Young Scot Corporate

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#IWill Scotland campaign to continue beyond 2020

To celebrate #PowerOfYouth Day 2020, the Scottish #IWill Advisory Board has reaffirmed its commitment to supporting young people in Scotland to engage in social action.

Scottish #IWill ambassadors have had a busy year, adding to their lengthy list of achievements through a mixture of volunteering, campaigning and environmental activism - we couldn't be prouder to be able to support them going forward.

Tim Frew, CEO of YouthLink Scotland, and Louise Macdonald, CEO of Young Scot, released a joint statement as co-chairs of the Scottish #IWill Advisory Board:

"The Scottish #IWill Advisory Board is passionate about showcasing and celebrating social action by the young people in communities across Scotland. By championing the #PowerOfYouth, the #IWill campaign in Scotland has built on the legacy of Year of Young People 2018, encouraging organisations to continue to grow and develop the opportunities and spaces they make available for young people to take action, influence change and make a difference.

Young people in Scotland are more engaged, democratically and environmentally, than ever before. That’s why we are committed to growing and developing #IWill in Scotland as an inclusive collaborative, to ensure that young people have continued and expanded opportunities, support and infrastructure to allow them to make the positive difference in their communities that they want to. That work is never more needed.

Although Step Up To Serve, the time-limited charity who co-ordinate the campaign at a UK level, will close as always planned in December 2020,  we recognise that there is a continued need for the #IWill campaign in Scotland. Building on the achievements of the campaign so far,  we will continue to be led by the core campaign vision around social action and work with cross-sector partners to further amplify the voice, bolster their ambitions and celebrate the achievements of young Scots through #PowerOfYouth!"