidhlig air na meadhanan sòisealta a bharrachd air goireasan gus Gàidhlig na h-òigridh a leasachadh.Cleachdaidh sinn an rannsachadh seo gus ar meadhanan sòisealta atharrachadh agus gus dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil sinn a’ cruthachadh an t-seòrsa de shusbaint Ghàidhlig tarraingeach a tha daoine òga ag iarraidh – a rèir gu bheil iad ag ionnsachadh a’ chànain neo a bheil iad fileanta. Tha sinn cuideachd a’ roinn nan toraidhean gu poblach gus an urrainn do dhaoine eile a tha ag obair san roinn an susbaint agus am fiosrachadh Gàidhlig aca a chumadh.

Key findings:

  • More than half of the young people who could not speak Gaelic stated that they were interested in learning (59.2%) – a 10% increase since 2020.

  • Two-thirds of young people said they wanted to use short-form videos such as TikTok and Instagram Reels when learning Gaelic.

  • Two-thirds of young people who are learning Gaelic are doing so as it’s an important part of Scottish culture and national identity.

  • Over half of young people stated that they do not see or use Gaelic online.

  • When asked where they see and use Gaelic online, almost half selected Duolingo and Instagram.

  • Almost three-quarters of young people stated that they would like to see more Gaelic content online and on social media.

  • When asked what type of information fluent speakers would like to be able to find, or find more easily, in Gaelic, the most commonly selected options were opportunities for young people and culture, music and art.

  • Fluent young people were asked to describe what online Gaelic resources they would like to be created. The most common suggestions were for resources around Gaelic-related interests such as culture, history and news. There was also interest in dedicated Gaelic social media channels as well as resources to help improve young people’s Gaelic.

We will use this research to refine our social media output and ensure we’re creating the type of engaging Gaelic content that young people want to receive – tailored to whether they’re learning the language or are fluent speakers. We are also sharing the results publicly so that others working in the sector can shape their Gaelic content and information.

Faodaidh tu sgroladh tro ro-shealladh den aithisg againn, luchdaich sìos dreach pdf slàn le bhith a’ cleachdadh a’ phutan “Download” no cleachd dreach teacsa gun sgeadas den aithisg againn gu h-ìosal.

You can scroll through a preview of our report, download a full pdf version using the Download button or access a plain text version of our report below.

Luchdaich sìos an aithisg

A bhith an sàs le Ghàidhlig Air-loidhne Toraidhean an t-Suirbhidh Giblean 2022 1 Clàr-innse 1. Ro-ràdh agus Prìomh Thoraidhean ………………....……………………….2 2. Toraidhean an t-Suirbhidh ……………………………………………………..8 2.1 Freagairtean luchd-freagairt gun Gàidhlig ………………………...8 2.2 Freagairtean Luchd-ionnsachaidh .…………………………………12 2.3 Cleachdadh na Gàidhlig air loidhne ……………………………….16 2.4 Freagairtean Luchd-labhairt Fileanta ..……………………………..22 2.5 Luach na Gàidhlig ..…………………………………………………….29 3. Deamografach luchd-freagairt ..…………………………………………….31 2 1. Ro-ràdh agus Prìomh Thoraidhean Tha sinn air a bhith ann an com-pàirteachas le Bòrd na Gàidhlig bho 2018 gus cleachdadh is ionnsachadh Gàidhlig na h-Alba a mheudachadh am measg òigridh na h-Alba, agus gus inbhe deimhinneach den Ghàidhlig a bhrosnachadh. Tha an suirbhidh seo mar phàirt den obair com-pàirteachais seo agus tha e a’ leantainn air pròiseact sgrùdaidh a chaidh a dhèanamh sa Gheamhradh 2020-21. Tha e ag amas air ar tuigse àrdachadh anns na dòighean anns am bi daoine òga an sàs le Ghàidhlig air-loidhne, agus na goireasan agus na meadhanan chleachdas iad as trice nuair a bhios iad a’ coimhead airson susbaint agus fiosrachadh ainmeachadh. Tha sinn an dòchas gun cuidich toraidhean an t-suirbhidh seo sinn fhèin agus feadhainn eile san roinn gus ar tairgse Ghàidhlig a leasachadh. Cuidichidh seo le na feumalachdan is miannan luchd-labhairt òga agus luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig ann an Alba. Ruith an suirbhidh eadar 30mh Samhain 2021 agus 28mh Gearran 2022 agus fhuair e 1,153 freagairtean slàn. 3 Notaichean 1. Chleachd an t-suirbhidh loidsig gus luchd-freagairt a stiùireadh gu ceistean a bha iomchaidh don eòlas aca. Mar sin, tha na mheudan sampaill airson ceistean eadar-dhealaichte bho cheist gu ceist. Chaidh na mheudan sin ainmeachadh far a bheil seo iomchaidh. 2. Chaidh ceudadan a chleachdadh far an robh mheudan sampaill 80 no nas àirde. Far an robh mheudan sampaill nas lugha na 80, chaidh àireamhan a ‘chleachdadh. 3. Chaidh an aithisg sgrùdaidh mu dheireadh a sgrùdadh a rèir sgìre ùghdarras ionadail. Cuiribh fios thugainn ma bhios ùidh agaibh anns na toraidhean gach sgìre fa leth. 4. Nuair a bha sinn a' mion-sgrùdadh cheistean teacsa fosgailte, bha feadhainn de na fhreagairtean air an seòrsachadh mar neo-iomchaidh. Chaidh an roinnseòrsa seo a chleachdadh nuair a bha freagairtean neo-mhothachail no nach robh iad air cuspair na ceiste fhreagairt. Chaidh notaichean a chur san aithisg far an robh seo air tachairt. 4 Prìomh Thoraidhean Chaidh iarraidh air luchd-freagairt fileantachd na Gàidhlig aca a fhèin-mheasadh aig toiseach na suirbhidh. Thuirt an treas cuid (32.8%) den luchd-fhreagairt gu robh iad ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig ann an cruth air choreigin. Den fheadhainn a thuirt gur e luchdionnsachaidh a bh’ annta, bha a’ mhòr-chuid nan luchd-tòiseachaidh (24.0%). B' e daoine nach robh a' bruidhinn (61.1%) a' bhuidheann na bu mhotha. Neach gun Ghàidhlig 1. Thuirt barrachd na an darna leth den luchd-fhreagairt aig nach robh a’ Ghàidhlig gu robh ùidh aca ann an ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig (59.2%). 'S e àrdachadh a tha seo an taca ri toraidhean an t-suirbhidh roimhe (thuirt 49.6% gun robh ùidh aca ann an ionnsacahdh na Gàidhlig). 2. Den luchd-fhreagairt aig nach robh ùidh ann an ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig chaidh faighneachd carson a bha iad den bheachd seo. B’ e an cuspair a bu chumanta bho fhreagairtean nach biodh ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig na bhuannachd phearsanta don neach. Thuirt grunn den luchd-freagairt gun robh iad a’ faicinn Gàidhlig mar chànan “marbh” no cànan a tha “a’ bàsachadh”. Thuirt luchd-freagairt nach robh iad eòlach air duine aig an robh an cànan cuideachd. Chaidh an dà cheist a leanas fhaighneachd don luchd-fhreagairt a thuirt gu robh ùidh aca ann an ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig. 3. Nuair a chaidh faighneachd dhaibh carson a tha ùidh aca ann an ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig agus b’ e an adhbhar a bu chumanta gu bheil a’ chànan na pàirt chudromach de chultar is dearbh-aithne nàiseanta na h-Alba (62.9%). Bha ùidh aig barrachd ‘s an darna leth den luchd-fhreagairt (58.4%) ann an cànan ionnsachadh airson spòrs a-mhàin. 4. Nuair a chaidh faighneachd dhaibh dè an seòrsa de shusbaint air-loidhne a chuidicheadh a’ Ghàidhlig ionnsachadh, b’ e bhideothan goirid an leithid TikTok 5 agus Instagram Reels an taghadh na bu trice (61.5%). Dh’fhreagair a bharrachd na an darna leth an luchd-fhreagairt (52.2%) cùrsaichean structaraichte. Luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig 1. Den fheadhainn a bha ag ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig, bha faisg air dà thrian den luchd-fhreagairt ag iarraidh ionnsachadh air sgàth ‘s gu bheil i na phàirt chudromach de chultar is dearbh-aithne nàiseanta na h-Alba (66.0%). Bha barrachd na an darna leth an luchd-fhreagairt ag iarraidh a’ chànan ionnsachadh air sgàith ‘s gun robh ùidh aca ann an eachdraidh agus dualchas na h-Alba (56.5%) no airson spòrs a-mhàin (53.8%). 2. Nuair a chaidh faighneachd dhaibh dè na goireasan air-loidhne as fhèarr airson cuideachadh Gàidhlig ionnsachadh, fhreagair cha mhòr dà thrian dhiubh Duolingo (65.2%). 3. Nuair a chaidh faighneachd dhaibh dè an seòrsa shusbaint air-loidhne a chuidicheadh leis a’ bhith ag ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig, bha bhideothan goirid an leithid TikTok agus Instagram Reels air an taghadh a bu trice (55.4%). Fhreagair a bharrachd na an darna leth an luchd-freagairt (53.6%) cùrsaichean structaraichte. Cleachdadh Gàidhlig Air-loidhne 1. Thuirt a bharrachd na an darna leth de luchd-freagairt (56.0%) nach robh iad a’ faicinn no a’ cleachdadh Gàidhlig air-loidhne. Den fheadhainn a chunnaic no a chleachd Gàidhlig air-loidhne, b’ e am freagairt a bu chumanta a chaidh a thaghadh gach mìos (31.2%). Chaidh na ceistean a leanas a chur gu luchd-freagairt a chunnaic no a chleachd Gàidhlig air-loidhne. 2. Nuair a chaidh faighneachd dhaibh ciamar a bha iad a’ faicinn agus a’ cleachdadh na Gàidhlig air-loidhne, thagh a bharrachd na an darna leth den luchd-fhreagairt postan Gàidhlig air na meadhanan sòisealta (55.8%). B’ ann a’ 6 coimhead bhideothan no prògraman Tbh (41.0%) a bh’ anns na roghainn coileanta cuideachd. 3. Nuair a chaidh faighneachd dhaibh càite an robh iad a’ faicinn agus a’ cleachdadh na Gàidhlig air-loidhne, fhreagair faisg air an darna leth Duolingo (48.3%) agus Instagram (46.9%). 4. Nuair a chaidh faighneachd dhaibh dè seòrsa susbaint Ghàidhlig a bha a’ còrdadh riutha, bha bhideothan goirid leithid TikTok agus Instagram Reels air an taghadh na bu trice (64.1%). Chaidh na cheistean a leanas air am faighneachd don h-uile neach-freagairt. 5. Thuirt faisg air trì chairteal (73.5%) den luchd-fhreagairt gum bu toil leotha barrachd susbaint Gàidhlig fhaicinn air-loidhne agus anns na meadhanan sòisealta. 6. Den fheadhainn a bhiodh airson barrachd susbaint fhaicinn, thuirt faisg air trì chairteal dhaibh (72.8%) gum bu mhath leotha bhideothan goirid an leithid TikTok agus Instagram Reels fhaicinn. 7. A thaobh far am biodh iad airson barrachd susbaint fhaicinn, bha Instagram (74.1) agus TikTik (70.5%) air am freagairt na bu trice Luchd-labhairt fileanta 1. Thuirt a' mhòr-chuid den luchd-freagairt (64 a-mach à 69) gu bheil iad a' coimhead airson fiosrachadh air-loidhne tro Google. 2. Thuirt barrachd na an darna leth an luchd-fhreagairt (42 a-mach à 69) gum lorgadh iad goireas fiosrachaidh ann am Beurla seach sa Ghàidhlig. Nuair a chaidh iarraidh orra an roghainn aca a mhìneachadh, rinn an fheadhainn a thagh goireasan Gàidhlig a’ mhòr-chuid sin gus na sgilean a bha aca mu thràth a leasachadh. Thuirt luchd-freagairt a thagh goireasan Beurla gu bheil iad nas fhasa a thuigsinn, a chleachdadh agus a ruigsinn na goireasan Gàidhlig. 7 3. Nuair a chaidh faighneachd dhaibh dè an seòrsa fiosrachaidh a bu toil leotha a bhith comasach air a lorg, no a lorg nas fhasa sa Ghàidhlig, bha cothroman do dhaoine òga (43 a-mach à 69) agus cultar, ceòl agus ealain (41 a-mach à 69) air an taghadh na bu trice. 4. Nuair a chaidh faighneachd dhaibh dè na meadhanan a b’ fheàrr leotha nuair a bha iad a’ sireadh fiosrachaidh air-loidhne, bha bhideothan (48 a-mach à 69) agus post meadhanan sòisealta (45 a-mach à 69) air an taghadh na bu trice. 5. Nuair a chaidh faighneachd dhaibh dè na làraich-lìn Ghàidhlig, goireasan airloidhne, bùthan air-loidhne agus goireasan fiosrachaidh a bha “gu sònraichte math”, bha Am Faclair Beag ( (55 a-mach à 69) air an taghadh na bu trice. 6. Chaidh iarraidh air luchd-freagairt mineachadh dè na goireasan Gàidhlig airloidhne a bu toil leotha a bhith air an cruthachadh. Bha iad na molaidhean a bu chumanta airson goireasan mu ùidhean co-cheangailte ris a’ Ghàidhlig leithid cultar, eachdraidh agus naidheachdan. Bha ùidh cuideachd ann an àitichean sònraichte Gàidhlig air na meadhanan sòisealta a bharrachd air goireasan gus sgilean Gàidhlig a leasachadh. Luach na Gàidhlig 1. Bha faisg air trì chairteal den luchd-fhreagairt (72.2%) den beachd gun robh cultar agus dualchas na Gàidhlig nan rudan matha no luachmhor. 2. Thuirt barrachd is dà thrian den luchd-fhreagairt (69.7%) gun robh a’ Ghàidhlig luachmhor. 8 2. Toraidhean an t-Suirbhidh Fhuair an suirbhidh 1,153 freagairtean slàn. Nuair a chaidh faighneachd dhaibh an ìre fileantachd aca a fèin-mheasadh, bha trian den luchd-fhreagairt nan luchd-ionnsachaidh aig ìre air choreigin (32.8%). Den fheadhainn a thuirt gur e luchd-ionnsachaidh a bh’ annta, b’ e luchd-tòiseachaidh a bh’ anns a’ mhòr-chuid dhaibh. B' e daoine nach robh a' bruidhinn na Gàidhlig na bhuidheann as motha. Fileantachd % freagairtean Neo-labhairt 61.1% Neach-ionnsachaidh tòiseachaidh 24.0% Fileanta 6.0% Neach-ionnsachaidh eadar-mheadhanach 5.2% Neach-ionnsachaidh adhartach 3.6% Freagairtean luchd-freagairt gun a’ Ghàidhlig Chaidh na ceistean a leanas fhaighneachd don 706 luchd-freagairt a thuirt nach robh a’ Ghàidhlig aca. A bheil ùidh agad Gàidhlig ionnsachadh? Thuirt nas motha na an darna leth den luchd-fhreagairt gu robh ùidh aca ann a bhith ag ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig (59.2%). 'S e àrdachadh a tha seo an taca ri toraidhean an t-suirbhidh roimhe (nuair a thuirt 49.6% gun robh ùidh aca ann a bhith ag ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig). Chaidh a’ cheist a leanas fhaighneachd don 288 luchd-freagairt aig nach robh ùidh ann an Gàidhlig ionnsachadh. 9 Carson nach eil ùidh agad anns a’ bhith ag ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig? Chaidh a’ cheist seo freagairt leis a h-uile neach-freaghairt. Bha fichead ‘s trì freagairtean duibh neo-iomchaidh. Bha am beachd nach biodh ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig na bhuannachd phearsanta don neach air a nochdadh na bu trice anns na freagairtean.. Thuirt grunn luchdfreagairt gun robh iad a’ faicinn Gàidhlig mar chànan “marbh” no cànan a tha “a’ bàsachadh”. Thuirt luchd-freagairt cuideachd nach robh iad eòlach air duine aig an robh an cànan nas motha. Cuspair freagairtean Chan eil iad a' faireachdainn gum biodh ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig na bhuannachd dhaibh 69 Air fhaicinn mar chànan a tha a’ bàsachadh/marbh 36 Chan aithne dhaibh duine aig a bheil Gàidhlig 30 B’ fheàrr iad cànan eile ionnsachadh 29 Air fhaicinn mar mhion-chànan gun deagh adhbhar ga ionnsachadh 26 San fharsaingeachd chan eil ùidh ann an ionnsachadh 21 A’ faicinn Gàidhlig mar rud ro dhoirbh airson ionnsachadh 17 Bidh Beurla cuideachd aig a’ mhòr-chuid de dhaoine aig a bheil Gàidhlig 9 Chan eil ùine ann airson ionnsachadh 8 A’ faicinn Gàidhlig mar rud ‘dòrainneach’ 8 Tha an cànan stèidhichte ann an sgìre sònraichte 5 Air fhaicinn mar a’ cosgadh ûine 4 A’ faireachdainn nach eil na goireasan iomchaidh aca airson Gàidhlig ionnsachadh 3 “I do not believe it is a helpful language to learn and most people in Scotland have never spoken it” “I don't really know much about the Gaelic language” 10 “It is a language with very few speakers throughout Scotland and the rest of the world. I would rather learn a language such as French, German, Mandarin or Spanish as they are much more likely to help me later in life” \ “It's quite a dead language and would be more useful learning Chinese, Russian or Arabic” Chaidh an dà cheist a leanas fhaighneachd dhan 418 luchd-freagairt aig an robh ùidh ann an ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig. Carson a tha ùidh agad Gàidhlig ionnsachadh? B’ e pàirt chudromach de chultar is dearbh-aithne nàiseanta na h-Alba an adhbhar chaidh a thaghadh as trice. Tha ùidh aig barrachd na na an darna leth den luchdfreagairt ann an ionnsachadh a’ chànain airson spòrs a-mhàin. Bha caraidean, daoine sa choimhearsnachd aca no teaghlach a tha ga bruidhinn air an taghadh na bu trice nam adhbharan an cànan ionnsachadh. B’ e ioma-roghainn a bh’ anns a’ cheist seo, agus mar sin cha bhi na toraidhean gu h-iomlan 100%. Thagh seachdnar luchd-freagairt “rud eile” mar fhreagairt. Chìthear geàrr-chunntas de na freagairtean aca gu h-ìosal. 11 cuspair freagairtean Is toil leotha a bhith ag ionnsachadh chànanan 2 Tha cuideigin san teaghlach fileanta 1 Tha barrachd chothroman ann airson ionnsachadh sna làithean seo 1 Ùidh ann an coimeas le cànanan eile 1 Bheir e nas fhaisge don cultar 1 Dè an seòrsa de shusbaint air-loidhne a chuidicheadh tu gus Gàidhlig ionnsachadh? Bha bhideothean goirid, an leithid TikTok agus Instagram Reels air an taghadh as trice. Bha ùidh aig a bharrachd na an darna leth de luchd-freagairt ann an ionnsachadh a’ chànain tro chùrsaichean structaraichte. B’ e an seòrsa susbaint as cumanta a chaidh a thaghadh susbaint beò, an leithid Sgeulachdan Instagram. B’ e ioma-roghainn a bh’ anns a’ cheist seo, agus mar sin cha bhi na toraidhean gu h-iomlan 100%. Thagh deichnear luchd-freagairt “rud eile” mar fhreagairt. Chìthear geàrr-chunntas de na freagairtean aca gu h-ìosal. Cha do fhreagair aon neach-fhregairt a’ cheist seo. Cuspair Freagairtean Duolingo 2 Sgoil /Esgoil 2 Filmichean 1 12 Geamannan 1 Leabhraichean 1 Eadar-theangachadh de orain Ghàidhlig 1 Prògraman Tbh le fo-thiotalan 1 Freagairtean bho Luchd-ionnsachaidh Chaidh na ceistean a leanas fhaighneachd dha 379 neach-freagairt a fhreagair gum b’ e neach-tòiseachaidh, eadar-mheadhanach no neach-ionnsachaidh adhartach na Gàidhlig a bh’ annta. Carson a tha thu airson Gàidhlig ionnsachadh? Fhreagair cha mhòr dà thrian gu bheil a’ Ghàidhlig na pàirt de chultar na h-Alba agus de dhearbh-aithne nàiseanta a th’ annta. Bha a bharrachd na an darna leth den luchd-freagairt ag iarraidh a’ chànan ionnsachadh air sgàth ‘s gun robh ùidh aca ann an eachdraidh is dualchas na h-Alba no airson spòrs a-mhàin. Cha do fhreagair mòran luchd-freagairt gun robh caraidean no daoine sa choimhearsnachd aig a bheil a’ Ghàidhlig no gum biodh an cànan a thoirt cothroman dreuchdail dhaibh. B’ e ioma-roghainn a bh’ anns a’ cheist seo, agus mar sin cha bhi na toraidhean gu h-iomlan 100%. Thagh còigead 's a h-aon luchd-freagairt “rudeigin eile”. Chìthear geàrr-chunntas de na freagairtean aca gu h-ìosal. 13 Prìomh Cuspair Cuspair Freagairtean Foghlam A’ dol gu sgoil Ghàidhlig 18 Mar chuspair anns an sgoil 11 Tidsear a’ toirt buaidh ort 2 Ceanglaichean cultarach Ag iarraidh gabhail ri dearbh-aithne Albannach 5 Coltach ri Gàidhlig na h-Èireann 4 Teaghlach Teaghlach a‘ toirt buaidh ort 6 Ùidh anns a' Ghàidhlig Ùidh ann an cànan ionnsachadh 1 Ùidh ann am fuaimneachadh a’ cànain 1 Ùidh ann air a bhith ag ionnsachadh briathrachas 1 Rud eile Airson Duais Duke of Edinburgh 1 Airson planaichean san àm ri teachd gus a’ Ghàidhlig a chleachdadh ann an dreuchd 1 Dè na goireasan air-loidhne a tha nas cuideachdaile airson a’ Ghàidhlig ionnsachadh? Fhreagair cha mhòr dà thrian de luchd-fhreagairt Duolingo. B’ e clasaichean didseatach agus bùthan-obrach na freagairtean nach robh air an taghadh gu math tric. B’ e ioma-roghainn a bh’ anns a’ cheist seo, agus mar sin cha bhi na toraidhean gu h-iomlan 100%. 14 Fhreagair leth-cheud luchd-freagairt “rudeigin eile”. Chìthear geàrr-chunntas de na freagairtean seo gu h-ìosal. Cuspair Freagairtean Goireasan tron sgoil 29 Goireasan tro theaghlach is caraidean 7 Leabhraichean agus CDan 3 BBC Bitesize 2 Duolingo 2 YouTube 2 Le bhith ag ionnsachadh chànanan eile 1 Mango Languages 1 Microsoft Teams 1 Neach-labhairt dùthchasach na Gàidhlig 1 Chan eil goireasan air an cleachdadh 1 Dè an seòrsa susbaint a bhios nas cuideachdaile airson a’ Ghàidhlig ionnsachadh nad bheachdsa? Bha bhideothean goirid, an leithid TikTok agus Instagram Reels air an taghadh na bu trice. Tha ùidh aig barrachd is an darna leth den luchd-fhreagairt ann an ionnsachadh a’ chànain tro chùrsaichean structaraichte. Cha b’ e artaigilean / blogaichean sgrìobte air an taghadh tric mar fheagairt. 15 B’ e ioma-roghainn a bh’ anns a’ cheist seo, agus mar sin cha bhi na toraidhean gu h-iomlan 100%. Fhreagair còig-deug neach-freagairt “rud eile” airson na ceist seo. Chìthear geàrrchunntas de na freagairtean aca gu h-ìosal. Prìomh Cuspair Cuspair Freagairtean Foghlam Leasanan/cùrsaichean pearsanta 3 In-ghabhail sa curraicealam na sgoile 2 Goireasan Gàidhlig a tha ann mar-thà Leabhraichean/sgeulachdan Gàidhlig 2 Òrain Ghàidhlig 1 Seòrsa de stuth ionnsachaidh Goireasan mu dheidhinn fuaimneachaidh 2 Goireasan mu dheidhinn gràmair 1 Fo-thiotalan / tarsgrìobhaidhean / Dubaireachd fuaime Fo-thiotalan/tarsgrìobhaidhean 2 Dubaireachd fuaime 1 Rud eile In-ghabhail cultarach 1 Soidhnichean rathaid 1 Cha àrdaich goireasan an ùidh 1 16 Cleachdadh Gàidhlig air loidhne Chaidh a’ cheist a leanas fhaighneachd don h-uile neach-freagairt. Dè cho tric a bhios tu a’ faicinn no a’ cleachdadh na Gàidhlig air-loidhne? Fhreagair a bharrachd na na leth an darna leth den luchd-freagairt nach robh iad a' faicinn no a' cleachdadh Gàidhlig air-loidhne. A-mach às an 507 luchd-freagairt a chunnaic no a chleachd Gàidhlig air-loidhne, b’ e ‘a h-uile mios’ am freagairt as cumanta. Chaidh na ceistean a leanas fhaighneachd dhan 507 luchd-freagairt a chunnaic no a chleachd Gàidhlig air-loidhne. Ciamar a bha thu a’ faicinn agus a’ cleachdadh na Gàidhlig air-loidhne? Bha còrr air an dàrna leth dhan luchd-fhreagairt a’ faicinn puist Ghàidhlig air na meadhanan sòisealta. B’ ann a bhith a’ coimhead bhideothan no prògraman Tbh nam freagairtean cumanta nas moth. Cha b’ e tachartasan Gàidhlig air-loidhne agus aig àm obair air an taghadh gu tric. 17 B’ e ioma-roghainn a bh’ anns a’ cheist seo, agus mar sin cha bhi na toraidhean gu h-iomlan 100%. Fhreagair fichead 's a ochd luchd-freagairt rudeigin eile. Chìthear geàrr-chunntas de na freagairtean aca gu h-ìosal. Cha do fhreagair dithis a’ cheist seo. Chaidh aon fhreagairt a sheòrsachadh mar neo-iomchaidh. Prìomh Cuspair Cuspair Freagairtean Ceol Ceòl 7 Làraich-lìn / Apps Young Scot 3 Duolingo 1 Roghainn-seòrsa Ghàidhlig air làraichean-lìn 1 Làraich-lìn bhuidhnean Albannach eile 1 Sgoil Sgoil 4 Post-d bhon Sgoil 1 Àiteachan eile ann am bheatha Soidhnichean rathaid 2 Inneal-giùlain Bàlanaich 1 Brandadh Ùghdarrasan Ionadail 1 Stèiseanan trèana 1 Nuair a thèid a chleachdadh Gun a bhith air a chleachdadh gu tric 1 Ann an ùine shaor 1 Rud eile Rinn caraidean frithealaiche-lìn Gàidhlig 1 Prògraman telebhisean 1 Faclair Gàidhlig 1 18 Càite am faic thu agus a chleachdas tu Gàidhlig air-loidhne? Thagh faisg air an darna leth den luchd-fhreagairt Duolingo agus Instagram. B’ e Discord an taghadh as lugha. B’ e ioma-roghainn a bh’ anns a’ cheist seo, agus mar sin cha bhi na toraidhean gu h-iomlan 100%. Fhreagair fichead 's a tri luchd-freagairt “rud eile”. Chìthear geàrr-chunntas de na freagairtean aca gu h-ìosal. Cha do fhreagair triùir a’ cheist seo. Prìomh Cuspair Cuspair Freagairtean Teachdaireachdan/Na meadhanan sòisealta Tumblr 5 WhatsApp 2 Messenger 1 Tbh BBC Alba 3 BBC iPlayer 2 Tbh 1 Ceòl Leasanan ciùil 1 Spotify 1 Àiteachan eile ann am fìor bheatha Soidhnichean rathaid 1 Goireasan sgrìobhte (leabhraichean) 1 Rud eile Naidheachdan 1 Iarrtasan obrach 1 Faclair (Gaelic Dictionary) 1 19 Chan eil iad a’ cleachdadh na Gàidhlig Chan eil iad a’ cleachdadh na Gàidhlig 2 Dè an seòrsa susbaint Gàidhlig a tha a’ còrdadh riut? Bha bhideothan goirid leithid TikTok agus Instagram Reels air an taghadh na bu trice Cha robh artaigilean sgrìobhte an seòrsa susbaint air an taghadh gu tric. B’ e ioma-roghainn a bh’ anns a’ cheist seo, agus mar sin cha bhi na toraidhean gu h-iomlan 100%. Fhreagair fichead 's a tri luchd-freagairt rudein eile. Chìthear geàrr-chunntas de na freagairtean aca gu h-ìosal. Cha do fhreagair ceathrar a’ cheist seo.. Bha aon fhreagairt air a sheòrsachadh mar neo-iomchaidh, thuirt triùir luchd-freagairt nach robh iad mi cinnteach agus fhreagair ochdnar neach-freagairt “sìon”. Cuspair Freagairtean Ceol 3 Sgeulachdan 2 Prògraman Tbh 2 Memes 1 Bhideothan fuaimneachaidh 1 Chaidh a’ cheist a leanas fhaighneachd don h-uile neach-freagairt. 20 Am biodh tu airson barrachd susbaint Gàidhlig fhaicinn air-loidhne agus air na meadhanan sòisealta? Fhreagair cha mhòr trì chairteal (73.5%) den luchd-fhreagairt gum biodh iad airson barrachd susbaint Gàidhlig fhaicinn. Chaidh na ceistean a leanas fhaighneachd don 848 luchd-freagairt a fhreagair gum biodh iad airson barrachd susbaint Gàidhlig fhacinn anns a’ cheist roimhe seo. Dè an seòrsa susbaint Ghàidhlig a bharrachd a bhiodh tu airson fhaicinn? Bha bhideothan goirid an leithid TikTok agus Instagram Reels air an taghadh na bu trice. Cha b’ e susbaint beò air a thaghadh gu tric. B’ e ioma-roghainn a bh’ anns a’ cheist seo, agus mar sin cha bhi na toraidhean gu h-iomlan 100%. Fhreagair trì-deug luchd-freagairt rudeigin eile. Chìthear geàrr-chunntas de na freagairtean aca gu h-ìosal. Cha do fhreagair triùir a’ cheist seo. Prìomh Cuspair Cuspair Freagairtean Geamannan bhidio Geamannan bhidio 3 Susbaint air-loidhne Ionnsachadh air-loidhne 1 Duilleag iomairt Young Scot 1 Duilleagan larach-lìn eile 1 Susbaint claisneachd Ceol 2 Leabhraichean-fuaime 1 Fo-thiotalan/tar-sgrìobhaidhean 1 21 Fo-thiotalan/tarsgrìobhaidhean/ dubaireachd fuaime Dubaireachd fuaime 1 Cuspair susbaint Susbaint mu Eachdraidh na h-Alba 1 Rud eile Innealan rannsachaidh 1 Memes 1 Anns a h-uile àite 1 Càite am biodh tu airson barrachd susbaint Gàidhlig fhaicinn? B' e bhideothan goirid leithid TikTok agus Instagram Reels air an taghadh na bu trice Bha Snapchat an seòrsa susbaint as lugha a chaidh a thaghadh. Cha robh Snapchat air a thaghadh gu tric. B’ e ioma-roghainn a bh’ anns a’ cheist seo, agus mar sin cha bhi na toraidhean gu h-iomlan 100%. Thagh ochd-deug luchd-freagairt rud eile. Chìthear geàrr-chunntas de na freagairtean aca gu h-ìosal. Cha do fhreagair còignear a’ cheist seo. Prìomh Cuspair Cuspair Freagairtean Air-loidhne / meadhanan sòisealta Reddit 2 Tumblr 2 Làrach-lìn 1 Tbh/Streaming TBh 2 Seirbheisean sruthach 1 Meadhanan eile Naidheachdan 1 22 Filmichean 1 Geamannan bhidio 1 Meadhanan san fharsaingeachd 1 Àiteachan eile ann am bheatha Beatha làitheil 1 Soidhnichean rathaid 1 Seirbheisean Comhairle 1 Rudeigin eile A h-uile àite 1 Cànain san sgoil 1 Beachd mu dheidhinn Snapchat 1 Freagairtean bho Luchd-labhairt Fileanta Chaidh na ceistean a leanas fhaighneachd dhan 69 luchd-freagairt a fhreagair gun robh iad fileanta sa Ghàidhlig. Tha a h-uile graf san earrann seo air aithris ann an àireamhan slàn seach ceudadan leis gu bheil meud an t-sampall nas lugha na 80 luchd-freagairt. Càite am bi thu a’ coimhead airson fiosrachadh air-loidhne? Fhreagair a’ mhòr-chuid de luchd-freagairt Google. Cha b’ e einnsean sgrùdaidh eadar-dhealaichte air a thaghadh gu tric mar fhreagairt. ‘S e ioma-roghainn a bh’ anns a’ cheist seo, mar sin cha bhi na toraidhean gu h-iomlan 69. Fhreagair dithis luchd-freagairt “Rudeigin eile”. Chìthear na freagairtean aca gu h-ìosal. Freagairtean Faclairean agus làraichean-lìn Gàidhlig Làraich-lìn ùra 23 Nam biodh tu a’ coimhead airson fiosrachadh agus nan robh fios agad gu robh e ri fhaighinn ann an Gàidhlig agus Beurla, dè an goireas a chleachdadh tu? Fhreagair nas motha na leth an luchd-fhreagairt (42) Beurla an taca ri 27 luchd-freagairt a thagh Gàidhlig. Chaidh iarraidh air luchd-freagairt mion-fhiosrachadh an taghadh aca a mhìneachadh. Carson a chleachdas tu goireas Gàidhlig? Thug a h-uile neach-freagairt a chaidh fhaighneachd an cheist seo freagairt sgrìobhte. Chaidh aon fhreagairt a sheòrsachadh mar neo-iomchaidh. Bha an cuspair a bu chumanta a thogail airson na sgilean Gàidhlig a tha aca a leasachadh. Thuirt cuid eile gur e rud math a bhith a’ cleachdadh goireasan Gàidhlig a bha rim faighinn. Cuspair Freagairtean Sgilean Gàidhlig a leasachadh 11 Tha e math goireasan Gàidhlig a chleachdadh 7 Neach-labhairt dùthchasach na Gàidhlig 3 San fharsaingeachd b’ fheàrr le goireasan Gàidhlig 2 Nas fhasa a thuigsinn 1 Tha e spòrsail 1 Tha iad air an cleachdadh anns an sgoil 1 “Air sgath tha mi airson cothrom sam bith a' ghabhail airson an Ghàidhlig agam a' leasachadh agus 's doch gun ionnsaich mi faclan ùra” [Because I want to take any opportunity I can to improve my Gaelic and maybe I'll learn new words] “To encourage more websites to have information in Gaidhlig” “To keep my Gaelic skills to a maximum, and because I prefer using Gaelic” 24 “I love that I'm able to speak Gaelic and if I had more Gaelic resources I would prefer to use them instead of English” Carson a chleachdas tu an goireas Beurla? Fhreagair a h-uile neach-freagairt an ceist seo. Thogar gun robh goireasan Beurla na b’ fhasa a thuigsinn, a chleachdadh agus a faighinn na goireasan Gàidhlig. Cuspair Freagairtean Nas fhasa a thuigsinn 16 Nas fhasa a chleachdadh 9 Nas fhasa faighinn 6 A’ creidsinn gu bheil goireasan sa Bheurla nas fheàrr 5 Èiginneach a thaobh càileachd ghoireasan Gàidhlig 5 Chan urrainn Gàidhlig a bhruidhinn 1 “Oir that e nas fhasa, tha barrachd daoine a cleachadh beurla” [It is easier, more people use English] “Gaelic is my second language so I feel I'd understand the source better in English (Occasionally when I'm reading in Gaelic, I'm unsure about the meaning of some fragments of text)” “It’s more commonly used and a lot of search engines don’t understand what your trying to say” “I always feel the Gaelic translations are simplified when the article etc. was originally written in English” 25 Dè am fiosrachadh a bhiodh tu airson lorg, no airson lorg nas fhasa, sa Ghàidhlig? B’ e ioma-roghainn a bh’ anns a’ cheist seo, agus mar sin cha bhi na toraidhean gu h-iomlan 100%. Bha na roghainnean a bu chumanta a chaidh a thaghadh cothroman do dhaoine òga agus cultar, ceòl agus ealain. Bha spòrs is tachartasan na roghainnean a bu lugha a chaidh a thaghadh. Fhreagair dithis luchd-freagairt rud eile. Tha na freagairtean aca gu h-ìosal. Freagairtean Buidhnean Eachdraidh Dè na meadhanan as fheàrr leat cleachdadh nuair a bhios tu a’ coimhead airson fiosrachadh air-loidhne? Bha bhideothan agus puist meadhanan sòisealta na roghainnean as cumanta a chaidh a thaghadh. Cha b’ e pod-chraolaidhean air a thaghadh gu tric. 26 ‘S e ioma-roghainn a bh’ anns a’ cheist seo, mar sin cha bhi na toraidhean gu h-iomlan 69. Thagh aon neach-freagairt am freagairt “rud eile”. Bha iad a bruidhinn mu dheidhinn “Google”. Bha toraidhean na ceiste seo coltach ris an fheadhainn san t-suirbhidh mu dheireadh a thaobh roghainn, ged a bha puist meadhanan sòisealta nas cumanta air an taghadh san t-suirbhidh as ùire seo. Dè na làraich-lìn, goireasan air-loidhne, stòran air-loidhne, tobraichean fiosrachaidh Ghàidhlig a tha math nad bheachd-sa? Thagh a’ mhòr-chuid den luchd-fhreagairt Am Faclair Beag. Cha robh iomairt Young Scot air a taghadh gu tric. ‘S e ioma-roghainn a bh’ anns a’ cheist seo, mar sin cha bhi na toraidhean gu h-iomlan 69. 27 Thagh aon neach-freagairt am freagairt “rud eile”. Thug iad iomradh air “Am Baile (Eachdraidh is Cultar na Gàidhealtachd)”. Nam b’ urrainn dhut goireas Gàidhlig air-loidhne a chruthachadh, dè biodh tu ag iarraidh / cò ris a bhiodh e coltach? Fhreagair ceathrad 's a h-aon neach-freagairt a’ cheist seo. Chaidh trì freagairtean a sheòrsachadh mar neo-iomchaidh. Bha a’ mhòr-chuid de na beachdan air goireasan mu ùidhean co-cheangailte ris a’ Ghàidhlig cultar, eachdraidh agus naidheachdan a mholadh. Bha ùidh cuideachd ann an seanailean sònraichte Gàidhlig air na meadhanan sòisealta a bharrachd air goireasan gus sgilean Gàidhlig dhaoine a leasachadh. Prìomh Cuspair Cuspair Dàrnach Freagairtean Fiosrachadh mu ùidhean cocheangailte ris a’ Ghàidhlig Goireas airson ionnsachadh mu chultar agus eachdraidh na Gàidhlig 4 Goireas naidheachdan Gàidhlig 3 Làrach-lìn le susbaint Gàidhlig 3 Goireas dreuchd Gàidhlig 1 Goireas fiosrachaidh airson tachartasan Gàidhlig 1 Bùth air-loidhne airson stuthan Gàidhlig a cheannach 1 Na meadhanan sòisealta Àite air-loidhne sòisealta Gàidhlig gus ceangal a dhèanamh ri luchd-ionnsachaidh agus luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig eile 7 Pod-chraolaidhean Gàidhlig 3 Gàidhlig TikToks 2 Goireasan airson Gàidhlig a leasachadh Goireasan eadar-theangachaidh Gàidhlig nas fheàrr 3 Sgoil Ghàidhlig/goireas ionnsachaidh 2 Goireas òrain Ghàidhlig 2 Goireasan bhidio Gàidhlig 2 Goireasan briathrachais na Gàidhlig 2 Rud eile Goireasan a tha cho math ri goireasan Beurla 1 A’ cleachdadh na Gàidhlig ann an goireasan a th’ ann mar-thà an àite a bhith a’ cruthachadh feadhainn ùra 1 28 “Goireas airson eachdraich gaidhlig agus cuideachd aite far an urrain thu a' lorg amach mu dheidhinn ainmean-àite agus de tha iad a' ciallachadh” [A resource for Gaelic history and a place where you could find out about place names and what they mean] “Fear airson abairtean Gaidhlig. 'S docha gu bheil sin ann ach bhiodh e math. Far an urrainn dhut an seann abairt a cur a-steach is tha e ag innse dhut an ciall is an eadartheangachadh” [One for Gaelic expressions. Maybe there is one but it wouldnt be good. Where you could search for the expression and it would tell you what it means and also the translation] “Fear a bha nas mì-fhoirmal tha a’ mhòr-chuid de goiresan a tha mi a cleachadh airson obair sgoile bhiodh math ma bha fear ann a bha direach airson ruden spòrsail, airson òigridh” [One that is less formal, most of the resources that I use are for school work. It would be good if there was one just for fun stuff for young people] “I would want a YouTube channel aimed at teenagers that cover many topics from current events, lifestyle and video games to school subjects” 29 Luach na Gàidhlig Chaidh na ceistean a leanas fhaighneachd don h-uile neach-freagairt. Dè cho luachmhor sa tha cultar agus dualchas na Gàidhlig? Bha faisg air trì chairteal (72.2%) den luchd-fhreagairt den bheachd gun robh cultar is dualchas na Gàidhlig rud luachmhor no fìor luachmhor. Dè cho luachmhor sa tha a’ Ghàidhlig? Bha a bharracdh na dà thrian (69.7%) den luchd-fhreagairt nam beachd gu bheil Ghàidhlig luachmhor no fìor luachmhor. Dè eile a bhiodh tu airson innse dhuinn mun t-susbaint agus am fiosrachadh Gàidhlig againn? Fhreagair naochad 's a h-aon neach-freagairt seachad a’ ceist seo. Bha fichead freagairt air an seòrsachadh mar neo-iomchaidh. Bha a’ mhòr-chuid den luchd-fhreagairt a’ toirt seachad freagairtean math mun tsusbaint a tha a’ dèanamh ma-thà. Bha beachdan neo-dheimhinneach ann, cuid den luchd-fhreagairt seo nach robh a’ tuigsinn feum susbaint Ghàidhlig. Prìomh Cuspair Cuspair Dàrnach Freagairtean Beachdan math Beachd math san fharsaingeachd a thaobh susbaint a tha air a riochdachadh 11 A’ brosnachadh cultar na h-Alba 9 30 Bu toil leotha barrachd stuth Gàidhlig fhaicinn ga riochdachadh 9 Tha susbaint furasta a thuigsinn 8 Tha susbaint fiosrachail agus ìre de mhathas àrd 4 Tha e furasta faighinn dhan susbaint 3 Moladh airson susbaint TikTok 1 Beachdan neodheimhinneach Chan eil e a’ tuigsinn feum no buinteanas airson susbaint Ghàidhlig 10 A’ smaoineachadh gu bheil an susbaint rud beag dòrainneach 4 Rud eile Feumaidh susbaint a bhith air a bhrosnachadh nas fheàrr 4 A’ faireachdainn nach eil Gàidhlig san fharsaingeachd ruigsinneach 3 Chan eil iad eòlach air duine sam bith a chleachdas a’ Ghàidhlig 1 Chan eil iad eòlach air susbaint Gàidhlig Young Scot 1 Bu toil leotha gum biodh susbaint Ghàidhlig a bhith nas fhasa re lorg 1 Bu toil leotha clasaichean is tachartasan Gàidhlig fhaicinn 1 “Tha e math faicainn goireasan is stuth gaidhlig air larach-lin a tha airson a mhor chuid anns a bheurla” [It is good to see resources and Gaelic stuff on the internet because most of it is in English] “I really enjoy it, especially seeing it in bitesize pieces on social media - it's easier to learn and take in because it's entertaining and brief” “I have to admit, I haven't particularly engaged with the Young Scot Gaelic content. I think I would be more interested if it had more of an attention-grabbing purpose - eg talking about Harry Potter in Gaelic” “It doesn't reach a wide and enthusiastic enough audience who are willing to learn. Many people ignorantly shrug their shoulders at it” 31 3. Deamografach an luchd-freagairt Dè an aois a tha thu? Bha a bharrachd na an darna leth den luchd-fhreagairt (61.1%) fo aois 18. Bha a’ mhòrchuid dhaibh 16 no 17. Aois % Freagairt Aois % Freagairt 11 0.2% 19 8.2% 12 4.8% 20 6.8% 13 7.2% 21 5.4% 14 11.4% 22 3.0% 15 9.8% 23 1.8% 16 13.3% 24 2.8% 17 14.6% 25 2.9% 18 8.0% Dè an Ùghdarras Ionadail anns a bheil thu a’ fuireach? Bha freagairtean ann bho dhaoine a bha a’ fuireach anns na 32 Ùghdarrasan Ionadail gu lèir. Thàinig a’ mhòr-chuid de fhreagairtean bho dhaoine a bha a’ fuireach ann an Dùn Èideann agus Glaschu. Ùghdarras Ionadail % Freagairt Cathair Obar Dheathain 3.5% Siorrachd Obar Dheathain 3.3% Aonghas 1.9% Earra Ghàidheal is Bhòid 0.9% Dùn Èideann 15.1% Siorrachd Chlach Mhanainn 1.0% Dùn Phris is Gall-Ghàidhealaibh 2.9% Cathair Dhùn Dè 2.9% Siorrachd Àir an Ear 2.0% Siorrachd Dhùn Bhreatainn an Ear 2.4% Lodainn an Ear 3.2% 32 Siorrachd Rinn Friù an Ear 2.3% An Eaglais Bhreac 2.5% Fìobha 5.5% Ghlaschu 12.5% Gaidhealtachd 4.8% Inbhir Chluaidh 1.3% Meadhan Lodainn 3.3% Moireibh 1.0% Siorrachd Àir a Tuath 2.3% Siorrachd Lannraig a Tuath 5.3% Arcaibh 0.3% Peairt agus Ceann Rois 3.7% Siorrachd Rinn Friù 2.0% Crìochan na h-Alba 1.8% Eileanan Shealtainn 0.3% Siorrachd Àir a Deas 1.2% Siorrachd Lannraig a Deas 3.2% Sruighlea 2.2% Siorrachd Dhùn Bhreatainn an Iar 1.5% Lodainn an Iar 2.8% Na h-Eileanan an Iar 1.2% Aithne Gnè Aithne Gnè % Freagairt Boireann 51.5% Fireann 38.0% Neo-bhìnearaidh 5.0% B’ fheàrr leam gun a bhith ag ràdh 4.2% Ann an dòigh eile 1.3% 33 Dè an cinneadh a th’ agad? Cinnidheachd % freagairt Geal/Geal Albannach/Geal Breatannach 73.9% Àisianach/Àisianach Albannach/Àisianach Breatannach 6.1% B’ fheàrr leam gun a bhith ag ràdh 4.1% Geal eile 2.6% Èireannach 2.3% Sìonach/Sìneach Albannach/Sìneach Breatannach 2.3% Afraganach/Afraganach Albannach/Afraganach Breatannach 2.2% Buidhnean no Ioma Eitneach Measgaichte 1.7% Pòlainneach 1.6% Arabach/Arabach Albannach/Arabach Breatannach 1.1% Eile 0.7% Neach-siubhail 0.6% Dubh/Dubh Albannach/Dubh Breatannach 0.4% Caribbean/Caribbean Albannach/Caribbean Breatannach 0.3% 34 Cuiribh fios thugainn Rowan Morris, Oifigear Lèirsinn/Tuigse agus Fiosrachaidh 0131 313 2488 John Nicholson, Neach-taic Susbaint Didseatach Gàidhlig 0131 313 2488

Plain Text Version

Engaging with Gaelic Online Survey Results April 2022 1 Contents 1. Introduction and Key Findings ..………………………………………………2 2. Survey Results .……………………………………………………………………8 2.1 Responses from Non-Speakers ……………………………………….8 2.2 Responses from Learners ……………………………………………...12 2.3 Usage of Gaelic online ………………………………………………...15 2.4 Responses from Fluent Speakers ……………………………………..21 2.5 The Value of Gaelic …………………………………………………….27 3. Respondent Demographics …………………………………………………..29 2 1. Introduction and Key Findings We have been partnering with Bòrd na Gàidhlig since 2018 to increase Scottish Gaelic (Gaelic) use and learning amongst young people in Scotland, and to promote a positive image of the Gaelic language. This survey is a part of this partnership working and is a continuation of a previous survey project that ran in Winter 2020-21. It aims to increase our understanding of how young people engage with Gaelic online, and identify the resources and mediums they use most when looking for content and information. We hope that the results of this survey will help us and others in the sector to improve and develop our Gaelic offer. This will help to fulfil the needs and wants of young Gaelic speakers and learners in Scotland. The survey ran between 30th November 2021 and 28th February 2022 and received 1,153 completed responses. 3 Notes 1. The survey used logic in order to direct respondents to questions appropriate to their experiences. As such, the sample sizes for questions differ from question to question. These sizes have been noted where appropriate. 2. Percentages have been used where sample sizes were 80 or above. Where sample sizes were less than 80, numbers have been reported. 3. The previous survey report was analysed by local authority region. Please get in touch if you are interested in learning about the results by region. 4. When analysing open text questions, some responses were categorised as nonapplicable. This category was used when responses were explicit, nonsensical or did not match the theme of the question. Notes have been made in the report where this was the case. 4 Key Findings Respondents were first asked to rate their fluency of the Gaelic language. A third (32.8%) of respondents stated that were learning Gaelic in some form. Of those who stated that they were a learner, most were beginners (24.0%). The most common singular group was non-speakers (61.1%). Non-speakers of Gaelic 1. More than half of the respondents who could not speak Gaelic stated that they were interested in learning Gaelic (59.2%). This is an increase compared with the previous survey results (49.6% stated that they were interested in learning Gaelic). 2. Of the respondents who were not interested in learning Gaelic were asked why they had stated this. The most common theme from responses was that learning Gaelic would have no personal benefit to the individual. Several respondents stated that they saw Gaelic as a “dead” or “dying” language. Respondents also said that they did not know anybody who could also speak the language. The respondents who stated that they were interested in learning Gaelic were asked the following two questions. 3. When asked why they were interested, the most common reason was that the language is an important part of Scottish culture and national identity (62.9%). Over half of respondents (58.4%) were interested in learning the language just for fun. 4. When asked what type of online content would help with learning Gaelic, the most common selection was short form videos such as TikTok and Instagram Reels (61.5%). Over half of respondents (52.2%) selected structured courses. Gaelic Learners 1. Of those who were learning Gaelic, almost two thirds of respondents wanted to learn as it is an important part of Scottish culture and national identity (66.0%). 5 Over half of respondents had wanted to learn the language as they were interested in Scottish history and heritage (56.5%) or just for fun (53.8%). 2. When asked what online resources had helped most with learning Gaelic, almost two thirds selected Duolingo (65.2%). 3. When asked what type of online content would help with learning Gaelic, the most common selection was short form videos such as TikTok and Instagram Reels (55.4%). Over half of respondents (53.6%) selected structured courses. Usage of Gaelic Online 1. Over half of respondents (56.0%) stated that they do not see or use Gaelic online. Of those who did see or use Gaelic online, the most common frequency selected was every month (31.2%). The respondents who did see or use Gaelic online were asked the following questions. 2. When asked how they see and use Gaelic online, over half of respondents selected Gaelic posts on social media (55.8%). Another common selection was watching videos or TV programmes (41.0%). 3. When asked where they see and use Gaelic online, almost half selected Duolingo (48.3%) and Instagram (46.9%). 4. When asked what kinds of Gaelic content that they liked, the most selection was short form videos such as TikTok and Instagram Reels (64.1%). All respondents were asked the following question. 5. Almost three quarters (73.5%) of respondents stated that they would like to see more Gaelic content online and on social media. 6. Of those who would like to see more content, almost three quarters (72.8%) said they would like to see short form videos such as TikTok and Instagram Reels. 6 7. In terms of where they would like to see more content, the most commonly selected options were Instagram (74.1%) and TikTok (70.5%). Fluent Speakers 1. The large majority of respondents (64 out of 69) stated that they look for information online via Google. 2. Over half of respondents (42 out of 69) stated that they would access an information resource in English rather than Gaelic. When asked to elaborate on their choice, those that chose Gaelic resources mostly did so to improve their existing skills. Respondents who chose English resources stated that they are easier to understand, use and access than Gaelic resources. 3. When asked what type of information they would like to be able to find, or find more easily, in Gaelic, the most commonly selected options were opportunities for young people (43 out of 69) and culture, music and art (41 out of 69). 4. When asked what would be their preferred medium when looking for information online, the most commonly selected options were videos (48 out of 69) and social media posts (45 out of 69). 5. When asked what Gaelic websites, online resources, online stores and information sources were thought of as “especially good”, the most commonly selected option was Am Faclair Beag ( (55 out of 69). 6. Respondents were asked to describe what online Gaelic resources they would like to be created. The most common suggestions were for resources around Gaelic-related interests such as culture, history and news. There was also interest in dedicated Gaelic social media channels as well as resources to help improve the individuals’ Gaelic. 7 The Value of Gaelic 1. Almost three quarters of respondents (72.2%) rated Gaelic culture and heritage as quite or very valuable. 2. Over two thirds of respondents (69.7%) rated the Gaelic language as quite or very valuable. 8 2. Survey Results The survey received 1,153 completed responses. When asked to rate their level of fluency, a third of respondents were learners in some form (32.8%). Of those who stated that they were a learner, most were beginners. The most common singular group was non-speakers. Fluency % response Non-speaker 61.1% Beginner Learner 24.0% Fluent 6.0% Intermediate Learner 5.2% Advanced Learner 3.6% Responses from Non-Speakers The 706 respondents who stated that they were a Gaelic non-speaker were asked the following questions. Are you interested in learning Gaelic? More than half of these respondents stated that they were interested in learning Gaelic (59.2%). This is an increase compared with the previous survey results (49.6% stated that they were interested in learning Gaelic). The 288 respondents who were not interested in learning Gaelic were asked the following question. Why aren't you interested in learning Gaelic? All respondents who were asked this question provided a freely typed response. Twentythree responses were categorised as non-applicable. The most common theme from responses was that learning Gaelic would have no personal benefit to the individual. Several respondents stated that they saw Gaelic as a 9 “dead” or “dying” language. Respondents also said that they did not know anybody who could also speak the language. Theme Responses Does not feel that learning Gaelic would benefit them 69 Viewed as a dying/dead language 36 Knows nobody who speaks Gaelic 30 Would prefer to learn another language 29 Viewed as a minority language with no real purpose to learn 26 Generally no interest in learning 21 Views Gaelic as too difficult to learn 17 Most people who speak Gaelic also speak English 9 Does not have the time to learn 8 Views Gaelic as ‘boring’ 8 The language is too geographically specific 5 Viewed as a waste of time 4 Feel they don’t have the appropriate resources to learn Gaelic 3 “I do not believe it is a helpful language to learn and most people in Scotland have never spoken it” “I don't really know much about the Gaelic language” “It is a language with very few speakers throughout Scotland and the rest of the world. I would rather learn a language such as French, German, Mandarin or Spanish as they are much more likely to help me later in life” “It's quite a dead language and would be more useful learning Chinese, Russian or Arabic” The 418 respondents who were interested in learning Gaelic were asked the following two questions. 10 Why are you interested in learning Gaelic? The most commonly selected reason was an important part of Scottish culture and national identity. Over half of respondents are interested in learning the language just for fun. The least commonly selected reasons were that friends, people in their community or family members speak it. This question was multiple choice, therefore the results will not total 100%. Seven respondents selected Other. A summary of their responses are below. Theme Responses Enjoy learning languages 2 Family member is fluent 1 More opportunities are available to learn these days 1 Interested in differences with other languages 1 Brings them closer to culture 1 What types of online content would help you with learning Gaelic? The most commonly selected type of online content was short form videos such as TikTok and Instagram Reels. Over half of respondents are interested in learning the language via structured courses. The least commonly selected type of content was live content such as going live on Instagram Stories. 11 This question was multiple choice, therefore the results will not total 100%. Ten respondents selected Other. A summary of their responses are below. One respondent left the box blank. Theme Responses Duolingo 2 School/Esgoil 2 Movies 1 Games 1 Books 1 Translation of Gaelic songs 1 TV programs with subtitles 1 12 Responses from Learners The 379 respondents who stated that they were a Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced Learner of Gaelic were asked the following questions. What made you want to learn Gaelic? Almost two thirds selected that Gaelic is a part of Scottish culture and national identity. Over half of respondents wanted to learn the language as they were interested in Scottish history and heritage or just for fun. The least commonly selected reasons were that friends or people in their community speak it or for careers opportunities. This question was multiple choice, therefore the results will not total 100%. Fifty-one respondents selected Other. A summary of their responses are below. Main Theme Secondary Theme Responses Education Attended a Gaelic-speaking school 18 Offered as a subject in school 11 Influenced by teacher 2 Cultural Connections Wants to embrace Scottish identity 5 Similar to Irish Gaelic 4 Family Influenced by family 6 Specific Interest in Gaelic General interest in learning language 1 Interested in how the language sounds 1 Interested in learning particular vocabulary 1 Other For Duke of Edinburgh Award 1 For future plans to utilise Gaelic in a career 1 13 Which online resources have helped you the most with learning Gaelic? Almost two thirds selected Duolingo. The least commonly selected was digital classes and workshops. This question was multiple choice, therefore the results will not total 100%. Fifty respondents selected Other. A summary of their responses are below. Theme Responses Resources through school 29 Resources through family and friends 7 Books and CDs 3 BBC Bitesize 2 Duolingo 2 YouTube 2 By learning other languages 1 Mango Languages 1 Microsoft Teams 1 Native Gaelic speaker 1 No resources used 1 14 What types of content do you think would help you with learning Gaelic? The most commonly selected type of content was short form videos such as TikTok and Instagram Reels. Over half of respondents are interested in learning the language via structured courses. The least commonly selected type of content was written articles/blogs. This question was multiple choice, therefore the results will not total 100%. Fifteen respondents selected Other. A summary of their responses are below. Main Theme Secondary Theme Responses Education Lessons/courses in person 3 Inclusion in school curriculum 2 Access to existing Gaelic resources Access to Gaelic books/stories 2 Access to Gaelic songs 1 Type of learning material Material about pronunciation 2 Material about grammar 1 Subtitles/transcripts/audio enhancements to media Subtitles/transcripts 2 Audio dubbing 1 Other Cultural inclusion (general) 1 Road signs 1 Resources will not increase interest 1 15 Usage of Gaelic online All respondents were asked the following question. How often do you see or use Gaelic online? Over half stated that they do not see or use Gaelic online. Of the 507 respondents who did see or use Gaelic online, the most common frequency selected was every month. The 507 respondents who did see or use Gaelic online were asked the following questions. How do you see and use Gaelic online? Over half of respondents see Gaelic posts on social media. Another common selection was watching videos or TV programmes. The least commonly selected options were attending online Gaelic events and while at work. 16 This question was multiple choice, therefore the results will not total 100%. Twenty-eight respondents selected Other. A summary of their responses are below. Two respondents left the box blank. One response was categorised as non-applicable. Main Theme Secondary Theme Responses Music Music 7 Websites/Apps Young Scot 3 Duolingo 1 Gaelic option on websites 1 Other Scottish organisations' websites 1 School School 4 Emails from school 1 Other places in real life Road signs 2 Emergency vehicles 1 Local Authority Branding 1 Train stations 1 Frequency/when used Not used often 1 In spare time 1 Other Friends made a Gaelic Server 1 TV programmes 1 Gaelic dictionary 1 17 Where do you see and use Gaelic online? Almost half of respondents selected Duolingo and Instagram. The least common selection was Discord. This question was multiple choice, therefore the results will not total 100%. Twenty-three respondents selected Other. A summary of their responses are below. Three respondents left the box blank. Main Theme Secondary Theme Responses Messaging/Social media Tumblr 5 WhatsApp 2 Messenger 1 TV BBC Alba 3 BBC iPlayer 2 TV 1 Music Music lessons 1 Spotify 1 Other places in real life Road signs 1 Written resources (books) 1 Other News articles 1 Job applications 1 Faclair (Gaelic Dictionary) 1 Don't use Gaelic Don't use Gaelic 2 18 What kinds of Gaelic content do you like? The most commonly selected type of content was short form videos such as TikTok and Instagram Reels. The least commonly selected type of content was written articles. This question was multiple choice, therefore the results will not total 100%. Twenty-three respondents selected Other. A summary of their responses are below. Four respondents left the box blank. One response was categorised as non-applicable, three respondents said Don’t know/not sure and eight respondents said Nothing. Theme Responses Music 3 Stories 2 TV programmes 2 Memes 1 Pronunciation videos 1 All respondents were asked the following question. Would you like to see more Gaelic content online and on social media? Almost three quarters (73.5%) of respondents selected Yes to this question. The 848 respondents who selected Yes to the previous question were asked the following questions. 19 What kinds of Gaelic content would you like to see more of? The most commonly selected type of content was short form videos such as TikTok and Instagram Reels. The least commonly selected type of content was live content. This question was multiple choice, therefore the results will not total 100%. Thirteen respondents selected Other. A summary of their responses are below. Three respondents left the box blank. Main Theme Secondary Theme Responses Video games Video games 3 Online content Online learning 1 Young Scot campaign page 1 Web pages (general) 1 Audio content Music 2 Audiobooks 1 Subtitles/transcripts/audio enhancements to media Subtitles/transcripts 1 Audio dubbing 1 Content topic Content about Scottish History 1 Other Search engines 1 Memes 1 Everywhere 1 20 Where would you like to see more Gaelic content? The most commonly selected options were Instagram and TikTok. The least commonly selected type of content was Snapchat. This question was multiple choice, therefore the results will not total 100%. Eighteen respondents selected Other. A summary of their responses are below. Five respondents left the box blank. Main Theme Secondary Theme Responses Online/social media Reddit 2 Tumblr 2 Website 1 TV/Streaming TV 2 Streaming services 1 Other media News 1 Movies 1 Video games 1 Media (general) 1 Other places in real life Daily life 1 Road signs 1 Council services 1 Other Everywhere 1 Language option in school 1 Comment around Snapchat 1 21 Responses from Fluent Speakers The 69 respondents who stated that they were a Fluent speaker of Gaelic were asked the following questions. All graphs in this section are reported in whole numbers rather than percentages as the sample size is less than 80 respondents. Where do you look for information online? The large majority of respondents selected Google. The least commonly selected option was a different search engine. This question was multiple choice, therefore the results will not total 69. Two respondents selected Other. Their responses are below. Responses Gaelic dictionaries and websites New websites If you were looking for information and knew it was available in Gaelic and English, which resource would you use? Over half of respondents (42) selected English compared with 27 respondents who selected Gaelic. Respondents were asked to elaborate on their choice. Why would you use the Gaelic resource? All respondents who were asked this question provided a freely typed response. One response was categorised as non-applicable. The most common theme from responses was to improve the individuals’ existing Gaelic skills. Others mentioned that it was a positive thing to make use of available Gaelic resources. 22 Theme Responses To improve Gaelic skills 11 Good to make use of Gaelic resources 7 Native Gaelic speaker 3 Generally prefers Gaelic resources 2 Easier to understand 1 It is fun 1 They are used in school 1 “Air sgath tha mi airson cothrom sam bith a' ghabhail airson an Ghàidhlig agam a' leasachadh agus 's doch gun ionnsaich mi faclan ùra” [Because I want to take any opportunity I can to improve my Gaelic and maybe I'll learn new words] “To encourage more websites to have information in Gaidhlig” “To keep my Gaelic skills to a maximum, and because I prefer using Gaelic” “I love that I'm able to speak Gaelic and if I had more Gaelic resources I would prefer to use them instead of English” Why would you use the English resource? All respondents who were asked this question provided a freely typed response. The most common themes were that English resources were easier to understand, use and access than Gaelic resources. Theme Responses Easier to understand 16 Generally easier to use 9 Easier to access 6 Believes resources in English are better 5 Critical of Gaelic resource quality 5 Can’t speak Gaelic 1 “Oir that e nas fhasa, tha barrachd daoine a cleachadh beurla” [It is easier, more people use English] 23 “Gaelic is my second language so I feel I'd understand the source better in English (Occasionally when I'm reading in Gaelic, I'm unsure about the meaning of some fragments of text)” “It’s more commonly used and a lot of search engines don’t understand what your trying to say” “I always feel the Gaelic translations are simplified when the article etc. was originally written in English” What information would you like to be able to find, or find more easily, in Gaelic? The most commonly selected options were opportunities for young people and culture, music and art. The least commonly selected options were sport and events. This question was multiple choice, therefore the results will not total 100%. Two respondents selected Other. Their responses are below. Responses Clubs History 24 Which mediums do you prefer using when looking for information online? The most commonly selected options were videos and social media posts. The least commonly selected option was podcasts. This question was multiple choice, therefore the results will not total 69. One respondent selected Other. They referred to “Google”. Results to this question were similar to those in the last survey in terms of preference, although social media posts were more commonly selected in this most recent survey. What Gaelic websites, online resources, online stores, information sources, etc, do you think are especially good? The majority of respondents selected Am Faclair Beag. The least commonly selected option was the Young Scot campaign. This question was multiple choice, therefore the results will not total 69. One respondent selected Other. They referred to “Am Baile (Highland History and Culture)”. 25 If you could ask for an online Gaelic resource to be created, what would you ask for/what would it look like? Forty-one respondents provided a freely typed response. Three responses were categorised as non-applicable. The most common suggestions were for resources around Gaelic-related interests such as culture, history and news. There was also interest in dedicated Gaelic social media channels as well as resources to help improve the individuals’ Gaelic. Main Theme Secondary Theme Responses Information about Gaelic-related interests Resource to learn about Gaelic culture and history 4 Gaelic-only news resource 3 Website with Gaelic-only content 3 Gaelic career resource 1 Information resource for Gaelic events 1 Online store for purchasing Gaelic materials 1 Social Media Gaelic social platform to connect with other Gaelic learners and speakers 7 Gaelic podcasts 3 Gaelic TikTok accounts 2 Resources to improve Gaelic ability Improved Gaelic translation resources 3 Gaelic school/study resource 2 Gaelic song lyric resource 2 Gaelic video resources 2 Gaelic vocabulary resources 2 Other Resources that can match the quality of English resources more generally 1 Utilising Gaelic in existing resources instead of creating new ones 1 “Goireas airson eachdraich gaidhlig agus cuideachd aite far an urrain thu a' lorg amach mu dheidhinn ainmean-àite agus de tha iad a' ciallachadh” [A resource for Gaelic history and a place where you could find out about place names and what they mean] 26 “Fear airson abairtean Gaidhlig. 'S docha gu bheil sin ann ach bhiodh e math. Far an urrainn dhut an seann abairt a cur a-steach is tha e ag innse dhut an ciall is an eadartheangachadh” [One for Gaelic expressions. Maybe there is one but it wouldnt be good. Where you could search for the expression and it would tell you what it means and also the translation] “Fear a bha nas mì-fhoirmal tha a’ mhòr-chuid de goiresan a tha mi a cleachadh airson obair sgoile bhiodh math ma bha fear ann a bha direach airson ruden spòrsail, airson òigridh” [One that is less formal, most of the resources that I use are for school work. It would be good if there was one just for fun stuff for young people] “I would want a YouTube channel aimed at teenagers that cover many topics from current events, lifestyle and video games to school subjects” 27 The Value of Gaelic All respondents were asked the following questions. How valuable do you think Gaelic culture and heritage is? Almost three quarters (72.2%) rated Gaelic culture and heritage as quite or very valuable. How valuable do you think the Gaelic language is? Over two thirds (69.7%) rated the Gaelic language as quite or very valuable. What else would you like to tell us about our Gaelic content and information? Ninety-one respondents provided a freely typed response. Twenty-one responses were categorised as non-applicable. Respondents mostly provided positive feedback about the content that is being produced. There was some negative feedback including some respondents not understanding the need for Gaelic content. Main Theme Secondary Theme Responses Positive feedback General positive comment regarding content being produced 11 Promotes Scottish culture 9 Would like to see more Gaelic content being produced 9 Content is easy to understand 8 28 Content is informative and of high quality 4 Content is easy to access 3 Specific praise for TikTok content 1 Negative feedback Does not understand the need or relevance for Gaelic content 10 Finds content a little boring 4 Other Content needs to be better promoted 4 Feels Gaelic in general is not accessible 3 Does not use, or know anyone who uses, Gaelic 1 Unfamiliar with Young Scot Gaelic content 1 Would like Gaelic content to be easier to find 1 Would like to see Gaelic classes and events 1 “Tha e math faicainn goireasan is stuth gaidhlig air larach-lin a tha airson a mhor chuid anns a bheurla” [It is good to see resources and Gaelic stuff on the internet because most of it is in English] “I really enjoy it, especially seeing it in bitesize pieces on social media - it's easier to learn and take in because it's entertaining and brief” “I have to admit, I haven't particularly engaged with the Young Scot Gaelic content. I think I would be more interested if it had more of an attention-grabbing purpose - eg talking about Harry Potter in Gaelic” “It doesn't reach a wide and enthusiastic enough audience who are willing to learn. Many people ignorantly shrug their shoulders at it” 29 3. Respondent Demographics How old are you? Over half of the respondents (61.1%) were under the age of 18. The most commonly selected ages were 16 and 17. Age % response Age % response 11 0.2% 19 8.2% 12 4.8% 20 6.8% 13 7.2% 21 5.4% 14 11.4% 22 3.0% 15 9.8% 23 1.8% 16 13.3% 24 2.8% 17 14.6% 25 2.9% 18 8.0% Which Local Authority do you live in? There were responses from individuals who lived in all 32 Local Authorities. Most responses came from individuals who lived in Edinburgh and Glasgow. Local Authority % response Aberdeen City 3.5% Aberdeenshire 3.3% Angus 1.9% Argyll & Bute 0.9% City of Edinburgh 15.1% Clackmannanshire 1.0% Dumfries and Galloway 2.9% Dundee City 2.9% East Ayrshire 2.0% East Dunbartonshire 2.4% East Lothian 3.2% East Renfrewshire 2.3% Falkirk 2.5% 30 Fife 5.5% Glasgow City 12.5% Highland 4.8% Inverclyde 1.3% Midlothian 3.3% Moray 1.0% North Ayrshire 2.3% North Lanarkshire 5.3% Orkney Islands 0.3% Perth and Kinross 3.7% Renfrewshire 2.0% Scottish Borders 1.8% Shetland Islands 0.3% South Ayrshire 1.2% South Lanarkshire 3.2% Stirling 2.2% West Dunbartonshire 1.5% West Lothian 2.8% Western Isles 1.2% Gender Identity Gender Identity % response Female 51.5% Male 38.0% Non-binary 5.0% I’d prefer not to say 4.2% In another way 1.3% What is your ethnicity? Ethnicity %response White/White Scottish/White British 73.9% Asian/Asian Scottish/Asian British 6.1% I prefer not to say 4.1% White Other 2.6% Irish 2.3% 31 Chinese/Chinese Scottish/Chinese British 2.3% African/African Scottish/African British 2.2% Mixed or Multiple Ethnic Groups 1.7% Polish 1.6% Arab/Arab Scottish/Arab British 1.1% Other 0.7% Gypsy/Traveller 0.6% Black/Black Scottish/Black British 0.4% Caribbean/Caribbean Scottish/Caribbean British 0.3% 32 Contact Rowan Morris, Insight and Intelligence Officer 0131 313 2488 John Nicholson, Digital Content Assistant - Gaelic 0131 313 2488