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Young artist creates Junk Art at GO LIVE! at the Green

All this week, Scottish artist Jonny Walker, age 23, is leading young people to create a sustainable sculpture in Glasgow Green, made entirely from recycled materials. The sculpture will form the centrepiece of the Year of Young People 2018 space at GO LIVE! at the Green during the Glasgow 2018 European Championships.

Today, Jonny was visited by Fiona Hyslop MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Culture, Tourism and External Affairs, who gave the project her seal of approval. The MSP also took part in a workshop Jonny hosted for local budding artists, sharing skills for using found materials to make inspiring and sustainable art.

The sculpture will take form over the course of five days, with members of the public able to look-on and watch the young people work. The finished sculpture will take the form of a tree, representing young people’s passion for sustainability, including reducing plastic waste and improving recycling in Scotland. The young people are showing a commitment to sustainability by using materials all donated by Play-Resource Association and Glasgow Wood Recycling.

Jonny Walker, artist and Young Facilitator at Impact Arts said: “Myself and the young people from Impact Arts are really looking forward to getting involved in Go LIVE! at the Green. It promises to be a busy week, and with so much going on, I’m sure people will be really positive and enthusiastic about getting involved and trying new art techniques.

“It’s fantastic to take on such an original artistic project that has sustainability and the environment at its centre. Disposal of clothing waste is a massive problem, with cotton and other such fabrics being difficult to biodegrade. We’re looking forward to putting these materials to an original and creative use, and hopefully getting those taking part to think more about issues of waste and how we can tackle them.”

Fiona Jane Hyslop, Cabinet Secretary for Culture, Tourism and External Affair, said: “The dedicated Year of Young People area at Glasgow Green is an excellent platform to showcase young people’s talents to local and international visitors.

“A Scottish Government ambition for the Year of Young People is to create a fairer perception of young people in our communities. Through the Junk Art Challenge, there is an opportunity for generations to come together and create an important piece of sustainable art which showcases Scotland’s values. I would encourage everyone to visit the area, take part and see young people’s creative ideas come to life.”

Louise Macdonald, Chief Executive of Young Scot, said: “In Scotland, we know our young people are passionate about the environment and creating a sustainable planet. Johnny’s sculpture is beginning to take shape and truly embodies this important theme that is at the heart of the Year of Young People. I’d encourage everyone to stop by the area over the coming days to be inspired by this truly unique work of art.”

The sculpture will be on display at Glasgow Green throughout the Glasgow 2018 European Championships, before visiting key locations in Scotland to promote young people’s ideas and talents across the country, including the Sunday Mail Young Scot Awards in November.